Unit 1
Focus on becoming more knowledgeable. Focus on gradual, consistent progress. Maintainthe strong will to keep going – even when you are tired and want to slack or the odds seem too large. “Keepyour eyes on the prize!”“Where there’s a will, there’s a way!”With hard work, determination, dedication and preparation, you cantranscendany handicap, accomplish any feat, and achieve success! Deviate vi. 背离,偏离Civic adj. 公民的,市民的Civilian adj. 民用的,公民的Whereby adv. 凭那个,借以Patriotic adj. 爱国的
Scholarly adv. 博学的=knowledgeable Idiot n. 笨蛋,傻瓜
Bypass vt. 避开,越过,绕过Persecution n. 迫害,残害Tragic- tragedy 悲剧
Spur vt./vi. 刺激,激励,鼓舞,使发生Commend vt. 赞扬,表彰,推荐Uphold vt. 拥护,支持
Endeavor n./vi. 努力(做某事)Prestige n. 名望,名声Unit 2
On the brink of collapse, I stopped fighting, just letting myself go. My head hit the jetty. It was like an electric shock that brought me back to my senses. Someone grabbed for me.
I felt strong arms lift me. I ascended not only from the sea onto the secure rocks of the jetty - but also to mu salvation, leaving behind the terrible fear that had gripped me for so long. I turned my head and saw the boy was hugged tightly by his mother. I looked out to the sea. Weary as I was, the water had never looked so beautiful. Notorious adj. 臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的Oust vt. 迫使某人放弃职位,撵走Hop vi. 快速行走,弹跳
Feeble adj. 虚弱的,物理的,站不住脚的,无效的
Recede vi. 减少,削弱,(从高处)后退Pathetic adj. 可怜的,无用的Bleak adj. 没有希望的,沮丧的Tow vt./n. 拖,拉,牵引Appraise vt. 评定,鉴定
Paralyze vt. 使麻木、瘫痪Impromptu adj. 未准备的,即兴的Dismay n. 忧虑,沮丧
Vicious adj.凶险的,恶劣的,会造成伤害的Derail vt./vi. 扰乱,使离开正常进程,出轨Perish vi. 死亡
Forcibly adv. 强有力的,用武力Escort vt. 护卫,护送,陪同游览Brink n. 边缘=margin=edge Ascend v./n. 上升,登高
Unprecedented adj. 前所未有的,空前的Nominate vt. 提名,推荐
n. 公民
Impromptu adj. 即兴的Expend adj. 花费,开支
Robust adj, 坚定地,强硬的,强壮的Slack vi./adj. 偷懒,松懈的,疏忽的Transcend vt. 超越,摆脱
Handicap n. 不利条件,缺陷,残疾Feat n. 技艺,业绩,功绩
Write sb. Off 认为某人失败、不可救药Triumph over 战胜,击败
In (the) pursuit of sb. 在追求某物的过程中Work one’s way to/through/into (通过努力)
Fall down 不足,不够好;倒塌;跌倒;失败;落下
Preclude vt. 阻碍,阻止=inhibit
Weary adj. 精疲力竭的,厌烦的,令人疲倦的
Black out 昏厥,使失去知觉
Blackout n. 管制,(灯光)熄灭,暂时失去意识Unit 3
Plow through sth. 艰难费力地通过Make one’s way to/towards sth. 行进
Let oneself go 放松,放任Sick to one’s stomach 想呕吐的
As a young girl during the Nazi occupation of her native Holland, Audrey Hepburn was aware of the brutality, death and destruction of war. She was hungry and malnourishedher family was bankrupted as a result of the invasion.
(营养不良的), as
Audrey’s father abandoned the family, and
two of her uncles were taken captive and killed. Audrey was grabbed off the street by Nazis and placed in line to be sent to a work camp. When the guards glanced away she darted off, barely escaping, and huddled in a cold, foul basement full of rats. Noteworthy n. 值得注意的,显著Domain n. 领域,范畴,范围
Portray vt. 扮演,描绘成(某种样子)Exemplary adj. 模范的,可做楷模的Captive adj. 被关押的Dart vi. 猛冲,突进Foul adj. 肮脏的Huddle vi. 蜷缩着身体
Anonymous adj. 无名的,不署名的Afflict vt. 使受痛苦,折磨
Rigorous adj. 严厉的,严格的,精确缜密的Compliment vt,/n. 赞美(的话),称赞Jeopardize vt. 危及,损害Conscientious adj. 认真负责的
Paradise n, 乐土,天堂→parallel 平行Embark vt./vi. 装上、让(某人、某物)上(船、
飞机)Unit 4
So, let’s not pretend that travel doesn’t have its drawbacks, or that we endure jet lag for pleasure. We don’t spend 10 hours lost in the Louvre because we like it, and the view from the top of Machu Picchu probably doesn’t make up for the trouble of lost luggage. (More often than not, I need a vacation after my vacation.) We travel because we need to, because distance and difference are the secret cornerstones of creativity. When we get home, home is still there. But something in our mind has been changed, and that changes everything. Console vt. 安慰– consolation Dense adj. 密度大的,茂密的,浓密的Cluster n./vt. 群,组,束,串,聚集
