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The teacher read the problem aloud. Unsure of myself, I looked at the girl beside me, and tried to 40 what she was writing, but she went faster than I could understand, writing down what seemed to be foreign symbols.

My eyes fixed on the chicken scratch I had tried. Impossible to understand. Why me Why couldn’t I work out the problem that seemed easy to all other kids These questions filled my head.

As the other girl finished and danced back to her seat, I wrote some random (胡乱的) numbers on the board, and 41 back to mine. The teacher read over our work.

“Now, class, Susie did this problem absolutely correctly.”

“As for Tara,” the teacher said jokingly, “I don’t even know what she did.”

The class burst into laughs, and I felt my face turn red as I tried to sink as low as possible into my seat, hoping to prevent them from 42 me at all.

But this memory is one I remember, surprisingly, in a positive way. It made me 43 , and gave me persistence. When I get a poor grade in school, or am put down by somebody, I think of that moment and every single one of those 44 that I asked myself. The terrible ache in my stomach comes back and gives me the motivation to answer all of those whys and try hard until perfection, or as close as I can get. 37. A. proper 38. A. lifted

B. incorrect B. dropped B. excitement B. explain

C. special

D. unimportant D. knocked D. fear D. describe

C. repaired C. shyness C. copy C. talked C. seeing

39. A. tiredness 40. A. accept 41. A. rushed

B. looked B. inviting

D. thought

D. teaching D. happier D. whys

42. A. changing 43. A. healthier 44. A. ways

B. stronger B. words

C. cleverer C. hows





New Year’s Resolution

Posted by Lauren Conrad December 28, 2017

You guys, I can not believe it’s about to be 2018! If you haven’t thought of your 2018 New Year’s resolution yet, start by choosing one word from the list below.

Love Joy


December 29, 2017

The word that I choose from the list is joy. Whether that means jogging

with my classmates in the morning, walking my dog in the neighborhood, or enjoying dinner with my parents, I am going to make sure I take the time to have fun! Sofia

December 30, 2017

Self-control would be my word for the coming year. This year I am

going to be a morning person! I’ll wake up early and start my day at 5 am instead of 6 am. Imagine what I could do with 5 more hours every week! Taylor

December 31, 2017

My word isn’t on your list. But this year I’d like “SLOW” to guide me,

which means many things to me. I will try to avoid too much homework in order to think deeply, slowly read a book instead of quickly looking through social media, and go to bed earlier in order to have slower mornings. 45. When did Kathie make her resolution A. On December 28. C. On December 30.

B. On December 29. D. On December 31. Peace Patience

Kindness Self-control

46. What is Sofia’s word for the coming year A. Peace.

B. Kindness.

C. Patience.

D. Self-control.

47. What is Taylor probably going to do in 2018 A. To jog in the morning.

C. To read a book slowly.

B Finally Home

Last year, my parents moved to this town. I had to go to a new school and found no one to be friends with because I wasn’t interested in the topics most of my classmates liked.

“Maybe I’ll never have real friends,” I thought.

I closed my eyes and imagined playing my drums. Suddenly, I heard the sound of a guitar. I followed the sound and found out that was a band. I recognized the guitar player at my first sight and so did he.

“Hey, you’re Cassie from my class!” his voice surprised me.

“I’m sorry,” I said. “I just haven’t heard any live music in this town before! You sound great — did you guys write that song”

“Yeah — well, we’re still working on it. I’m Matt.” He stood up and held out his hand. “Mind if I listen in” I asked in a low voice.

“Not at all,” Matt said, smiling. “Maybe you can give us some suggestions!”

The song was pretty good and I could really improve it with my drum skills. Behind my drum set was the one place I felt completely like myself. But I wasn’t sure if I wanted to open that door to the world.

“Hey, do you play drums” Matt asked suddenly.

His question surprised me. How did he know And then I followed his eyes to my hands, which had been beating a rhythm (节奏) on the floor. I tried to say no, but my heart stopped me from refusing. “Sure, I’ve been playing for a few years,” I said finally.

“Oh, wow! You’ve got to join us!” Matt said. “I have some drums over here.” I looked at their shiny faces. “Absolutely. I would love to play!” I replied.

D. To walk his dog in the neighborhood.

B. To look through social media quickly.

“One, two, three, four!” Matt counted and began singing, and I knew I was finally home. 48. When the writer first went to a new school, she ______.

A. joined a music club C. could play the guitar

B. had no close friends

D. developed a new hobby

49. How did the writer feel when Matt asked if she played drums

A. Surprised.

B. Scared.

C. Worried. D. Excited.

50. The writer said she was finally home because ______.

A. she learned to play the drums C. she loved her home very much


Nowadays, many teens are badly addicted to using phones. It probably won’t surprise you that teens are texting more than ever before.

Instead of sleeping, Kenny Alarcon, 16, often texts with his friends through the night. Frances Garcia, a high school senior, sends and receives about 1000 texts each day. Both Frances and Kenny wake up several times during the night to text. Kenny even sleeps with his phone beneath his pillow.

Dr. Elizabeth Dowdell, a professor at Villanova University in Pennsylvania, says that it’s common for teens to be interrupted by texts while sleeping. “If they often lose sleep,” Dr. Dowdell says, “teens may become angry, or depressed. A lack of sleep can lead to weight gain and even obesity because many people turn to junk food for quick energy when they are tired.”

Some experts are worried about how texting is affecting teenagers’ lives. One concern is that students might not learn correct grammar and spelling if most of the writing they do is made up of text messages. Some people also worry that teens don’t spend enough time talking with others face-to-face, which could be hurting their relationships with friends and family. Moreover, all that texting takes away hours that could be spent studying, exercising, taking up a hobby, or just relaxing.

According to Dr. Dowdell, teens need to learn that they can and should turn off their phones sometimes. She had Kenny and Frances do an experiment. These were the rules: No

B. she decided to leave the town D. she made some friends finally

phone for 48 hours. No computer or Internet either, unless it was for schoolwork.

After 48 phone-free hours, Kenny and Frances were interviewed. “Wow, it was pure torture (折磨),” Kenny joked. Kenny missed his friends, and he was sad at times. But he also felt relief from the constant texting. He spent time reading books and talking with his family, which he really enjoyed. Frances had an even happier result. “I loved it!” she said, “I was going to the gym and hanging out with friends and playing basketball. I had a wonderful experience.” Frances decided to continue the experiment for a while. “I think I’ll be so much smarter and healthier,” she explained, “everybody in the world should try it.” 51. If teens keep waking up to text while sleeping, they may ______.

A. get overweight

B. become happier D. feel more relaxed

C. disturb their parents

52. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about

A. Mistakes in teens’ text writing. B. Time wasted on meaningless texting. C. Worries about how texting affects teens. D. Encouragement to teens’ talking face-to-face.

53. The writer mentions the experiment on Frances and Kenny to ______.

A. advise people what to do without phones phones

C. explain phones are important in teens’ lives D. introduce how they make good use of phones


Mindfulness Matters

In recent years, some schools have begun to introduce meditation, or mindfulness training, into their classrooms. During mindfulness training, students may be asked to sit quietly and observe their own thoughts and feelings to avoid being controlled by them. Mindfulness training can help students overcome anxiety (焦虑), control their


B. show teens can live well without



