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在--------------------英 语


第一节 下面你将听到5段短对话。


____1. What does the boy's father do? ___卷A. A doctor. B. A teacher. C. A police. _号生 _考_--------------------2. Which grade is the new student in? A. Grade 7. B. Grade 8.

C. Grade9. _ _ _3. What does the woman like for breakfast?

_ _ ___A. Noodles. B. Porridge. C. Hamburgers. ____上_ _ _ _ --------------------4. When does the man like to swim? A. In spring.

B. In autumn. C. In summer. ______5. Where are Frank's books? ________A. On the chair

B. On the desk.

C. On the bed.

____名_答第二节 下面你将听到6段对话或独白。

_姓__ _ _ _ ____--------------------每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个与你所听到的对话或独白内容相符的问题的答案。听每段对话或独白前,你都有10秒钟的时间阅读有关小题;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读__题两遍。

_______校学业--------------------听第一段材料,回答第6至8小题。 6.Where has Lily gone? A. To the supermarket. B. To the bookstore. C. To the post office. 7. When will the students start? 毕无--------------------A. At 7:00 a. m. B. At 8:00 a. m. C. At 9:00 a. m. 8. What should Lily wear?

A. Thick sweater.

B. New shirt.

C. Old clothes.

听第二段材料,回答第9至1l小题。 效9. Who does the woman call? ---------------- A. The police.

B. The reporter

C. The driver.

英语试卷 第1页(共26页)

10. What color is the woman's handbag?

A. Purple. B. Green. 11. Where did the woman get off the bus? A. At the Hongshan Square.

B. At the East Gate.

听第三段材料,回答第12至14小题。 12. Who does the girl buy a gift for? A. Her mother. B. Her father. 13. What does the girl decide to buy? A. A wallet.

B. A watch.

14. How much does the girl pay for the gift? A. 10 dollars.

B. 15 dollars.

听第四段材料,回答第15至17小题。 15. When did Mike see a doctor? A. This morning.

B. Last night.

16. What was the matter with Mike? A. He got a headache. B. He got a toothache. 17. What did the doctor ask Mike to do?

A. To rest at home.

B. To stay in hospital.

听第五段材料,回答第18至20小题。 18. How will Liu Mei go to Wuhan this summer? A. By bus. B. By plane. 19. How many times has Liu Mei been to Wuhan? A. Once.

B. Twice.

20. What will Liu Mei visit in Wuhan this summer? A. The universities.

B. The middle schools.

听第六段材料,回答第21至25小题。 21. What did the patients think of Mr. Wang? A. Cool.

B. Kind.

22. Where did they spend the vacation? A. In the village. B. In the town. 23. How did they feel on the first day? A. Tired.

B. Scary.

24. Why did Mr. Wang go to the nearest town? A. To buy the medicine.

B. To repair his car.

25. Who came to Mr. Wang half an hour later?

英语试卷 第2页(共26页)

C. White.

C. At the Xianjiang Hotel.

C. Her brother. C. A hat. C. 20 dollars.

C. Yesterday. C. He got a fever. C. To have an X-ray.

C. By train. C. Three times. C. The primary schools.

C. Strict. C. In the city. C. Relaxed. C. To visit his friend.

A. A policeman. B. An old man. C. A young girl. 二、选择填空


1. —She is leaving to take part in the final poem competition. —I'm proud of her. I wish her a great _________. A. speed

B. method

C. pressure

D. success

2. —It’s _________ today, isn’t it?

—Yes, it is. Let's enjoy the moon while eating the mooncakes tonight. A. the Lantern Festival

B. the Mid-Autumn Day C. the Dragon Boat Festival

D. the Chinese Spring Festival

3. —What does Huawei's newest smartphone look like?

—It's wonderful! You can _________ it in half just like closing a book. A. hand

B. pass

C. fold

D. cut

4. —It's a good way to study English with a group.

—That's true. I find it _________ to improve our pronunciation. A. thankful

B. harmful

C. helpful

D. careful

5. —The sun shines _________.

—We'd better wear our sunglasses to avoid getting sunburned. A. softly

B. hardly

C. fast

D. brightly

6. —Does the old man have to _________ his wife? —Yes. They have no children to depend on. A. look after

B. look for

C. look up

D. look like

7. —How strange! You sit in your room _________ for a long time, Li Ming. —I just want to be quiet for a while. I'm sorry, Dad. I failed the test again. A. in silence

B. in person

C. in public

D. in fact

8. —Your sister _________ your mother very much.

—Many people regard them as sisters when they hang out together. A. cares for

B. takes after

C. helps out

D. believes in

9. —Is this Mike's dictionary?

—No, it's mine. The thick one on the desk is _________. A. his

B. yours

C. hers

D. theirs

10. —Is Dongjin High-speed Railway Station the _________ largest in Hubei Province? —Yes, of course. It's just a little smaller than the largest one in Wuhan. A. first

B. second

C. third

D. fourth

英语试卷 第3页(共26页)

11. —The driver _________ be hurt badly in the accident. —That's true. Let's send him to the hospital as soon as possible. A. need

B. can't

C. must

D. may not

12. —Who runs _________ in your class?

—Tom does. None of us can catch him in the race. A. faster

B. slower

C. fastest

D. slowest

13. —Why won't we play basketball with Class 4 this afternoon? —Because they _________ Longzhong for a study trip. A. have gone to

B. have been to

C. had gone to

D. had been to

14. —I enjoy walking on the clean streets in the morning.

—You know they _________ by the hard-working cleaners every day. A. clean

B. are cleaned

C. are cleaning

D. will clean

15. —Could you please tell me _________ the Nanhu Square?