Decidedly adj. 显然,确定无疑的,坚决果断的
Designate vt. 指出,指定,选派,任命,把……叫做
Offset vt./n. 抵消,补偿Aviation n. 航空,飞行(技术)
Irony adj. 像铁一样的,反语,讽刺意义(的
Beneficiary n. 受益者
Wicked adj. 邪恶的,不道德的Ideology n. 思想体系,观念
Integral adj. 必不可少的,不可或缺的Serene adj. 宁静的,平静的
Gracious adj. 有礼貌的,亲切的,和蔼的Perpetual adj. 连续不断的,不停的Signify vt. 象征,代表,意味着
Majesty n. 雄伟壮观,庄严,崇高,陛下Poise n. 镇定,沉着
Take/hold sb. Captive 关押某人Embark on/upon sth. 开始从事,着手Turn sb. Down 拒绝某人Share in sth. 分享,(共同)参与Lead by example 以身作则Live on 继续存在,流传下去
Contemplate vi./vt. 盘算,思忖Saturate vt. 使充满,使湿透Be saturated with 湿透的Finite adj. 有限制的,有限
Literal adj. 刻板的,缺乏想象力的,字面意义的,原原本本的Corgnitive adj. 认知上的Mundane adj. 普通的,世俗的Unit 5
Endow sb. With sth. 赋予某人某物=invest Trivial adj. 琐碎的,不严重的,没意义的Facet n. 某一方面
Insular adj. 思想狭隘的,与世隔绝的,固步自封的
Cornerstone n. 基石,基础,根本Mingle with 混合
Be open to sth. 愿意考虑、接受,听得进去More often than not 往往,多半
Eventually, everyone has to find a job and earn a living. Laborers are slaving away at a job they don’t enjoy for a small monetary reward, waiting all day until they go home and play. But while laborers are counting down the hours, workers are energized and focused, taking optimum pleasure in the task at hand. By choosing a job that is both useful to society and personally fulfilling, workers maintain a simultaneous sense of purpose and enthusiasm that improves their whole lives. So in the end, whatever job you choose, you must contend with this essential question: Will you be a laborer or a worker? Degrade vt. 贬低,羞辱
Adverse adj. 不利的,反对的,反面的An adverse effect 负面效应Conform vi. 遵循,服从Pastime n. 消遣,娱乐
Coincide with sth. 与某事相符、同时发生Designate vt. 定名为,称为,任命,选派Correlate with sth. 使相互关联Esteem n./vt. 尊重,尊敬
Autonomy - autonomous 自主,自治Precision n. 精确(性)Foster vt. 助长,促进,培养Incentive n. 刺激,动力,鼓励
Gauge vt./n. 估计,判断,量规,计量器Commonplace adj. 平凡的,不足为奇的Upcoming adj. 即将到来的
Innovation n. 革新,新观念,新方法Refrain from sth. 克制,抑制,忍住Addictive adj. 使人入迷、上瘾的→添加物,补充物,额外的东西Unit 6
When winter comes, we stop running from the bombs so we can hide from the severe elements. Winter is but another season for those in normal conditions, but for the poor during wartime, winter is a disaster, a pervasive and constant from the snow but we still can
Gossip n. 流言蜚语,传言Array n. 大群,大堆
Diversion n. 消遣,娱乐=pastime 转向,转移
Suffice vi. 足够了,满足需求
Apt adj. 适当的,恰当的→aptly called/named
Monetary adj. 货币的,金融的Optimum adj. 最优的,最适宜的Simultaneous adj. 同时(发生)的Contend vi./vt. 竞争,争夺;声称,断言,
To name only/but a few 略举几例
Sink one’s teeth into sth. 全心全意、精力充沛地着手处理某事Slave away 拼命干,苦干
Count down(time, minutes, hours, days, mouths, years, etc.)倒计时
Contend with sth. 必须处理、应对
’t afford to heat the
furnace; we can’t buy fuel nor risk stealing it. Death is the punishment for rubbery of coal or wood – human life is now worth next to nothing. Meadow=lawn n. 草地Standpoint n. 观点,立场Gigantic adj. 巨大的
Radiate from sth. 从某物发出、辐射出、显示出、流露出
Evacuate vt./vi. 疏散,从……撤出Convict n. 囚犯vt. 宣判某人有罪Tangle n. 混乱(的状态)=numerous
Permeate vt./vi. 弥散,散步,感染,传播,渗透
Casualty n. 受害者,伤亡人员Appalling adj. 令人震惊的,骇人的Blaze n. 烈火,强光,闪耀发出强光
Overturn vt. 打翻,推翻,废除
Pervasion –pervasive adj. 弥散,显而易见的,贯穿始终的
Brood adj. 沉思,忧伤,担心
vi. 熊熊燃烧,v. 使乱成一团
Innumerable adj. 数不清的,无数的
Stray adj. 迷失的,走丢的,无家可归的走丢,迷路,偏离Scrap n. 碎片,小块Edible adj. 适宜食用的
Summon (up) vt. 鼓起勇气,振作精神,召唤某人到庭
Jealous of sth. 唯恐失去某物,妒忌的Residue n. 残余,剩余
Dilute adj. 稀释的,淡化的vt. 稀释,冲淡,削弱,降低
Inflict vt. 使遭受(不愉快的事)Conceive of sth. 设想,构想,想象Stay down 卧倒,蹲伏Press sth. to sth. 使紧靠Line sth. with sth. 铺上,垫上Fly at sth. 扑向,猛烈进攻Next to nothing 几乎没有,很少Weave one’s way around/through/to sth. 迂回穿行
Huddle together 使聚在一起
vt. 抛弃,放弃