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Shall I take you to the hospital?

Why not / Why don’t you have a good rest? (3)谈论健康生活习惯 Water is good for your health.

Walking is good exercise and it is necessary for good health. —Is going to bed early good or bad for your health? —It’s good. You may get a headache when you work too hard. (4) 打电话的交际用语

Hello! Extension…, please. Just for a moment, please.

—Hello! Who is speaking? —This is … speaking. Can I give a message? Sure, go ahead. Could I speak to…? I’ll ring him up later. 【疑难解析】

例 1. —Must we clean our classroom before 5o’clock? —No, you , if you have something else to do. A. can’t B. mustn’t C. don’t have to D. couldn’t 答案为C。回答以must 引导的一般疑问句,肯定回答要用Yes, you need/have to.否定回答用No, you needn’t/don’t have to.由答句中的No确定此题是否定回答,后一句也表示否定的意思。 例2. I taught English on the Internet. A. my B. myself C. yourself D. me 答案为B。此题是对反身代词的考察。反身代词可以在句中做宾语,表语,同位语,反身代词也有单、复数之分。反身代词用做宾语时,常用于下列搭配中:teach oneself ,help oneself to…, enjoy oneself, all by oneself等。 例3.Staying up late bad for your health.

A. am B. is C. are D. be


例4.We have to be afraid of catching the flu.

A. not B. don’t C. no D. are 答案为B. have to不得不,必须。其否定形式don’t have to 不必。 例5. is my duty to save the patients.

A. That B. This C. One D. It

答案为D。It’s … to do …做某事是……在此句式中,to do …是真正的主语,而it 是形式主语,类似的句式有:It’s important to study English. 例6.I’ll tell her when she back.

A. will come B. comes C. came D. come

答案为B。本句是由when引导的时间状语从句。主句的动词用一般将来时,从句一般用现在时表将来。 例7.There is in today’s newspaper.

A. important nothing B. anything important C. nothing important D. important anything 答案为C。something ,nothing, anything 等不定代词若被形容词修饰时,形容词应放在不定代词的后面做后置定语。故排除A和D。又因为题干为陈述句,又排除B,故正确答案为C。

Topic 1

You should go to see a doctor.

【 夯实基础 】

I. 听力测试。

1. 听下面对话,选择正确答案,每小题听两遍。

( )1. A. Tea. B. Nothing. C. Some lemonade. ( )2. A. Boring. B. Interesting. C. Too long. ( )3. A. At the airport . B. In the hotel . C. In a store.

( )4. A. Going shopping . B. Eating another cake. C. Taking the litter out. ( )5. A. She wants him to stay longer. B. She wants him to leave soon. C. She wants to go with him

2.根据你所听到的内容,完成下列表格,短文听三遍。 Name: Bill Home country: 6 Favorite sport: play 7 After school: do some 8 Favorite food: like eating 9 See dentist: 10 a month 6 7 8 9 10 II.单项选择。(从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。) ( ) 1. I hope my mother will soon.

A. get good B. be health C. be good D. be well

( ) 2.-Would you mind us in the game? -Not at all.

A. joining in B. join C. join in D. joining ( ) 3.-I’m sorry for I said. -It doesn’t matter.

A. where B. what C. which D. how ( ) 4. If you want ____ thinner, you must eat ____ food.

A. to be; less B. be; little C. be; less D. to be; more ( ) 5.-I’m sorry ,I’m late.

-It doesn’t matter this time, but as a student, you ____ be late often. A. aren’t B. shouldn’t C. needn’t D. don’t ( ) 6. -Is watching TV too much good or bad for your eyes? -____ .

A. It’s good. B. Yes, it’s good C. No, it’s good. D. It’s bad. ( ) 7. -I have a fever. -You should . A. drink lots of water. B. lie down and rest. C. see a dentist. D. both A and B. ( ) 8. Well, if you take this medicine __ __, you’ll be better soon.

A. three time every day C. third time a day

B. three times a day D. third time one day

( ) 9. Throwing litter about is a bad habit. You had better ____ ___ . A. to give up it B. to give it up C. giving up it D. give it up ( ) 10. You look pale. __ __ have a good rest?

A. Why you don’t

B. Why are you C. Why not

D. Why don’t

III. 从下列方框中选出恰当的答语。 A: Good morning. What’s the matter? B: 1 A: Do you have a headache? B: Yes, I do.

A: Open your mouth and say “Ah” . B: Ah. A: 2

B: No, I felt terrible last night. A: Oh, I see. You had a bad cold. B: Do I have to stay in bed? A: Yes. 3 B: Is it serious?

