产品介绍: 产品说明:
木生产线为长丝丙纶无纺布纺粘无纺布设备,其原料以聚丙烯PP为材料.利用化纤纺丝原理.在 聚合物纺丝过程中使连续长丝辅宜成纤网?纤网经机械热压成成品。机组采用目前较为先进的单?板 整体狭缝气流牵伸技术,从投料到出布都实现自动化控制.生产流程短.作业效率高。 所生产的无纺布具有强度岛?柔软性好,无毒,抗菌.耐腐蚀.具有高水平的拉伸强力和伸长率。 并且广泛应用于服装,装饰材料,医疗卫生材料.日常生活用品以及匸业.农业等藝方面领域C另 外生产线可根据生产厂家要求,生产各种不同颜色,不同克重和不同花纹的无纺布。 幅宽有米,米,米,布面有\点纹\
其他说明: 空号规格 晾杆直径 长径比 生产能力 艮大产品幅宽 注品克重范困 纤维纤度 也装机功率 Model Diameter of screw L/D Capability width Weight range Fiber number Total power FM-1600 (D105-(D170mm 30:1 1200T/Y 1600mm 10-200g/m2 2D-4D 280kw FM-2400 (P105-170mm 30:1 2000T/Y 2400mm 10-200g/m2 2D-4D 450kw FM-3200 (P105-170mm 30:1 3000T/Y 3200mm 10-200g/m2 2D-4D 600kw Automatic Non-woven Fabrics Film Blowing Machine Set
This production line is filament
polypropylene fiber spunbonded non?
woven fabric raw material is polypropylene(pp)rtake the principle of spinning manmade fibreszduringpolymer filatures on tinuous filament is extended into fiber,during which is finished by mechanical hot machine assembly we adopt is now advanced veneer integer slot airflow draw technology,the whole process from material feedi ng to cloth output is automatic controlshort production flow,high working non- woven fabric we produce has high strength,good softnessjnnocuity.acterium-prootcorrosion resistance,high?levek draw strength ans elongation are widely used for dress, decoration material,medical sanitation materials.daily life products and in the industrial^agricultural addition, this production line can produce non-woven fabrics of different colocdifferen grams,different lines according to ueses^demand Width:〃川nes on non-woven fabricidot^cross lineszstraigh lines?
Main Technical Variables:
[Model |Diameter of screw DL-1600 0105-0170 30:1 1200 1600 10-200 2D-4D 280 DL-2400 DL-3200 |L/D ^capability |width(mm) [Weight range(g/m2) |Fiber number [Total power 2000 2400 3000 3200 |450 |600 瑞安市建升塑料包装机械厂 地址:中国浙江省瑞安市东山工业区 电话:0086-
传真:0086- 手机:0086- 邮编325200