一. 命题基准与目的:
该试卷以外研社课程标准为基准,全面考察学生的英语学习水平和应用能力。试题关注学生的英语基础能力,包括单词量、语法掌握程度和语言应用能力,同时也注重对学生情感态度和价值观的引导。 二. 考试范围与应试要求:
该试卷考察初级中学大纲要求知识与能力约占70%,考察高级中学英语教材Module 1的知识与能力约占30%。
应试学生应当能够满足初中英语课程结业相应水平,学习过高中外研社教材Book 1 Module 1 相关内容。 三. 试卷结构: 1. 题型:
完形填空;阅读理解;七选五;语法填空;短文改错;作文 说明:
(1)完形填空共计20小题,每题只有一个正确选项,每题2分; (2)阅读理解共计15小题,每题只有一个正确选项,每题3分; (3)七选五共计5小题,每题只有一个正确选项,每题3分;
(4)语法填空共计10小题,每题不仅一个正确选项,应按语境考虑答案,每题1.5分; (5)短文改错共计10小题,每题只有一个正确选项,每题1分; 2. 知识比例:
初中英语知识点约占70%,高中英语知识点约占30%。 3. 考试形式:
闭卷答题;卷面分值:150分。试卷共计 页。考试时间120分钟。 4. 试卷总体难度:较易,系数:0.75
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英 语
2.本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分) (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The man is very busy at the moment. B. The man will fly to Moscow tomorrow.
C. The man doesn’t want to fly to Moscow tomorrow. 2. Where does the conversation take place? A. In a restaurant.
B. At a station.
C. In a hotel.
3. What’s the weather like? A. It is fine.
B. It is cloudy.
C. It is rainy.
4. When did the woman last see the man’s brother? A. Yesterday.
B. Two days ago.
C. A few days ago.
5. Where does the conversation most likely take place? A. At a department store. B. At a club. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
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C. At a zoo.
拜年拜年拜年拜年拜年听第6段材料,回答第6至第8题。 6. Where is Louisa from? A. She’s from England.
B. She’s from France.
C. She’s from America.
7. Which of the following is TRUE according to the dialogue? A. She has some trouble with spelling. B. She has some trouble with listening. C. She has some trouble with reading. 8. How can Louisa speak English? A. A great deal.
B. Very well.
C. Only a little.
听第7段材料,回答第9至第11题。 9. When will the man have a party? A. On Friday.
B. On Saturday.
C. On Tuesday.
10. Why does the man invite the woman to his party? A. He is going to move into a new house. B. He likes parties very much. C. He has just moved into a new house. 11. Who will be invited to party? A. Paul.
B. Linda.
C. Randwick.
12. How will the weather be this afternoon? A. It is going to rain.
B. It’ll be cloudy.
C. It’ll be sunny.
13. What are they going to do in the afternoon? A. They are going to buy some soft drinks. B. They will go out for a picnic. C. They will make some sandwiches.
14. What will the woman say to Nancy on the phone? A. She is going to ask her to go with them.
B. She will tell her that they need a bottle of wine. C. She will ask her to bring some paper plates and napkins. 听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。
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拜年拜年拜年拜年拜年15. When will the English evening be held? A. This weekend.
B. Next weekend.
C. Tonight.
16. What do you think the students are going to do at the English evening? A. They are going to have short plays and see a film. B. They are going to play games and sing songs.
C. They are going to sing songs and eat something nice.
17. With whom do you think the man will come to the party? A. He will come with the girl talking with him. B. He will come with some other teachers. C. He will come to the party with his wife. 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。
18. Why couldn’t the speaker enter his house? A. Because he left his key at his office. B. Because his wife left the key at home. C. Because he left his key at home. 19. What did the speaker want to do? A. Look for his key.
B. Push the door open.
C. Enter the house by breaking a window. 20. Why did the policeman come?
A. Because the policeman saw the speaker breaking the window. B. Because the speaker’s neighbor called the police. C. Because he thought the speaker needed help. 第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分)
Cover Price: $19.80 Price: $15.00($2.50 / issue (期) )
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拜年拜年拜年拜年拜年You save: $4.80 (24%) Review: By Pat Kane
I absolutely love Bark magazine! I love the “smiling” pages and the tips on every issue. I am a dog lover and have saved all of my dogs from either death row or from people who were going to put them down. Everyone should have a chance to live and Bark stresses that with its articles. This magazine is a MUST HAVE for any dog lover!! Dog Fancy
Cover Price: $54.00 Price: $14.99 ($1.25 / issue) You save: $39.01 (72%) Review: By Berner Mom
Don't waste your money on this magazine. 60-70 percent of it are advertisements, and the articles offer little useful information. It might be suitable for children, but not adults who are serious about educating themselves about dogs. Dog World
Cover Price: $48.88 Price: $14.99 ($1.25 / issue) You save: $33.89 (69%) Review: By one critic
Dog World has many very interesting and thought-provoking (令人思考的) articles for people involved in dog showing, breeding(饲养), performance events, etc. However,over half of the magazine is devoted to breeder ads, which is boring. Still, as a whole, I recommend(推荐) it for the articles. Good articles, but tons of ads. Modern Dog
Cover Price: $45.00 Price: $15.00 ($3.75 / issue) You save: $30.00 (24%) Review: By Dinah
My new favorite magazine! Beautiful photos, smart and amusing articles, fashion, art, interviews with famous people… all with a dog focus!Cover models range from Paris Hilton and Tinkerbell to Virginia Madsen and her dogs. Thanks to Modern Dog I now know how to give a dog-friendly cocktail party and how to actually get my dog to come when she’s called. Surely worth checking out. 21. Which of the following magazines saves the most money? A. Bark B. Dog Fancy C. Dog World D. Modern Dog 22. According to the text, Modern Dog ________. A. has lovely dog pictures on the cover
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