? 1. 语音(5个小题, 共5分)
? 2. 词汇与语法结构(15个小题,共15分) ? 3. 完型填空(15个小题, 共30分) ? 4. 阅读理解(20个小题,共60分) ? 5. 补全对话(5个小题,共15分) ? 6. 短文写作(1个小题,共25分) ? 考试时间150分钟,共150分
? 1. 元音字母在重读开闭音节中的读音。
? 元音字母在开音节中一般读字母名称的音:a [ei] e [i:] i [ai] o [?u] u [ju:]
? 元音字母在闭音节中的读音:
? a [?] e [e] i (y) [ i] o [?] u [?]或 [u] ? 2. 重读r音节的读音规则,分别读其规定的的发音。ar [ɑ:] or [?:] er, ir, ur均读作[?:] 。注意例外词的发音(即不符合读音规则发音的词)。如: ? (1).war [w ?: ] ward [w?:d ] warm [w?:m ]
? (2).work [w?:k] world [w?:ld] worker [w?:k?] word [w?:d] ? (3). clerk [klɑ:k] 或[kl? :k]
(4). 在双音节或多音节词中,辅音字母r双拼时,左边的重读音节按闭音节读音:marry [m?ri] current [k?r?nt ] hurry [h?ri ]
3. 一些元音字母组合及元音字母和辅音字母组合的读音: (1)ere 读[i?][i?]或 [??] ,例外词:were读 作[w ?: ]
(2) ore读作[?:] (3)ire读作[ai?] (4)ure读作[ju? ] [u?] (5) ee 在重读音节中读作[i:]
(6)ea 在重读音节中读作[i:] 或[e] ,例外词: great , break [ei] (7)ear 读作[i?]或 [??] , ear后有辅音时读作[?:] ,eer读作[i? ]
(8)eu, ew读作[ju:] ,注意:在辅音字母l, r, j后面读作[ u:] 如:blew读作[blu:] Jew读作[ dЗ u:]
(9)au, aw 读作[?:] 但laugh例外,读作[lɑ:f] (10) ai,ay读作[ai]
(11)ou读作[au] 或[?] 例外词:soul读作[s?ul] youth读作[ju:θ] group读作[ gru:p]
(12)al 读作[?:]或 [?:l] ,如:salt, also读作[?:l] (13)oi,oy读作[?i]
(14)oo读作[ u]或 [ u:]。oo后面为k时,读作[ u] ,例外词:blood读作[bl?d] flood读作[fl?d]
(15) ar, ir(yr), or, er, ur读作[?] (r音节在非重读音节中)
(16)-tion, -sion, -ssion在非重读音节中读作[∫?n] 或[∫n] 但是:-sion前面是元音字母时,读作[З?n] 或[З u] ; -tion前面是s是,读作[t∫?n]
? 或[t∫n] ,比如单词suggestion,question
(17) –ture在非重读音节中读作[t∫? ],-sure读作[З ? ] (18)-ther在非重读音节中读作[e ?]
(19)the读作[e ]
? 4. 一些辅音字母及辅音字母组合的读音:
? (1) b 读作[b] ,但当b在词尾,前面与字母m时,则b不发音
? (2) c在元音字母a,o, u前读[k] ,但在元音字母e, i(y) 前读[s] ,在以下单词中,字母c读[∫] ,比如:ocean, appreciate, social
? (3) 动词过去时态加词尾-ed, -ed前是清辅音( [t] 除外)时读[t] ;-ed前是浊辅音( [d] 除外)或元音时读[d] ;-ed前是[t]和 [d] 音时读[id]
? (4)g 读作[ g],但在元音字母e, i(y) 前读[dЗ],比如单词age, general, geography ? (5) h读作[h] ,但有时不发音,比如:honest, hour, exhibition, exhibit, honor ? (6)x读作[ks],但当x后面是元音且是重读音节时,读[ gz]比如:example, exact, exactly
? (7) qu读作[kw]
? (8) wh 读作[w],但当wh后是元音字母o时,常读[h] ? (9) th 读作[θ] ,但在冠词、介词、连词中读[e] ,在词尾the读[e] ? (10) ph读作[f] ? (11) sh读作[∫]
? (12) ch, tch读作[t∫] ,但是ch有时读[k]
