I. Fill in the blanks.
一、1. First of all, a teacher should be __ _(1) in the English language. The importance of being a good language user involves four points. First, a language teacher is a__ _ (2) for students to imitate, to follow and to learn from either consciously or subconsciously. Second, a good command of English endows a teacher with__ _ (3). From this emerges the third point. A teacher can attract students immediately with his or her good English. When admiration is established, students tend to believe in the teacher, _ _ (4) with the teacher, and behave well in class activities. The last point is that good English empowers the teacher to_ __ (5) class well, try new methods and adapt his or her teaching at any time.
2. a. Writing is the result of employing__ _(6)to manage the composing __ _(7), which is one of gradually developing a __ _(8). It involves a number of activities: _ __(9), generating _ __(10)__ _(11), selecting appropriate language, making a draft, reading and reviewing it, then revising and__ _(12)
b. To organize and connect information, there are two criteria: __ (13) and __ _(14). To be correct in __ (15) and __ _(16) is of utmost importance. Of all these activities, _ __(17) plays a central role in improving writing.
c. writing is a process of _ __(18) and _ __(19).
d. According to Hedge, there are different genres into different types of writing, (20) __ (21) _ __ (22) __ _ (23)__ _ (24) __ _ (25). _(27). Thinking not only _ __(28) ideas but also__ _ (29 )and organizes ideas. 二、
1. For both native speakers and non-native speakers, fluency includes __ _ (1), _ __ (2), __ _ (3) and __ _ (4). Fluency is a general term for good speaking __ _ (5). 2. For different level accuracy means different things which go from _ __ (6) _ __ (7) to _ _ _ (8) _ __ (9).
3. In studying the relation between fluency and accuracy, there is one point to be sure, that is, fluency does not __ _ (10) accuracy at all.
4. Humans acquire language by understanding messages or by receiving _ __ (11) _ __(12) in the _ __ (13) process. 5. Engaging learners in __ _ (14) interaction in the second or foreign language classroom is essential and involves the processes of both _ __ (15) and _ __ (16) _ __ (17).
6. In Krashen’s theory, adults have two distinctive ways of developing competence in second or foreign language learning, that is, _ __ (18) and __ _ (19). 7. Anderson’s theory is that of the acquisition of cognitive skills, on simple interpretation, ranging from __ _ (20) __ _ (21) to__ _ (22) _ __ (23) . 8. Teachers should provide _ __ (24) _ __ (25) to prepare the learners with their storage of language information and __ _ (26) __ _ (27) for learners to communicate and to control their production. Teachers’ role is not limited as an imparter; instead teachers should be __ _ (28) with learners too.
e. __ _(26) is the core of writing. Reading for ideas is a gradual job. Large amount of reading helps__
9. Between input and output, there is, usually, a period of _ __ (29) .
10. Learning by doing encourages students to __ (30) the language, which is a process of _ __ (31) that leads
to high level of proficiency.
11. There are two ways to improve students’oral production. One is to practice speaking based on _ _ (32) and the other is based on _ __ (33) and __ _ (34). 12. There are two kinds of speaking activities. One is _ __ (35)__ _ (36) exchange; the other is _
__ (37) __ _ (38) exchange.
II. Explain the following terms。 一、
1. Teacher as a language analyst 2. Error analysis
3. Grammar: form and function
4. Syllable, Open syllable and Closed syllable 5.Writing genre
6.Curriculum and syllabus 7. Kinds of tests and testing 二、
1. Grammar Translation Method 2. Intonation
3. Systematic teaching and unplanned teaching 4. Background information 5. Organization and style 6. Validity and reliability III. Open questions.
1. Choose some vocabulary items from the textbook you are teaching or going to teach and design three activities for presentation and three for practice.
2. What are the characteristics of good grammar presentation? 3. What are the four approaches to promoting reflection? 4. What are the methods and techniques used in action research?
5. What errors do Chinese learners often make in their speaking and writing? How can you as a teacher deal with learner errors?
6. Design a 40-minutes grammar class using inductive approach
7. What problems are there in teaching writing? How can teachers deal with the problems in teaching writing?
I. Fill in the blanks. 一、
1. The concepts of pronunciation are __ _(1), __ _ (2) and voiceless sounds, __ _ (3) and consonant sounds, vowel letters and _ __ (4) letters, __ _ (5), _ _ (6) of English, _ __ (7) , __ _ (8) of speech .
2. _ __ (9) sounds are the ones produced when the vocal cards vibrate; voiceless sounds are the ones produced when the vocal sounds do not __ _ (10) .
