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( ) 7. A. Yes, he can’t. B. No, he can’t. C. Sorry, we don’t know. ( ) 8. A. Lie down and rest B. drink a lot of water. C. go to see a dentist ( ) 9. A. Wet B. Cloud C. Fine

( ) 10. A. They are students. B. They are teachers C. They are workers. Ⅲ.短文理解。(10分)

第一节 听短文,选择正确的答案,短文听两遍。 ( ) 11. Where did Jack work?

A. On a farm. B. In an office. C. In a factory.

( )12. How often did he get his money?

A. Every month. B. Every week. C. Every half month.

( )13. What happened this month?

A. Jack got more money. B. Jack got less money. C. Jack got enough money.

( )14. From this passage we know that ________.

A. the manager believe Jack B. Jack wasn’t an honest (诚实的) man C. Jack was an honest man

( )15. Could Jack go on working in this factory?

A. The story didn’t tell us. B. Yes, he could. C. No, he couldn’t. 第二节 听短文,填词,短文听三遍。 Mr. Brown He knows On the floor near the desk Students come for their lessons Saturday and Sunday An 16 teacher 17 languages There are a lot of 18 . For 19 days. These two days are 20 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

二、笔试部分 (共100分)

Ⅳ. 单项选择。请将所选最佳答案的字母代号填在题前括号内(20分) ( ) 21. Listen! I hear someone English in the next room.

A. to read B. read C. reading D. reads

( ) 22. Everyone wants to to the moon for vacation.

A. walk B. run C. swim D. fly ( ) 23. You’d better basketball in the street, it’s dangerous. A. play B. not play C. not to play D. to play ( ) 24. Germs can get into the human body _____ the mouth.

A. from B. in C. through D. past ( ) 25. —Did you give up ___ __

—Yes. I know smoking may ____ cancer.

A. smoking; cause B. smoking; take C. smoke; cause D. smoke; take ( ) 26.Mr. Yang is very angry. He leaves _____ a word.

A. to B. at C. not D. without ( ) 27.Don’t worry _____ your illness. You’ll get _____ soon.

A. about; well B. of; good C. of; well D. about; good ( ) 28.I don't like black. She doesn't like black, .

A. also B. too C. either D. same ( ) 29. _____ enough water every day is good for our health.

A. Drink B. Drinks C. Drinking D. Drunk ( ) 30. —Must we finish our exercises today?

— .

A. Yes, you needn’t. B. No, you needn’t C. No , you need. D. Yes, you can. ( ) 31.To fight SARS, we should ________ animals.

A. care for B. fight against C. play with D. keep away from ( ) 32. —Excuse me, Dr. Liu, may I ask you some questions? —OK,________.

A. come out B. come up C. go out D. go ahead ( ) 33. _______ is my duty to save patients.

A. He B. It C. That D. This ( ) 34 .My teacher often says to us, “You ______ play with fire. It’s very dangerous.” A. mustn’t B. may not C. hadn’t better D. needn’t ( ) 35. _______ in the sun is _______ for your eyes.

A. Read; bad B. Reading; bad C. Read ;good D. Reading; good ( ) 36. —Must we drink lots of juice every day? —No, you ___ ____. A. don’t need B. don’t have to C. need D. mustn’t ( ) 37.We should take care of ______, and keep healthy.

A. yourself B. myself C. ourselves D. yourselves ( ) 38. —I broke the window.

—You ____ play football near the window.

A. must B. had better C. shouldn’t D. should ( ) 39.—May I speak to Mr. Liu?

—Sorry, he is busy now. What’s up? —_________.

A. May I leave a message? B. Hold on, please!

C. May I take a message for him? D. That’s all, bye! ( ) 40.LeiFeng _____ everybody but ______ when he was living. A. cares for ; himself B. cared for; himself

C. thought of; others D. took care; himself V.完形填空 请将所选最佳答案的字母代号填在题前括号内。(15分 )

SARS (非典) has brought us much trouble. However, everything has 41 sides. One side of SARS is 42 clear. It is serious and over 300 people in China have died of it. But the other side is more important.

SARS makes people realize (认识) that life is valuable (有价值的). Once in April, Wang Xinying, a student in Taiyuan, travelled on the same bus with a sick man who might have SARS, 43 he had to stay at home for 44 two weeks. \he said.

