conceive:设想 perceive:察觉 receive:接受
老俞说明天是妈妈的受难日,(这是他设想conceive 的一个阴谋),聪明的新东方老师察觉perceive 出来了,第二天都送给老俞礼物,老俞很欣然的接受receive 了,阴谋得逞了。
1.tantalus:致命的诱惑,生存本能的诱惑 tantalize:逗弄
Tantalus was the rich and mighty king of Lydia.Son of Zeus by a fairy maiden,he was greatly favored by the gods.He was invited to share wine and food with them at their banquets,and he was let into their secrets .But ever the latter end of joy is woe .Either because he had stolen wine or gave away the secrets of Zeus,or because he had become so proud as to test the gods by serving up the flesh of his son Pelops to them,he incurred the wrath of Zeus and was hurled down to the everlasting darkness of tartarus .There he was made to stand up to his chin in a little lake,with clusters of luscious fruits hanging over and around his head.He strove eternally to drink the ever-evading water and to clutch at the delicious fruits which were ever tossed out of his reach by blasts of
wind.Thus he was doomed to endure endless burning thirst and bitter hunger in the world of the shades.The whole occurrence has given rise to the
expression“tantalizing”,meaning something in plain view but unattainable .
2.echo:回声 ;narcissus:水仙
Narcissus was a handsome youth.His lovely face and graceful form were the admiration of all who looked upon him.And he knew it.He was proud that he thought no one but himself was worthy to see his youthful beauty.Thus given up tosweet thoughts of self,narcissus avoided all company.Heroamed the wooded little valleys every day,madly in love withhimself.
When he was delightfully wandering through the woods oneday,a wood fairy maiden,echo by name,caught sight of him.She was excited at once.joyfully coming down towards narcissus,she stretched out her loving arms.To her dismay,however,the young man roughly brushed her aside and went by without so much as a glance at her.The poor fairy maiden''s face turned red and
quickly withdrew to a shady spot ,following the object of her love with her longing eyes.
Presently narcissus stopped to drink from a little stream.Kneeling down on the bank,he saw a lovely face in the clear water.his heart gave a beat.He smiled and was smiled back to.Thinking that it must be a maiden in love with him,he bent down to kiss her.And her lips also drew near his.But as soon a she touched the clear surface the lovely face disappeared.The angry youth was now desperate.Never had he been looked downupon like that before.Day and night,he stayed at the stream without drinking and eating.Before long he died,never suspecting that his maiden was just his own image in the stream.the gods took pity on the fair dead body and turned it into a flower bearing his name.