3. Open syllables: with one __ _ (11) letter at the end of the _ __ (12) syllable (not the end of the word), which is not followed or closed by any other letter(eg. later be tidy go ruler); with one _ __ (13) letter that is followed by a __ _ (14)“e” at the end of the ___ (15) syllable (eg. tie hoe toe true glue); with one __ _ (16) letter followed by a single __ _ (17) letter (other than “r”) and then a _ __ (18) “e” at the end of the stressed syllable 4. English is a language of rhythms. Mastering the rhythm of English is very important in terms of good pronunciation and effective speaking. English speech rhythm is characterized by __ _ (19). A unit can be one or groups of words. A tone unit carried one central __ _ (20) syllable. Each unit should take about the same time to say even if the number of words in each unit is different.
5. The relationship between spelling and sounds in English language is not simple and regular. So an alphabetic system with one symbol representing one __ _ (21) is needed, which is presented as a list of phonetic alphabet. In the ___ (22) phonetic symbols of the English language, _ __ (23) are vowel sound and 28 are __ _ (24) sounds. They are presents as the following chart, which is also called the _ __ (25) , _ _ _ (26) .
6. A syllable is a part of word that contains _ __ (27) __ _ (28) sound. It may also contain one or more __ _ (29) sounds. Usually the __ _ (30) of__ _ (31) sounds in the word determines the numbers of _ __ (32) . 7. In every word of two or more __ _ (33), one syllable is _ __ (34). This syllable is called a __ _ (35) __ _ (36), which means that the _ __ (37) sound in the syllable is said __ _ (38) and _ _ (39) than other vowel sounds in the same word.
8. In front of the vowel letter there could be a _ __ (40) letter but not other _ __ (41) letters.
9. Knowing _ __ (42) syllables and __ _ (43) syllables is helpful in spelling according to the _ _ (44) or in __ _ (45) according to the spelling. In an _ __ (46) syllable, the vowel letter is usually _ __ (47) with the sound of the letter __ _ (48) ; in a closed syllable, the __ _ (49) letter is usually pronounced with a _ __ (50) vowel sound. 二、
1. a. As for grammar, the structure connects _ _ _ (1) and _ __ (2) in the language. b. The two general ways to classify grammar items are __ _ (3) oriented and __ _ (4) oriented. c. English language is a __ _ (5) language.
d. The two ways of teaching grammar are to teach grammar separately or to _ __ (6) some time in class to do
grammar teaching throughout the course.
e. The instruction medium of grammar teaching can be either the __ _ (7) language or the __ _ (8) language. f. Deductive learning is _ __ (9) and covers more grammar in a period of time. g. Grammar teaching can be either __ _ (10) or __ _ (11) or both.
h. In Harmer’s opinion, a good presentation should be__ _ (12), __ _ (13), interesting, _ __ (14) and
2. a. In general, vocabulary items can be classified into three aspects: _ __(15) , __ _ (16) and _
__ (17).
b. Connotative meaning: the _ __ (18) meanings that a vocabulary item has beyond its _ __ (19) meaning. In
other words, connotation is associated __ _ (20) or __ _ (21) feelings that a vocabulary item evokes. It may or may not be indicated in a dictionary.
c. There are two kinds of vocabulary learning: __ _ (22) and __ _ (23). __ _ (24) learning is to study
words _ __ (25). __ _ (26) learning and teaching is of__ _ (27) nature. It is not planned but drawn to attention in the process of learning and teaching.
d. Vocabulary learning and teaching is a process to build up vocabulary ability. They are__ _(28), _ __ (29), _ __ (30) and _ __ (31).
e. Contextual meaning: the __ _ (32) and __ _ (33) meaning of a vocabulary item that is used in a certain __
_ (34). Some words are _ __ (35); some are __ _ (36). Although they both have the same __ _ (37) but they are used in different context. 3. Grammar Translation Method
a. To learn a foreign language is aimed at being able to read its _ __(38), benefit from the _ __ (39) discipline and _ __ (40) development.
b. (41) and _ __ (42) are the major focus in teaching; __ _ (43) and __ _ (44) are dealt with only a little or not at all. c. Vocabulary learning is conducted through __ _ (45) lists, _ __ (46) study and memorization.
d. The __ _ (47) is of utmost importance as the basis of teaching and learning of the language. Sentence l earning is __ _ (48) of grammatical elements and _ __ (49) into and out of the target language. e.__ _ (50) is strongly emphasized. