6) misconceptions 7) opponents 8) results from 9) come forward 10) donated
2. (P. 242)
1) prospect 2) intention 3) Despite 4) developing 5) publish 6) condemned 7) among 8) standpoint 9) standard 10) rejection II. Translation 1. (P. 243)
1) Medical experts debated whether the cloning of human beings should be permitted and what its potential effects on society might be.
2) Eighty-five percent of the people in the local area in full-time employment; only 3% describe themselves as unemployed.
3) The departments concerned in China will speed up legislation to protect rights of migrant workers.
4) In recent years, some psychologists have tried to explain intelligence from a biological standpoint.
5) The global financial crisis has had a huge impact on that country’s export industry. In no more than six months, many factories have closed down by necessity. 2. (P. 244)
Dolly the sheep resulted from a cloning experiment by a group of Scottish scientists in 1997. A fierce debate on human cloning has ever since been going on. This contentious issue has focused on ethical and social implications of the technology: what the technology might do to the very meaning of human reproduction, child rearing, individuality, et cetera.
The majority of scientists are adamantly opposed to reproductive cloning and support therapeutic cloning for treating diseases. The reason is that therapeutic cloning does not involve any type of risk to human life and actually provides tremendous potential for the relief of suffering in human beings. Scientists believe that with politics and monitoring in place to ensure that therapeutic cloning is used safely, we can all benefit from this procedure.
Text B
Comprehension Check (P. 248) d c b d b c Translation (P. 248)
1. 时至今日,眼看着新一轮要求对克隆人全面禁止而非简单规范的呼声即将再起,我倒想说: “慢一点来。”
2. 就像禁止人工流产和婚外性行为一样,禁止克隆人肯定难以实施。 3. 由于是人工生育而被认为缺乏道德,这样的苦境不是会糟糕得多吗? 4. 因此,如果要禁止克隆人,其理由应比任何已经提出的更为有力才行。 Language Practice 1. (P. 249)
1) c 2) h 3) g 4) e 5) a 6) b 7) d 8) f 2. (P. 249)
1) artificial 2) labeled 3) objections 4) appealed to 5) reinforce 6) by virtue of 7) come to terms with 8) In essence
9) prohibited 10) origin 11) debate 12) arise