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will retell the story. Don't write down anything while I'm reading, but listen to me attentively. You can use your own words in your retelling.今天我们有听力训练。我将材料读三遍,然后你们复述。我读的时候不准记笔记,但要仔细听。复述时可以用自己的话。 Today I'll give you a short story for silent reading. you'll be given 20 minutes for reading without the help of the dictionary. After that you will answer some questions.今天给你们一篇短文默读。不要查词典,20分钟后回答几个问题。

Today we'll have listening practice. After that we'll sum up the uses of the definite article.今天做听力练习。然后总结定冠词的用法。

Today we'll have an end-of-the-unit test. Get out your exercise books.今天进行单元测验。请拿出练习本。

During the test no one is allowed to ask any questions. Ask me now if you have any questions.测验时,不许提问题,如果有问题,现在就提。

IV. Teaching Activity 教学活动 Finding page 翻书页

Open your books at page 37.把书翻到37页。 The exercise is on page 64. 练习在64页。

Turn over. / Turn over the page./ Over the page. ? Turn to the next page.翻到下一页。 Next page, please.

Let's move on to the next page. 让我们翻到下一页。 Turn back to page 62.翻回到62页。

Turn back to the previous page.翻回到前一页。

Refer back to the text notes on page 18. 回过来查阅27页上的课文。

About the Text 有关课文

Now the text. This short text is selected from a novel (magazine / newspaper).现在讲课文。这篇短文选自小说(杂志/报纸)。

This text is adopted from a short story.这篇课文是由短篇小说改写的。 I shall tell you something about the author's life.我将讲一下作者的生平。

I shall give you a brief account of the author's life.现在我简略叙述一下作者的生平。 I think you've all previewed the text. Who would like to say something about the text ?我想你们都预习了课文。谁来讲讲课文大意?

I shall give you the general idea of the text.现在我给你们讲一下课文大意。

We'll read this paragraph first and then explain the difficult sentences and language points.我们先将这一段读一遍,然后再解释难句和语言点。

Have you got any questions about this paragraph?这一段有问题吗?

What is the theme / central idea of this essay ?这篇短文的主题/中心思想是什么?

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When/Where did the story take place ?这故事发生在什么时候/哪儿? What / Who is the story about ? 这故事讲的是什么?

This paragraph contains a very good description. I hope you will learn it by heart.这一段描写得很好,希望你们把它背出来。

Say something about what you have learned from the hero.谈谈你从故事主人公身上学到了什么?

The hero of this novel / play sets us a good example. I'm deeply moved.小说/剧本的主人公给我们树立了一个很好的榜样。我深受感动。

How do you like the story ? Give your reasons.你觉得这个故事怎样?谈出理由。 What is your impression of the story ?你对这个故事有什么印象? What strikes you most in this lesson ?这一课使你感受最深的是什么? What does the story teach us ?这个故事给了我们什么样的教育?

We have gone too far from the subject. We had better come back to the essay.我们扯得太远了,还是回到这篇文章上来。

I hope I can wind up the lesson today.我希望今天能结束这一课。

First we shall ask each other questions, then one student will sum up the lesson.我们先相互提问,然后请一位同学总结课文。

After the questions one student will retell the story.提问后要请一位同学复述课文。

Language work语言学习

What does it mean ?这是什么意思? What's the meaning of it ?

What's the Chinese (word) for \“计算机”用汉语怎么说? What's this sentence in Chinese ? 这个句子用汉语怎么说? How would you translate this word / phrase into Chinese ? How do you say \“at sea”用汉语怎么说? What do you call it in English ?这个用英语怎么说? How do you say it in English ? How do you express it in English ?

What is the English equivalent of the Chinese word \纪律\汉语“纪律”在英语的对应词是什么?

Could you put that into Chinese for us ? 请你替我们把那个译成汉语好吗? Don't translate word for word.不要逐字硬译。 In English, please.请用英语说。 Say it in English, please.

Try it in English. 试用英语说说看。

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