sophisticated computer centers and communication systems with radio antennas and microwave dishes dotting the landscape. This is the place where intensive research is being conducted on some of the world’s rarest and most endangered species.
I think we’ve all seen dozens of pictures of the bald eagle, and I’ve seen them in many zoos, but never quite this close up, never with the unhurried opportunity to get us a good look at this majestic bird, this symbol, symbol of the U.S. And it is a beautiful animal. The body layered in brown and dark gray tipped feathers, the rounded ends of the feathers overlapping to give the look of so many coins. Then, on its head, snow white feathers, well, that’s where the name “bald” comes from. From a distance those white head feathers make the eagle appear bald. The golden yellow beak juts out straight for a few centimeters, perhaps 9 or 10 centimeters, and then sharply curves downward to a pointed hook. The bald eagle is a large bird, standing a bit less than a meter tall. It is a raptor, a bird of prey. When European colonists first settled in the new world, they saw bald eagles in great numbers.
First read the following questions.
22. In which year, Whiteman became a student?
A. In 1848.B. In 1841.C. In 1825.D. In 1867. 23. For how long did Whiteman live? A. Eighty years. B. Seventythree years. C. Seventyfour years. D. Ninetytwo years.
Now read Text H quickly and mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.
1819Born May 31 at West Hills, Huntington Township, and Long Island, New York.
1823 Family moved to Brooklyn, New York. 1825~30 Attended public school in Brooklyn.
1830~31 Office boy in lawyer’s office, then doctor’s; then printer’s apprentice.
1832~36 Various jobs: printer’s devil, handyman. 1836~41 Schoolteacher in Long Island.
1841~47 Reporter and editor for various newspapers. Editor (1846) of Brooklyn Daily Eagle. Published (1842) Franklin Evans, or the Inebriate, a tract.
1848 [〗Discharged from the Eagle. Visited New Orleans and traveled on the Mississippi River and the Great Lakes.
1849 Editor of the Brooklyn Freeman, a journal. 1850~54 Parttime journalist. Carpenter and house builder in Brooklyn( with father).
1855 First edition of Leaves Of Grass published in July. It contained twelve poems and a prose preface.
1856 Second edition of Leaves Of Grass, containing twenty additional poems.
1860Third edition of Leaves Of Grass. Traveled to Boston to discuss the preparation of this edition with Emerson.
1862~63 Went to Virginia to attend brother George, who had been wounded in Civil War. Did volunteer work in government hospitals.
1863~73 Lived most of the time in Washington, D.C. Worked for the government. 1864 DrumTaps published.
1867 Fourth edition of Leaves Of Grass.
1871 Fifth edition of Leaves Of Grass. Also published Democratic Vistas (a prose pamphlet).
1873 Suffered mild stroke. Moved to Camden, New Jersey. Mother died. 1876 Sixth edition of Leaves Of Grass.
1879 Traveled to St. Louis to visit his brother Jeff.
1881 Visited Boston to prepare the seventh edition of Leaves Of Grass, published that same year.
1884 Bought house in Camden, where he lived the rest of his life. 1888 November Boughs published. 1889 Pocketsize edition of Leaves Of Grass published for his seventieth birthday.
1891~92 Final (“deathbed”) edition of Leaves Of Grass. 1892 Died March 26. Buried in Harleigh Cemetery, Camden.
First read the following questions.
24. The aim of a detector is ______. A. to make people healthy B. to sell something C. to find things D. to educate people
25. It says that walking is normally ______.
A. too expensive B. too energetic
C. not interesting enough D. not energetic enough
Now read Text I quickly and mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.
〖SQ+2mm]How long is it since you last went out for a walk? Three days? Three weeks? Three years?
Well, who has time for that sort of thing nowadays? Your doctor may tell you to get more fresh air. Your friends may tell you to get more exercise.
Your wife may tell you to find something cheap to do.
You would go out and walk for miles, except for one thing. Walking is boring. Walking is, let’s face it, a drag. But at last modern technology has come to our aid.
Now there is a reason for going out in the countryside. No more wandering about aimlessly likes an idiot. Now the countryside is endless excitement.
What could be more fascinating than looking for buried treasure? Treasure hunting brings the past alive, and turns the countryside into a Permanent source of pleasure.
Buy yourself a Sherlock Metal Detector, and you’ll find yourself out in the open air.
For hours at a time.
Metal detecting is the great new hobby.
2004—2005 学年度 第一 学期
课 程 名 称 泛读 专业 班 级 英语 04级本科 人数 100 命题教师 欧阳钦 时间 2004.12.28
I. Vocabulary. There are 25 English words and the corresponding explanation as follows, please choose the best meaning that fits each word.(25’)
A} information B} seek advice from C} go down D} blow up E} not bright F} mad G}tremble H} taken for granted I} find and obtain J} doubt K} fire L} a device to stop a car M} make a low, threatening sound N} unimportant O} voyage P} reasonable Q} hard working R} trouble themselves with S} something done easily T} likeness U} a failure in operation V}to learn by heart W} accessible X} quantity Y} convenient
1} quiver____ 2}faint____ 3}assumed____ 4} consult____ 5} data____ 6} retrieve____ 7} available____ 8} handy____ 9} amount____ 10} sink____ 11} explode____ 12} memorize____ 13} crazy____ 14} bother____ 15} sensible____ 16} cinch____ 17} suspect_____ 18} diligent____ 19} expedition____ 20} insignificant____ 21} flame____ 22} brake____ 23} resemblance____ 24} break down____ 25} growl____
II. The changing of prefix or suffix on basis. There are 15 words you’ve learned, change each word below to a new word by leaving out or adding some letters, a prefix or suffix as follows. {tri-, uni-, auto-, in-, quadri-, -less, -ance, -ence, -ic, -ical, -able,-ible}
1}aim____ 2} ground____ 3}biography____ 4} cycle____ 5} angle____ 6} utter____ 7} forbear____ 8} zoology____ 9} theater____ 10} economy____ 11} forget____ 12} just____ 13}number____ 14} desire____ 15} change____
III. Word Meanings from Context. There are 10 sentences here. Use the context to help you choose the best meaning for each highlighted word. {2*10=20}
1. Fortunately, the dizzy spell was transient. He was able to continue playing within seconds and had no trouble winning the match.
When you describe an event as ―transient,‖ you are saying that __________. a. it sounds like a train b. it is quite harmful c. it helps you win d. it doesn't last long
2. Brea and Elizabeth are having a dispute over which radio station to play at work. It would be so much simpler if they both liked the same kind of music. A dispute is a __________.
a. musical instrument b. choice of music c. discovery d. disagreement
3. When they heard the good news about the court’s decision, the angry crowd cheered and then began to disperse. ―It looks like everyone is going home,‖ one reporter stated.
Which would be the opposite of ―disperse‖? a. come together b. smile
c. fly like a bird d. sing
4. It’s a wonder to me how anyone can still be undecided about this election. These two candidates are certainly distinct. Each would lead our nation in opposite directions.
What does ―distinct‖ mean? a. needing a bath b. dishonest
c. clearly different d. about the same age
5. Mr. Huge was very proud of his auto superstore. ―We have such an extensive selection of cars,‖ he said, ―so everyone should find a vehicle that he or she will love!‖
The word ―extensive‖ means __________. a. costing a lot of money b. large amount c. having no color d. not enough
6. Friendship is a priceless thing. If Chris put a price, or conditions, on her friendship, it’s no longer priceless. In fact, it’s not real friendship at all! If something is priceless, __________.