? (13) ng在词尾读作[?],在词中间读作[?g], nk读作[?k] ? (14) tr 读作[tr] ? (15) dr读作[dr] ? (16) ck读作[k] ? (17) kn 读作[n] ? (18) wr读作[r]
? (19) s 读作[s] :s在词首;s在元音字母及无声字母e之间;s前面或后面是清辅音时。S读作[z] :s在两个元音字母之间。S在元音字母和不发音e之间:在动词或形容词中常读[s] ,例外词:nose读作[n?uz] increase读作[ink?ri:s ] nose读作[r?uz ] ? (一)
? 1. A. route B. youth C. lose D. lonely ? 2. A. usual B. useful C. just D. mistake ? 3. A. exercise B. except C. coffee D. journey ? 4. A. understood B. took C. pollute D. rude
? 5. A. until B. southern C. without D. puzzle ? (二)
? 1. A. either B. Thursday C. furthest D. clothes
? 2. A. else B. rise C. lose D. rose ? 3. A. June B. soon C. classroom D. drew ? 4. A. tiny B. captain C. key D. miracle ? 5. A. modern B. surprise C. traveler D. German
? A. law B. ignore C. walk D. also ? A. interfere B. great C. companion D. bacteria
? A. whole B. while C. whom D. whose ? A. order B. corner C. forty D. visitor
? A. stop B. program C. soul D. below
? A. thousand B. young C. however D. town ? A. message B. fountain C. orange D. classmate
? A. neither B. thought C. thick D. through ? A. carried B. borrowed C. asked D. thread
? A. ask B. half C. aunt D. towards ? (11年试题)
? 1. A. lamb B. bombing C. comb D. ambition ? 2. A. guilt B. build C. guide D. guitar ? 3. A. laugh B. weigh C. tough D. rough ? 4. A. theater B. threat C. thread D. treasure ? 5. A. grand B. gravity C. gratitude D. grateful ? (12年试题)
? 1. A. coach B. float C. broad D. throat ? 2. A. riddle B. ripen C. privilege D. primitive ? 3. A. decision B. comprehension C. extension D. pension ? 4. A. brother B. thrill C. these D. rather ? 5. A. comb B. thumb C. doubt D. tablet
? 专升本试题所涉及的词汇、短语主要限于考试大纲中所规定的3800个基础单词和相应的常用词组,考生要突破词汇关,必须掌握以下几点: ? 1. 要熟记常用词组。
? 常用词组使用频率高,意义灵活多变,表现力丰富。常用词组中考生应特别注意短语动词,它既是考试的重点,也是考生复习的难点。要掌握词汇的搭配,就应该了解词与词之间的搭配关系。比如: ? (1)“介词+名词”短语
? in a word in short in the end in detail in general ? (2) “be+形容词+介词”的固定搭配
? be able to be famous for be nervous about be good at ? (3) “名词/动词+介词”的搭配
? trust in success in (at) limit to….. 的限制(限制) ? 2. 强化记忆英语单词
? (1)利用词根、词缀扩展词汇
? She stayed ___________ to wait for her husband.
