学 号:200905030112
设计题目:基于PLC的变频调速自动扶梯控制系统设计 学生姓名:侯玉贞 专业班级:09电气3班 学 院:电气工程学院 指导教师:周亚罗 讲师
河北理工大学信息学院 摘 要
自动扶梯是一台特种结构型式的链式输送机和两台特殊结构型式的胶带输送机组合的,用于不同层高间运载人员上下的一种连续输送机械。从第一台名义上的自动扶梯诞生以来,自动扶梯的发展迄今为止大约经历了100多年。 自动扶梯作为运送旅客的交通工具,不仅成功地缩小了目标间的距离,而且使超短途(如楼层、月台间等)的大流量人员运输成为可能。自动扶梯的应用已经改变了我们的生活。随着自动扶梯进一步向着高科技、节能、智能化的方向发展,变频器在扶梯领域也被广泛地应用。本文以PLC和变频器为核心的自动扶梯控制系统可根据客户的要求对以往的电梯控制系统进行改造,这不仅避免了旧系统的诸多缺点而且更加节约能源。本控制系统具有先进、可靠、经济等特色。矚慫润厲钐瘗睞枥庑赖。
关键词:扶梯系统; PLC;FRB70A变频器
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Abstract Abstract
Escalator type of chain conveyor is a special structure and special structure belt conveyor of the combination of the two, used to carry people up and down between different height of a continuous conveyor machinery. Since the first escalator was born in name, and so far about the development of the escalator of over 100 years. Escalators to carry passengers as a means of transportation, not only narrow the distance between the target successfully, and make the ultra short (e.g., floors, platform, etc.) between the flow of large transport personnel to make possible. Escalator applications have changed our lives. As the escalator further development in the direction of the high-tech, energy saving, intelligent, inverter has been widely used in the field of escalator. Based on PLC and inverter as the core of the escalator control system according to the customer's request to modify previous elevator control system, which not only avoids the disadvantages of the old system and more energy saving. This control system is advanced, reliable, economic and other characteristic.聞創沟燴鐺險爱氇谴净。
Keywords :escalator system; PLC; FRB70A inverter