The intoxicated echo saw all this.Slowly she became weak for despised love,until at last nothing remained of her except her voice. 回声和那西塞斯
一天,那西塞斯在树林中愉快地游荡。一位名叫回声的仙女一看见他就兴奋起来;她伸出爱的双臂,高兴地走向那西塞斯。然而,令她惊愕的是,这位青年粗暴地将她推开,连看都不看她一眼就走开了。这位可怜的仙女羞红了脸,迅速退到遮阴处,含情脉脉地凝望着心上人。 不久,那西塞斯来到一条小溪边饮水。当他跪在岸边时,他发现清澈的溪水中有一张非常可爱的面庞。他非常激动,并对着水中的人微笑,水中人也给了他一个微笑。他认为,一定是一位仙女爱上了他。于是,他就蹲下去吻她,她的嘴唇也向他靠拢。但是,当他的嘴唇一接触清澈的溪水,水中那张可爱的脸就消失了。这位恼怒的青年人此时变得绝望了,他从未被人如此鄙视过。他日夜呆在溪边,不吃不喝,不久就死了。他从未怀疑过水中的女子只是自己的影子罢了。众神非常怜悯他那优美的躯体,把他变成了一朵同名的花。
ponderous [发音] “胖得要死”[词义]笨重的 boff [发音]“暴富”[词义]狂喜 quaff [发音] “夸父”[词义]痛饮 sting [发音]“死叮” [词义]蜇,咬
scowl [发音]“思考” [词义]皱眉头
exhaust [发音]“一个早死的他” [词义]耗尽,弄空 robust [发音]“乐百氏” [词义]强壮的(头脑简单的那种,大家不要喝乐百氏了啊caste [发音]“卡死他” [词义]等级制度 frugal [发音]“腐乳就够了” [词义]节俭的
tremble [发音]“船舶” [词义]颤抖(想想船在水里是不是“颤抖”?) sentimental: )
[发音]“三屉馒头” [词义]伤感的,多愁善感的(吃了三屉馒头了,该减肥了,愁啊)
ambiguous [发音]“安必归” [词义]模棱两可的(安必归是一种治疗精神病的良药,不清楚的可以去药店问问
absurd [发音]“爱不死的” [词义]荒谬的(想想那些经典爱情故事,有幸存的吗) illusion [发音]“一路近” [词义]幻觉(美女向你走过来,不是幻觉是什么) illuming [发音]“一路明” [词义]点亮,照亮 feeble [发音]“非常薄” [词义]脆弱的,易受伤害的 balk [发音]“罢课” [词义]拒绝,阻止
negative [发音]“你个踢我”[词义]否定的,负态度(你踢我,我当然就对你持否定态度了) shatter [发音]“沙特” [词义]粉碎,打碎(想想他们在世界杯上被打成8:0的表现吧) adequate [发音]“俺得夸他”(做的好)[词义]足够的
terse [发音]“特死”[词义]简洁的(特务死去的简洁的说法) patience [发音]“陪生死” [词义]耐心,耐性 vanish [发音]“哇,你消失了” [词义]消失 obtuse 8
[发音]“我被兔子弄死了” [词义]迟钝的,木讷的 retinue [发音]“阿姨(帮你)踢牛” [词义]随从 offend [发音]“偶犯他” [词义]冒犯 obstinate [发音] “偶不听你的”[词义]固执的 commence [发音]“开门死”[词义]开始,着手 umbrella [发音]“俺不要了” [词义]雨伞
conventional [发音]“肯文身” [词义]传统的(某个部落的传统是文身) spouse [发音]“死抱死”--死都抱在一起[词义]夫妇、配偶
na?ve 天真的
[联想]nai想成“奶”,喝奶的小孩很天真 chaos 混乱、动荡、不安 [联想]想成汉语拼音的“吵死” quaint 古怪的
[联想]想成汉语拼音的“guai” acquaint 熟悉
[联想]ac-前缀:一再。“一再的就见怪不怪了” loom v.若隐若现
[联想]“l”表示高高的个子,“oo”表示大大的眼睛,“m”漂亮的mm,这样的人不常见吧,所以是若隐若现 bloom v.开花
[联想]不是若隐若现,就是遍地开花 charisma 领袖气质
[联想]cha:china,ris:rise,“ma”:毛——中国升起了毛泽东 orison 祈祷
[联想]o:太阳,ris:rise。(古时候有个部落每当太阳升起时就要祈祷) oriental 东方的
[联想]o:太阳,ri:rise,ent:enter,“太阳从东方升起进入天空” potential 潜力,潜能
[联想]pot:罐子,ent:enter,(想想阿拉丁神灯,进入罐子是不是有潜力) permanent 永久的
vigorous 精力充沛的
[词义](女性)娇弱的、纤细的,(皮肤)细腻的,敏感的,哀婉的,(五官)精致的,精细的(由指眼科手术),(化装、颜色、味道)淡淡的 ivy 常春藤
[联想]iv-罗马字母4,y-树。“四季都有树” boor 不解风情的人,土人
[联想]boo-600,r-花。“600朵花” boost 促进,提高
[联想] boo-600。“再建600条街道,提高市容” loop 圆环
[联想]loo-100,p-趴。“100个人趴在地上围成一个圆形” loot 抢劫,抢夺
[联想]loo-100,t-钩子。“100个钩子抢劫” loon 笨人,蠢人
[联想]loo-100,n-牛。“像100头牛一样笨” lout 笨人,蠢人
[联想]l-棍子,out-出去。“笨人拿着棍子出去” loose 松松垮垮的
[联想]loo-100,se-蛇。“100条蛇围成的链子” lorn 荒凉的
[联想]lo-10,r-树,n-门。“门前只有10棵树” arithemetic 数学,算术
[联想]a-一只,rat-老鼠,i-in,t-Tom,he-home,m-may,e-eat,ic-icecream “一只小老鼠住在Tom的家里可能吃了Tom的冰激凌” aggregate总计,总和
[联想]“一个考gre的人去大门口集合” guilt有罪的
[联想]gu-故,i-意,l-来,t-踢,“故意来踢” treacherous有阴谋的
[联想]r-花/树,teacher-老师,“老师种树”是有阴谋的 initiate开始
[联想]in-在,it-它,ate-吃,i-(词素),“在里面开始吃” 未完待续...
以下是痴王网友想的: vigorous 精力充沛的
[联想]vig:伟哥,“一个人吃了伟哥的人”,肯定精力充沛的 inherit 继承
[联想] in+her+it 在她的肚子里,那将来不就要“继承”吗?