—Yes, of course. You can either ride a sharing bike or take a bus. A. when can I get to B. why can I get to C. where I can get to

D. how I can get to


For Pineda, it was a long way to succeed.

His story began in El Salvador; where he was born with something wrong with his mouth. He had great 16 in speaking. At age 2, his family's house burned down. Pineda was hurt 17 , and his legs needed to be cut. His mother died when he was 8, and he 18 years on the streets before he was taken in by an orphanage(孤儿院).

Finally, at the orphanage, Pineda began to receive support and encouragement. He taught himself to play the guitar. He began his 19 with other musicians. Then the group went to Chicago, where Pineda, then 18, 20 the attention of many people, who wondered what they could do to help him.

A hospital offered him free medical care. A rich man agreed to 21 for Pineda's tickets to and from El Salvador.

When he was in the hospital, Pineda began 22 music, and wondered if he might be able to record his own album(音乐专辑). Soon with the help of a musician, \The Sound of Gratitude(感激)\th, Pineda went to a Chicago club to 23 his new songs to strangers, and to the friends who had helped him come so far.

It was 24 that Pineda had come into such a good luck, after having so many years of hardship(艰难). \have a 25 in El Salvador, 'Suffer(受难) first, then enjoy.' I guess that's what's happening.\

英语试卷 第4页(共26页)

-------------16. A. preparation B. difficulty C. development D. conversation 17. A. politely

B. wisely C. simply D. seriously 在18. A. spent

B. used C. cost D. took --------------------19. A. speech

B. education C. performance

D. suggestion 20. A. influenced B. caught C. refused. D. separated 21. A. ask B. look C. pay

D. wait 此22. A. writing B. lending C. selling D. praising __--------------------23. A. learn

B. lead C. find D. play ___24. A. freezing B. amazing C. outgoing D. embarrassing ____25. A. meeting

B. crossing

C. saying

D. meaning


___卷第一节 阅读下面三篇材料

_号生考 --------------------根据材料内容从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。


___Four students are talking about May Day Holiday.

_____上Li Yufang: I went to Xiangyang with my cousin. We visited the ancient city of ____ ___________--------------------Xiangyang. We ate the most famous Xiangyang Beef Noodles. Xiangyang is a beautiful city _with the history of more than 2,800 years. I like it very much. We stayed there for two days.

___Zhang Xin: My parents took me to Beijing by plane. We visited the Great Wall, the ___Bird's Nest and the Palace Museum. We had planned to visit the Beijing Expo, but the tickets

___名答__姓__ _ _ _ ____--------------------were too difficult to buy. My parents said they would take me there this summer.

Liu Liang: My uncle and aunt work in Shanghai. I took a train to visit them with my sister. They took us to Shanghai Disneyland. It opened on June 16th, 2016, It is the sixth Disney Theme (主题) park in the world. It is different from the others.

__题Wang Lan: My father drove me to Hainan Province, It's in the south part of our country. _______校学业--------------------The weather there is pretty good. We stayed in Haikou for a short rest and then we drove on to Sanya. There, we found many beautiful beaches.

26. Li Yufang visited Xiangyang with her _________ on May Day Holiday. 毕无A. father

B. uncle C. cousin

D. sister --------------------27. Liu Liang's uncle and aunt work in _________. A. Xiangyang B. Beijing C. Shanghai

D. Haikou

28. Zhang Xin couldn't visit _________ with his parents during the holiday.

A. the Great Wall B. the Palace Museum 效---------------- C. the Bird's Nest

D. the Beijing Expo

29. Wang Lan went to Sanya _________.

英语试卷 第5页(共26页)

A. by car B. by ship C. by train D. by plane

30. Choose the TRUE sentence of the following according to the passage. A. Li Yufang stayed in Xiangyang for three days. B. Wang Lan's father drove her to Sanya without rest. C. Liu Liang and her sister went to visit their parents by train. D. Zhang Xin will go to Beijing again with his parents this summer.


As the taxi leaves, my father stands at the living room window looking out, watching me move off into the darkness, at 4:30 a. m. His grey hair is untidy from sleeping. Moments ago, he got up to carry my bag for me and went into the cold open air.

He thanked me for a daughter's cooking and for having traveled so far to spend the holiday with him. I told him that I worried about he would feel lonely again in the empty house.


When I arrived 10 days ago, I felt it was quiet and lifeless in the house. Then my brothers and I came and filled the rooms. But, now, they're gone, I am the last to leave.

As the taxi began to move, I watched the lights go off, but my father didn't leave. Even though he couldn't see me in the dark, he stood by the window watching, beside the tree. It was a fresh tree. He buys one every year for the new year.

The life is hard for my father: my mother died years ago, and now his children are far from home, our selfish choices taking us from one end of the country to the other, the life of the tree, cut for Christmas, is short; my father's is long and strong. But both of them are tall and straight.

I leave behind two trees: one with silver-grey hair, the other still freshly green. 31. The father walked out the door without _________ in the morning. A. making his hair tidy B. seeing his daughter C. carrying the bag

D. saying a word 32. The writer worried about her father because _________. A. he never felt lonely

B. he’d live alone again

C. he had nothing in the house

D. he is too old to look after himself 33. From the fifth paragraph we know the writer _________. A. didn't leave until her brothers left

B. decided to stay with her father C. was one of the father's two children D. left her father before her brothers 34. The underlined word \

A. 随意的

B. 错误的

C. 自私的

D. 慎重的

英语试卷 第6页(共26页)