A: No. 4 But you really need a good rest and take this medicine. B: 5

A: Three times a day. B: OK. Thank you. A. Did you sleep well? B. How often need I take the medicine? C. I don’t feel very well. D. It’s nothing serious. E. Why not go to bed? F. You’d better stay at home for two or three days. G. What’s wrong?


Ⅳ. 完形填空 从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中选出正确答案。

David lived 1 his father in a very big house and when his father died, the house became too big 2 him, 3 he bought a smaller one in the next street. There was a very nice old clock in 4 first house and when the men came to take his things to the new house for him. David thought, “I’m going to let them carry my beautiful old clock in their truck . Maybe they’ll 5 it and then it will be very expensive to repair. ”So he 6 and began to carry it down the road in his arms. It was heavy so he stopped two or three 7 to have a rest. Then suddenly(突然地)a small girl came along the road. She stopped and 8 David for a few 9 . Then she said to David, “You are a foolish(愚蠢的) 10 , aren’t you ? Why don’t you buy a watch like everybody else ?” ( )1. A. in ( )2. A. to ( )3. A. so

B. and C. with D. to B. with B. or

C. of C. but

D. for D. and D. him

D. breaking D. time

( )4. A. his B. her C. its

( )5. A. broke B. broken C. break ( )7. A. timing

B. times C. timed

( )6. A. picking it up B. picking them up C. picked it up D. picks it up ( )8. A. look for B. looked at C. look after D. looks at ( )9. A. seconds B. hours C. minute D. minute ( )10. A. woman B. boy Ⅴ.阅读理解。

(A) 阅读短文,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。

Peter, with his father, goes to see his grandfather. In the train Peter often puts his head out of the window. His father says, “Peter! Don’t put your head out of the window!” But Peter goes on putting his head out of the window.

Now his father takes Jim’s cap quietly, hides(藏) it behind his back and says, “You see your cap is gone(不见了).” Peter is afraid.

C. man

D. girl

His father says, “Well, whistle(吹口哨) once. Perhaps your cap will come back.” Peter “Oh! It is wonderful!” Peter laughs. He quickly takes his father’s cap and throws it out of the

whistles. His father quickly puts the cap on Peter’s head. window. “Now it is your turn to whistle, Dad!” he says happily. ( ) 1. Peter and his father go to see his grandfather in the train ( ) 2. Peter’s father tells him to put his head out of the window. ( ) 3. Peter’s father takes Peter’s cap and hides it behind his back. ( ) 4. Peter doesn’t want to have his cap back.

( ) 5. Peter takes his father’s cap and throws it out of the window. (B) 根据短文内容选择正确答案。

Mr. Evans works in Sydney. Last week he had a two-week holiday, but he didn’t know where to go. He said to his friend Robert, “I hate the hot weather here, but I can’t find a cool place in Australia. Where shall I take my holiday?”

“That’s easy,” said Robert, “You can go to Moscow. Snow and ice are covering the ground there now.”

Mr. Evans agreed with his friend. He bought a plane ticket and soon got to Moscow. He had a happy time there. But one day he got into trouble. After lunch he went to a park outside the city. He saw a dog following him while he was walking past a house. It was hungry and wished him to give it some food to eat, But he had nothing to eat in his pockets. He tried to send it away, but it began to bark at him. Just at that moment, he saw a stone on the ground. He tried to pick it up, but he couldn’t.

“How strange these Russians are!” Mr. Evans said to himself, “They do not tie their dogs, but why do they tie the stones to the ground!” ( )6.Mr. Evans is _____

A. American B. Russian C. Australian D. Chinese ( )7.Mr. Evans didn’t like _____ in Australia.

A. hot weather B. cool weather C. rainy weather D. cold weather ( )8.Mr. Evans went to Moscow ______

A. by train B. by bus C. by air D. on foot ( )9.The word ‘bark’ means ‘______’.

A. 跳 B. 叫 C. 追 D. 咬 ( )10. Mr. Evans couldn’t pick up the stone because ______. A. it was too cold B. it was too heavy C. Russians tied the stone to the ground D. it was no stone at all


Ⅵ. 短文填空。

Are you able to send a letter with pictures and sounds to someone anywhere in the world without putting a stamp on it? W____(1)___ e-mail you can just do that. Using a c____(2)__ you



