文章编号:1006 - 9348(2019)08 - 0454 - 05
摘要:对多重光照下的彩色数字图像色差进行在线检测,在提髙图像利用率方面就要重要意义。在对彩色数字图像色差进 行检测时,需对图像反射和照明的变化率进行获取,确定检测所需隶属函数。传统方法主要根据图像色调及饱和度进行检 测,忽略了隶属函数的影响,导致检测精度低、效率差的问题。现提出基于模糊C均值聚类的图像色差在线检测方法。利 用彩色数字图像的反射分量模型和照明分量模型,计算光照彩色数字图像反射和照明时色差的变化率,在彩色数字图像亮 度直方图中建立图像映射函数,利用映射函数完成对彩色数字图像的校正。根据校正结果,结合彩色数字图像的色调、饱和 度和明度对彩色数字图像颜色进行分割,并将分割结果代人彩色数字图像聚类所需隶属函数中,引入模糊C均值聚类,实 现对彩色数字图像色差的在线检测。仿真结果表明,提出方法提高了多重光照下彩色数字图像色差在线检测的精度和 效率。
关键词:多重光照下?,彩色数字图像;色差;在线检测 中图分类号:TP391.4
Multi - Light Multi - Color Digital Image
Color Difference Online Detection Simulation
ZHONG Xiao - li,FAN Ji - liang,LI Yong - ning
(Computer School, Qinghai Nationalities University, Xining Qinghai 810007, China)
ABSTRACT :The online detection for the chromatic aberration of color digital image under multi illumination is very important in improving image utilization. When detecting the chromatic aberration of color digital images, it is neces-sary to obtain the change rate of image reflection and illumination, so that the membership functions required for de-tection can be determined. The traditional method mainly detects the chromatic aberration based on the hue and satu-ration level of image, but ignores the influence of membership function, leading to the low detection precision and poor efficiency. Therefore, this paper puts forward a method to detect the color difference on line based on fuzzy C means clustering. At first, the reflection component model and the illumination component model of color digital im-age was used to calculate the change rate of color difference when the light color digital image was reflected and illu-minated. Then, the image mapping function was established in the brightness histogram of color digital image. The mapping function was used to correct the color digital image. According to the correction results, the color of digital image was segmented by combining the hue, saturation and brightness of color digital image, and then the segmenta-tion results were plugged in the membership function needed by the color digital image clustering. Finally, fuzzy C means clustering was introduced. Thus, the on - line detection of chromatic aberration of color digital images was a- chieved. Simulation results show that the proposed method improves the accuracy and efficiency of online detection for color difference of color digital image under multi illumination.
KEYWORDS:Multiple lighting; Color digital image; Chromatic aberration; On - line detection
基金项目:基于立体图像智能分割技术应用的算法研究(2018XJY01) 收稿日期:2018-11-14修回日期:2019-01 - 09