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理想国内容概述 - 图文

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Content of The Republic

This is a book involving Plato's ideological system, including ethics, literature and art, education, politics and so on .the full text mainly discusses how to achieve an ideal country.The republic is an important dialogue of Plato, in which Plato, in the words of Socrates, designs a unified regime of truth, goodness and beauty through dialogue with others, in an attempt to realize a just utopia.Plato's ideal country is the earliest utopia in human history.In his ideal country, the ruler must be a philosopher, and he believed that the existing politics were flawed, that the real way out for mankind lay in the philosopher taking over the government, and that only a real philosopher could save the crisis of the city-state at that time. This belief formed the core of Plato's mature political philosophy.The philosopher, he thought, was the noblest and most learned man, and the regime of the sage was the best regime.Therefore, only the establishment of the philosopher as the king of the country is the ideal country. This \philosophical thoughts, but also the synthesis of various disciplines at that time.

Plato divided the country into three classes: the ruling class, which had a strict philosophical education, the warrior class, which defended the country, and the plebe class.He despised the enjoyment of the individual, and infinitely emphasized the city-state as a whole and what he considered \deceived.He gave the ruler great power, and even thought that the ruler could lie to his enemies or to his citizens for the good of the country.\philosopher is knowledge, wisdom, justice and goodness. Only the philosopher can realize the highest idea of the state, that is, to grasp the \\can master and thus be qualified to govern it. That is to say, only philosophers can realize the concept of a country and know how the \way, the so-called rule of philosophers was understood by Plato as a combination of superior wisdom, true knowledge, perfect virtue and absolute supreme power.He believed that only philosophers could save the city and its people, and that philosophers were the inevitable rulers of the republic.

The Republic is written in the form of dialogue and consists of 10 volumes, consisting basically of three parts.Part I: volumes 1 to 5 deal with the specific organizational structure of the republic.Discuss justice, education, morality and ideas.In the first volume, two questions are raised throughout the whole book, that is, what is justice,Whether justice is better than injustice.The second part, volumes 6and 7, deals mainly with the purely philosophical problem of politics as opposed to politics, namely that the ruler must be a philosopher, thus defining the philosopher.

The third part, volumes 8 to 10, is mainly a discussion of the various political systems in existence and their advantages and disadvantages.In order to achieve justice, Plato in the Republic designed a unity of the true, the good and the beautiful regime.The state, he argued, is the enlargement of the individual, and the individual is the diminution of the state.In his view, the human soul has three kinds: reason, will and sexual desire.There are three virtues which go with it: wisdom, courage, and temperance. If these three parts are in harmony, it reflects the fourth moral: justice.The same is true of a country, where the rulers, the guardians and the masses each have their own functions and virtues.If these three classes hold their

respective posts, then the state is harmonious and just, and the society is at its best, that is, the supreme good.Plato also used religious myths to demonstrate the permanence of the hierarchical order. He said that god made different grades out of different things: rulers were made of gold, warriors were made of silver, farmers and craftsmen were made of copper and iron.He strongly opposed the slave democracy of Athens, and his ideal country was a Spartan system of aristocratic dictatorship.

理想国内容概述 - 图文