? A. not sleeping B. wake up C. asleep D. awake
以a-开头的形容词常常在句中作表语,被称为表语形容词。 2)运用对比法
A. 同义词对比:就是利用单词一义多词的现象,用所学过的所用同义词来解释生词,或者就所学过的单词再举出新的同义词,并且就同义词间的差别进行辨析。如:big-great-large-enormous-huge.
B. 反义词对比:学过新词的过程中,不仅要列举出这一单词的同义词,如果此词有反义词,
happy-miserable wise-foolish solid-liquid male-female
在辨析反义词的同时,也可以把构词法中具有相反意思的构词成分结合起来,如前缀un-, dis-, mis-, in-, im-, ir-等都有反义词的意思。如:
important-unimportant happy-unhappy honest-dishonest
C. 强化单词记忆的最佳方法。试验证明,信息输入大脑的渠道不同,其吸收率也有所不同。在接受知识时,如果只靠口读,经过一段时间后只能记10%;靠耳朵听,可以记20%;如果耳、眼接合,连听带看,即一律保持为30%;如果边看、边听、边说、边写,即一律可达90%。
? 重点应掌握以下几个项目: ? 1. 动词的时态。
? 根据考纲的要求和对历年专升本试题分析,考生应特特别注意与各种时态连用的介词短语和时间状语从句。例如,与现在完成式连用的介词短语就有: ? in the past (last) few weeks (months, years) ? during the past (last) few weeks (months, years) ? over the past (last) few weeks (months, years) ? In recent weeks (months, years, etc.) ? since two days ago since yesterday
? For a long time for a month till (until) now
? 注意: 在现在完成时的肯定句中不用ever, 如:将“我曾经到过欧洲。”译为“I have ever visited Europe”. 是错的,应改为“I have visited Europe before.” 而疑问句“Have you ever visited Europe?” ever 用于否定句,即not+ever, 就变成了never, 表示“不曾,一次也没有”的意思。将来完成时通常与 “by +将来时间”结构连用。 ? 2. 词语用法及语法结构部分的题型是综合性的,涉及词汇、语法的方方面面,要辨清题型的类别,仔细阅读句子内容,根据题后选项的暗示,分清该题属于词语用法还是语法结构,这是非常重要的第一步。
? (1)如果属于词语用法,那么要留心下列各种情况: ? a. 是不是要选择一个同义词;
? b. 是不是要求政正确使用某一动词或其他词的搭配; ? c. 是不是要求选择某个固定词组;
? d. 是不是要求区分词形相同或近似的易混词。 ? 不论词语用法题属于上述那个方面,考生思考的重点都应放在四个选择答案的词的搭配和词的用法及词形上,然后使用“排除法”,从A、 B、C、D四个选项中最不可能的选项开始,逐一排除,从而找出最佳答案。最后还应将选定的选项放在句子里,从词义、用法、整个句子的完整意思等方面出发,看看是否通顺,逻辑概念是否合理,以证实所选项的准确性。
? a. “时态”题,关键是要看清句中的时间状语;如遇主、从复合句,还要留心两个句子中的谓语动词时态的对应关系。
? b. “虚拟语气”题,首先要留心if虚拟条件中三种时间主从谓语的不同表达形式;省略if的倒装词序;without, but for等介词短语以及某些动词、某些句型和虚拟语气的连用等。
? c. “复合句”题,主要是正确分析引导从句的关联词、关系代词以及连接并列句
? d. “非谓语动词”题,关键是掌握它们在句中各自不同的作用,并要熟悉一般、完成、进行时的主动、被动的变化等。在上述前提下,看清句中所缺成分是起什么作用的,应当使用哪种形式。
? e. “强调句型”题,必须记住其固定结构形式,即 “It is (was) +强调部分+that (who) +其他成分。并注意与It is….that…的主语从句相区别。 ? f. “倒装词序 ”题,应注意结构上倒装的条件。 ? 凡属语法题,考虑的重点应是各种语法规则和词形变化形式是否使用正确,然后再从句子的整个意思加以核对,从形式到内容进行综合分析,这样做将会使选择的答案具有科学性。
? 1. We are using up our natural resources too quickly and at the same time we are_____ our environment with dangerous chemicals.
? A. protecting B. saving C. polluting D. fighting
? 2. I will go back to my hometown as soon as I _____ my examinations. ? A. will finish B. finish C. has finish D. would finish
? 3. Many a school in the United States _____ to train men in theology. ? A. was set up B. were set up C. has set up D. have set up ? 4. His handwriting is _______ yours.
? A. more better B. as well as C. much better than D. as better as ? 5. It was recommended that they____ for the doctor.
? A. has waited B. waited C. should wait D. should have waited ? 7. Don?t forget to post the letter for me, ____ you? ? A. do you B. will you C. are you D. can you
? 8. It is a _____ ride from his home to the shopping center.
? A. ninety-miles B. ninety-mile?s C. ninety miles D. ninety-mile ? 9. Hardly____ when they ran toward it.
? A. had the plane landed B. did the plane land ? C. the plane had landed D. the plane landed
? 10. The car crashed into the train, and the driver was killed ____ the spot. ? A. on B. at C. to D. by
? 11. Sally seldom does her homework in the morning, ___.
? A. so does Jerry B. Jerry is too C. neither does Jerry D. Jerry doesn?t too ? 12. Had he worked harder, he _________ the exams. ? A. must have got through B. would have got through ? C. would get through D. could get through
? 13.______ determines a good meal varies from country to country. ? A. What B. That C. It D. Which
? 14.Half a year after the war, schools in the country returned to _____. ? A. normal B. cultivation C. instruction D. education
? 15. ____ we have finished the text, we shall start doing more revision exercises. ? A. For now B. Since that C. Now that D. By now ? 16. Days in winter are shorter than ____ in summer. ? A. these B. those C. this D. that
? 17. Our teacher never _____ us leave class early.



