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2012 年黑龙江省普通高校专升本考试

基础英语 试卷

本试卷共 8 页,满分 100 分,考试时间 120 分钟 1. 应考者必须在答题卡上按要求填图,不能答在试卷上。

2. 请按照试题题号的顺序在答题区域内作答。

(I) Vocabulary and Structure (1point each;20points in all )

Directions: each of the following blank1,or four choices are given. You are required to choose the most appropriate one and put the corresponding letter in the bracket before each sentence.

1. College education provides more ________ for a bright future. A. lessons B. courses C. opportunities D. subjects

2. The little girl got much ______ from her father when she told him about her pains.

A. detail B. energy C. sympathy D. suggestion

3. Her parents ______ her to cook and even paid her to make dinner twice a week .

A. discouraged B. encouraged C. couraged D. promised

4. In some Western countries, a ______ belief is that black cats will bring misfortune to people.

A. superstar B. superpower C. superstitious D. superstition

5. Modern music may have a _____ influence, as well as a positive (积 极的) one on teenagers.

A. good B. poor C. poor D. negative

6. Does _____ want to buy this book? It's only $3.50, but it tells an interesting story.

A. anyone B. anything C. someone D. something

7. It was reported that the earthquake was the most _____ to have struck that area in fifty years.

A. special B. powerful C. favorite D. favorite

8. The Chinese government has set up Dragon Boat Festival (端午节) as a(n) ______ holiday.

A. long B. spring C. official D. universal

9. Under the team leader's _____, we did very well in the match. A. advice B. hunt C. suitability D. guidance10. This is a ______ cat. A. lady

B. woman C. girl D. female

11. He is more _____ for the job than the other candidates because he has more experience in this field.

A. favorable B. suitable C. equal D. qualifying

12. I've learned from my uncle that dogs _______ people by their smell. A. improve B. recognize C. expect D. teach

13. It is unnecessary for those who study hard to consider the _____ of failing the exam.

A. danger B. warning C. surprise D. possibility

14. The sudden lightning (闪电) ______ me so much that I dropped the cup.

A. stopped B. pushed C. scared D. made

15. It's well accepted that we are able to _____ a person by what he or she says.

A. compose B. imply C. judge D. employ

16. These events provided the _____ for her first novel. A. perspiration B. function C. inspiration D. strength

17. We often _____ the happy time we spent at your home last summer. A. recall B. remind C. present D. provide

18. While I was walking alone down the street, three men came up to me and asked me for _____ to the beach.

A. contacts B. contents C. materials D. directions

19. Being poor makes many people sad. But in the case of my father, it influences him _____

A. otherwise B. equally C. suitably D. additionally

20. The small country was destroyed by ten years of _____ fighting. A. impressive B. active C. slim D. bitter (II) Cloze (0.5 point each; 10 points in all)

Man cannot go on __1_ his numbers at the present rate, In the _2_ 30 years man will face a period of crisis. __3_ experts believe that there will be a widespread food_4_. Other experts think this is 5__ pessimistic, and that man can prevent things _6__ worse than they are now. But _7__ that two-thirds of the people in the world are undernourished or starving now. One thing that man can do is to limit _8__ of babies born. The need _9__ this is obvious, but it is _10_ to achieve. People have to _11__ to limit their families. In the countries of the population __12__, many people like big families. The parents think that this __13__ a bigger income for the family and ensures there will be someone in the family who will look __14__ them in old age. Several governments have _15__ birth control policies in recent years. __16__ them are Japan, China, India and Egypt. In some _17___ the results have not been 18__. Japan has been an exception. The Japanese adopted a birth control policy in 1948. People __19__ to limit their families. The birth rate fell from 34.3 per thousand per year to about 17.0 per year _20__.

( )21.A increasing B to increase C and increase D with increasing ( )22.A second B recent C next D late ( )23.A Any B Some C More D All ( )24.A need B want C absence D shortage ( )25.A so B much C too D enough ( )26.A getting B from getting C to get D get

( )27.A remember B remembering C to rememberD remembers ( )28.A an amount B a number C the amount D the number ( )29.A for B in C of D about

( )30.A not easy B no easy C not easily D no ease

( )31.A persuade Bbe persuading C be persuaded D persuading ( )32.A bursting B explosion C raising D extension ( )33.A takes B brings C makes D earns



