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一、语音考点 (一)元音 Vowels 考点1元音的舌位图

我们先来看看英语单元音的舌位图(P70)。图的左方为口腔 的前部,右方为其后部。竖线把舌头分成前中后三个部分;横线 表示牙床的开合程度,图中的 圆点表示元音音素发音时舌头抬得 最高的那一部分在口腔中的位置。


三类:前元音,中元音,后元音( back vowels)。 元音一般从四个方面进行描述:舌位(high, mid, low),舌 头最高部位的位置(front, central, back),长度(long, short) 或 紧张度(tense, lax),唇的开口度(rounded, unrounded)


[i:] high front tense unrounded vowel [?] high front lax unrounded vowel [u:] high back tense rounded vowel [?]即[u] high back lax rounded vowel [3或[?:] central tense unrounded vowel [?] central lax unrounded vowel

从图中可以看到,/i:/与/?/都是 前元音,但是发/i:/时牙床近于全 合;发/?/时,牙床近于全开。 可见,发音时调节口的开张程度 就产生的不同的前元音。

[e] mid-high front lax unrounded vowel [?] low front lax unrounded vowel [A] mid-low back lax unrounded vowel [?:] mid-low back tense rounded vowel [?] low back lax rounded vowel [a :] low back tense unrounded vowel


基本元音 Cardinal Vowels

纯元音 Pure Vowels/单元音 Monophthong Vowels

滑元音 Vowels glides: There is an audible change of quality. If a single movement of the tongue is involved, the glides are called 双元音 Diphthongs

女口: [eI] from mid-low front to high front [aI] [?I]



[I?] [e?]


A double movement produces 三元音 Triphthong 例如:tower 中[a??]

(二)辅音 Consonants

Consonants are sounds produced byon strict ing or obstruct ing the vocal tract at some place to divert, impede or completely shut off the flow of air in the oral cavity.

Vowels 元音: produced without such obstruction so no turbulenee or a total stopp ing of the air can be perceived.

区别:the distinction between vowels and consonants lies in the obstruction of airstream.阻塞气流。

考点 1: Manners of articulation 发音方式

发音过程中,音质有听 觉上的变化,如果舌运 动一次,其滑动导致双 元音,舌运动两次产生 ——* 三兀曰 发音时,声道的某些部位受到 挤压或阻碍 后,使得气流在口 腔里转向、受阻或完全被阻 挡。

stops 爆破音 [p, b, t, d, k, g] nasal鼻音[m, n, ?]

fricative 摩擦音[f, v,

e0s,乙 f ?, h]、

approximant 近似音 [w, r, j ]、 lateral 边音[I]、

affricate 塞擦音 [ts, dz, tr, dr]

考点 2: Places of articulation 发音部位

bilabial 双唇音、labiodental 唇齿、dental 齿间、 alveolar 齿

龈、postalveolar 齿龈后 、retroflex 卷舌 音、palatal 硬腭、

velar软腭、glottal 声门[h].


[p] voiceless bilabial stop [b] voiced bilabial stop [t] voiceless alveolar stop

[d] voiced alveolar stop [k] voiceless velar stop [g] voiced velar stop [m] bilabial n asal [n] alveolar n asal [?] velar n asal

[f] voiceless labiodental fricative [v] voiced labiodental fricative [?] voiceless dental fricative [e] voiced den tal fricative [s] voiceless alveolar fricative [z] voiced alveolar fricative

Which of the following words does not contain a fricative?

A. Five B. change C. show D. three


例题:The phoneme[n— [m] open book V open market V paper V brown hat x 看第二个单词音标是什么

[voiceless postalveolar fricative [?] voiced postalveolar fricative [h] glottal fricative

[t j ]voiceless postalveolar affricate [d?] voiced postalveolar affricate [l ] [r] [w] [j]

alveolar lateral

alveolar approxima nt bilabial approxima nt palatal

approxima nt

(三) Assimilation同化现象: a process by which one sound

takes on some or all characteristics of a n eighbor ing sound. Nasalization 鼻音化、cap can Dentalization 齿音、tent tenth Velarization 软腭 since sink

Voiced frication 有声擦音 f voiceless 无声擦音 /__voiceless 清音 five past/ has to/ have to [h?f tu ]

are all in sta nces Assimilati on. is often used synonym ously with

coarticulation 协同发音 If the sound becomes more like the following sound, as in the case of lamb, it is known as anticipatory coarticulation( 先 期协同发音 ).If the sound shows the in flue nee of the precedi ng soun d, it is perseverative coarticulati on (后滞协同发音) ,as is the case of map.

(四) Suprasegmental Features 超音段特征

the aspects of speech that invo Ive more tha n sin gle sound segme nts. The principal suprasegmental features 特征 are syllable 音节,stress 重音,tone 声调,and intonation 语调


In general situations, notional words 实词 are normally stressed while structural words 虚词 are unstressed.