SARS teaches people to be thankful. Many doctors and nurses 45 all their time with people who have SARS, and 46 of them have lost their lives. Another student says he wants to be a 47 when he grows up. \ 48 , doctors and nurses are trying their best to 49 people' s lives. We must 50 them, \

SARS also 51 people to understand the trouble of others. The past few months have been 52 for Chinese people. But there are some other worse things than SARS in the world, such as war and so on. Think of how the 53 felt on Sep . 11, 2001.

Besides, SARS makes people in different countries join together 54 this special war until they 55 in the end.

( )4l. A. four B. three C. five D. two ( )42. A. ever B. still C. already D. always ( )43. A. so B. since C. or D. as ( )44. A. at first B. at once C. at last D. at least ( )45.A. spend B. cost C. waste D. forget ( )46. A. none B. all C. some D. few ( )47. A. driver B. teacher C. doctor D. waiter ( )48. A. safe B. dangerous C. favorite D. famous ( )49. A. pull B. leave C. save D. love ( )50. A. learn from B. listen to C. look after D. agree with ( )51. A. wishes B. teaches C. asks D. wants ( )52. A. popular B. healthy C. happy D. terrible ( )53. A. French B. Japanese C. Americans D. Russians ( )54. A. with B. in C. after D. before ( )55. A. win B. fail C. hurt D. lose Ⅵ 阅读理解 读A、B 两篇短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 ( A ) 根据表格内容选择最佳答案。 Flight No CA 907 Departure 0745 Arrival 1210 From To Stop Beijing Moscow Chengdu CA 981 CA 158 CA149 CA 923 CA 167 CA 147 CA 949 CA 173 CA 937 0115 1020 1135 1235 1315 1555 1725 1920 2125 1835 2310 2210 1710 0240 1015 0735 0150 0810 Beijing New York Shanghai Chengdu Hong Kong Beijing London Beijing Sydney Beijing Moscow / Beijing Paris Beijing Sydney Beijing Paris Moscow Guangzhou Shanghai Beijing Moscow Urumqi Beijing London Hong Kong ( )56. You'll go to Sydney and only take _____when you reach Beijing Airport at eleven


A.CA923 B.CA149 C.CA167 D.CA147

( )57. If you want to fly to Paris and spend fourteen hours and ten minutes, you have to stop

in __ __ on the way.

A.Hong Kong B.Shanghai C.Moscow D.Chengdu ( )58. It will take you to reach London if you stop in Hong Kong. A.eleven hours and twenty-five B.twelve hours and fifty C.ten hours and thirty-five D.ten hours and forty-five

( )59.You'd better take plane if you want to spend the least time to get to Moscow. A.CA 173 B.CA 923 C.CA 907 D.CA 167

( )60. There for you to choose in Beijing if you want to go to New York. A.is only one plane B.are two planes

C.are three planes D.aren't any planes


根据海报内容,判断下列句子的正 (R) 与误 (W)。

( ) 61. From the ad we know that the Same Song is a famous song. ( ) 62. Both Sun Nan and Tenger are famous singers. ( ) 63. The concert will be had on Xidu Square of Enshi.

( ) 64. The concert will start at half past two on the afternoon of Nov. 9. ( ) 65. If you and your parents go to the concert, it’ll cost you 50 yuan. Ⅶ. 情景交际。(10分)

(A) 从题右A-E五个选项中,选出能与下列句子正确匹配的答语。 ( ) 66.Would you like to have something to eat? A. No, not even once. ( ) 67. Have you been abroad? B. Thank you. Very delicious. ( ) 68. What's your trouble, young man? C. Of course not. Here you are. ( ) 69. Would you mind lending me your dictionary? D. No, thanks. I’m not hungry. ( ) 70. Help yourself to some chicken. E. I’ve got a headache. (B) 根据对话内容,从下列选项中选择适当的句子完成对话。 Mike: Which do you prefer, art or music?

Kate: I prefer music to art. I think music is more interesting than art.

Mike: Really? (71)_____ Art is more interesting than music. (72)_____ I prefer art to music. Kate: No. Music is much more popular. (73)_____

Mike: But I have to say you don’t sing well. I’m afraid nobody likes to listen to you when you sing.

Kate: But you draw badly. (74)_____

Mum: Oh, children, stop talking like that, please. (75)_____ They both make our life more interesting.

A. They are both important. B. You can see nice art everywhere. C. It can be heard every day. D. I can’t agree with you. E. No one enjoys your pictures. Ⅷ. 词汇运用。(20分)

A. 根据句义及首字母提示完成单词。



