Unit 9 Making Every Minute Count
A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life. 胆敢浪费一小时的人还没有发现生命的价值。
——Charles Darw——查尔斯·达尔
Charles Darwin (1809-1882), British naturalist who developed the theory of evolution by natural selection and the survival of the fittest. This theory forms the basis for the modern evolutionary studies. Darwin’s most famous books are The Origin of Species and The Descent of Man.
Speaking Activity Asking for Information
Sample Dialogue
Read the following conversation. Pay attention to how the speakers ask for more information
Hostess: Pompas Restaurant. How may I help you? Ron: I'd like to reserve a table for dinner. Hostess: How large a group are you expecting? Ron: Six couples.
Hostess: Would you like to reserve a private dining room? Ron: That sounds like a good idea.
Hostess: All right. May I have your name, sir? Ron: My name is Ron Kollitz. K-O-L-L-I-T-Z. Hostess: What time will you be arriving? Ron: Around 7:30 pm.
Hostess: All right, Mr. Kollitz. We've reserved a private dining room for you at 7:30 pm. Thank you for calling Pompas. Ron: Thank you very much.
Guided Practice
Directions: Imagine a situation where you need to book a dinner table for a company. Use your own information. You may use the following tips to help you. How may I help you? How large…?
Would you like to…?
May I have your name, sir? What time…? Thank you for…
Text A
New Words
1、share v. to tell other people about an idea, secret, problem etc. 分享;告诉 2、volunteer n. a person who does a job without being paid for it 志愿者 3、surprised adj. feeling or showing surprise 惊奇的;惊讶的
4、stare v. to look at somebody/something for a long time 盯着看;注视 5、insult v. to say or do something that offends somebody 侮辱;冒犯
6、senior moment n. an occasion when somebody forgets something, or does not think clearly (thought to be typical of what happens when people get older)尊长表现(老年人失忆、忘事、糊涂的典型状况)
7、imply v. to suggest that something is true or that you feel or think something, without saying so directly 暗示
8、permit v. to allow somebody to do something or to allow something to happen 允许;准许 9、explain v. to tell somebody about something in a way that makes it easy to understand 解释;说明
10、experience n. an event or activity that affects you in some way 经历 11、powerful adj. having a strong effect on your mind or body 有强烈作用的 12、near-death experience n. an occasion when you almost die 濒死经历
13、confess v. to admit something that you feel ashamed or embarrassed about 承认 14、one's last breath n. the last moment of a person's life 最后一口气;临终 15、down adj. sad or depressed 沮丧;情绪低落
Phrases and Expressions
1、drop in on to pay an informal visit to a person 顺便访问 2、from time to time occasionally but not regularly 不时;偶尔 3、a bit slightly or to a small degree 有点儿 4、in a sense in one way 从某种意义上说
5、clear ... up to solve or explain something 解释;解答
6、not that I know of used to say that you think the answer is \information you have. 据我所知没有
7、bring sb. to their knees to defeat somebody, especially in a war 打败某人
Text A The Most Exciting Thing Ever
Pre-reading Questions
1.What is the most exciting thing you have done recently?
2.What methods do you use to cheer yourself up when you have a bad time?
The Most Exciting Thing Ever
I couldn't wait to hear what it was. \— but whatever it was you must share it with me,\①
I was visiting the senior center where I'm a regular volunteer, and I'd dropped in on this older gentleman from time to time. At this moment he looked at me with a somewhat surprised looon his face. We stared at each other, and I became a bit uncomfortable. Had I misunderstood whahe had said? Had he said something else, and had I insulted him? \ \
I thought, maybe he was having a senior moment.
\ \
\accomplished some great thing, right?\
\— are you?\
\explained. \It was an experience that brought me to my knees and lifted me back up again. It was then that I really began to see how valuable every moment of my life is.\②
He stood in front of me and, placing his hands on my shoulders, said, \is the most exciting thing I have ever done. It's one more moment, day, week, month past the daI almost died. To me, that's exciting!\
How very powerful that thought was. Ever since, I have always believed that everyone shouldhave a near-death experience so that they can appreciate life more.,③ I confess I've never hadone. But I lived through something similar when my son and wife both had cancer. Nearly losing them certainly changed the way I look at life. Now, when my last breath does finally come, I will see the real value of \
Feeling down? Thinking you have nothing to be excited about in your life? Think again. Try appreciating life so very much that the last thing you do will be the most exciting thing you ever do.④
Key Sentences
1.I couldn't wait to hear what it was. \— but whatever it was you must share it with me,\
2.It was an experience that brought me to my knees and lifted me back up again. It was thenthat I really began to see how valuable every moment of my life is.
这次经历几乎把我击垮但又把我拉回来。也正是从那时起,我真正意识到我生命中的每一刻有多么宝贵。 3.I have always believed that everyone should have a near-death experience so that they canappreciate life more.
4.Try appreciating life so very much that the last thing you do will be the most exciting thing you ever do.
1.Senior center: a place in a community where seniors can gather for support, socializationfitness and/or other services provided for older people
Text A The Most Exciting Thing Ever
Ⅰ Checking Your Comprehension
Directions: Choose the best answer to each question from the information given in the passage.
1.The author visited the old man to_________. A)interview him for a local newspaper B)talk and spend some time with him
C)ask for his opinions on the senior center D)give him some medical advice