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一、 选择题

1. _________Alice often play the piano. No, she __________. A. Do; do B. Does; does C. Does; doesn’t 2. Every one _________ to their teacher in the classroom. A. are listening B. is listening C. listen 3. Danny _______ breakfast five times last week. A. ate B. eat C. eated

4. I’m going to ________ some chopsticks ________ Sunday afternoon.

A. bought; on B. buy; on C. buy; in 5. Are you going to take a piano class? ________ A. No, we not B. No, I am C. Yes, I am 6. Is he _________ TV?Yes, he is. A. watch B. watching C. not 7. The kite _______ a bird.

A. look like B. is looking C. looks like 8. What did you do on your holiday? I ________

A. bought a present B. go skiing C. learn English 9. Sandy often ________ his homework on Sundays . A. do B. does C. did 10. He _______ a race with Ming Ming.

A. to have B.had C. going to have 11. What do you usually do on your holiday?

A. Sing and dance B. Saw elephants C.Took picture 12. It’s 10 o’clock. Ben ________ TV in the bedroom. A. is watching B. watch C. watches 13. Did you eat good food in China? __________. A. Yes, I do B. No, I didn’t C. No, I did 14. I ________ free this afternoon. A. be B. will be C. going to be 15. I can’t find my pen. Let me _______.

A. go and ask her B. go and ask hers C. go and ask she

16. Fangfang is a good student. She _______maths. A. does good at B. well do it C. is good at 17. Are you washing clothes?

A. Yes, you are B. Yes, I am C. No, I am 18. What did he ________ yesterday? He ________ his homework. A. did; did B. do; did C. do; do

19. _________ they taking pictures.? Yes, they are. A. Am B. Be C. Are

20. They will ________ roast ducks in Beijing. A. ate B. eats C. eat



