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________年级_____班 姓名__________

一、 快乐连线。(每题4分,共16分)

Hello,I’m Sam. 再见,玲玲。 Hi,Daming. 你好,我是大明。

Goodbye,Lingling. 你好,我是萨姆。Hi,I’m Daming. 你好,大明。


Goodbye — (Hello/ Bye-bye) Hi— (Hello/Bye-bye)

三、 找出下列各单词的汉语意思。(每题4分,共16分)( )1.fine A.很好 B.健康的

( )2.morning A.早晨,上午 B.下午( )3.good A.(身体)很好 B.好的

( )4.thank A.谢谢 B.不用谢

四、为下列句子选择正确的译文。(每题5分,共15分)( )1. How are you?

A.你多大了? B.你好吗?

( )2. Good morning, I’m Lingling.

A.早上好,玲玲。 B. 早上好,我是玲玲。( )3. I’m fine, too.

A.我也很好。 B. 我很好。五、选择填空。(每题4分,共12分)( )1.I___fine.

A.is B.are C.am( )2.Goodbye___you.

A.to B.in C.on

( )3.____are you?

A.how B.How C.What

六、单项选择,把答案序号写在括号内(每题3分,共24分) ( )1*. A:How are you? B:________

A. I’m fine. B. Thank you. C. Hello, Sam.( )2. A: Good morning! B:_______

A. Good afternoon! B. Goodbye! C. Good morning!

( )3. A: Hello, Ms Smart. I’m Lingling. B: .

A. Hello! B. Good morning! C. Goodbye( )4. A: Hello! B:

A .Hello! B. Bye-bye! C. Goodbye!( )5.A: Hello, I’m Lingling. B:_______

A. Hello, Lingling. B. Hello, Amy C. Lingling.

( )6.A: Goodbye! B:______

A. Good morning! B. Good afternoon! C.Bye-bye!

( )7. A: Goodbye, Li Ping. B:_________

A. Good, Li Ping. B. Bye-bye, Xiaoqiang.

C. Hi, Xiaoqiang!

( )8. I Daming.

A. ’am B. am C. I’m


1.①am ②I ③Wang Yong

______________________________.2.①you ②How ③are

______________________________________?3.①too ②fine ③am ④I






monkey 大象 tree 小汽车 tiger 狮子 doll 玩具 cat 猴子 ship 树 elephant 老虎 toy 洋娃娃 lion 猫 car 龙船 三、写出下列单词的反义词:(16分)

fat tall big yes 四、选择填空:(30分)

mother this these white ( )1、What`s ? It`s a tiger. A . this B .these

( )2、What are they ? are lions. A . This B .They

( )3、This tree tall. A .is B .are

( )4、Hello,boys and girls. ,Mr Li. A .Hello B .Ha,ha

( )5、What`s this ? It`s . A .a elephant B .an elephant

( )6、That monkey is . A .a thin B .thin

( )7、What are they ? They are . A .monkey B.monkeys

( )8、What`s this ? It`s a tiger. It`s . A .big B .a big

( )9、What are they ? They are pandas. They`re . A .fats B .fat

( )10、Look the dogs . They`re small . A .to B .at


( )1、向别人介绍“这是玲玲。”用 。

A .She`s Lingling . B .It`s Lingling . C .This is Lingling .

( )2、询问“那是什么?”用 。

A What`s that ? B .What`s this ? C. What are they ?

( )3、回答“What`s this?(这是什么?)”的句子,下列哪个句子能用?

A .It`s big. B .It`s a tiger . C .This is a tiger .

( )4、“指那个胖鸟儿。”下列那个句子正确?

A .Look at the fat bird . B .Piont to the fat bird , C .Look !It`s a fat bird .

( )5、“那棵树是低的。”应该是 。

A .This tree is short . B .That tree is a short . C .That tree is short .


1、is , Lanlan`s , small , bag , .3、elephant , The , fat , is , .4、it , a , lion , Is , ? , ?

2、What`s , colour , favourite , your , ?

5、they , dogs ,They , are , are , What ? , . , ? .



二、monkey→猴子; tiger→老虎; cat→猫; elephant→大象; lion→ 狮子

tree→树; doll→洋娃娃; ship→龙船; toy→玩具; car→小汽车

these→those white→black 四、ABAAB BBABB五、CABBC

三、fat→thin tall→short big→small yes→no mother→father this→that

六、1、Lanlan`s bag is small.

3、The elephant is fat.4、Is it a lion?

2、What`s your favourite colour ?

5、What are they? They are dogs.



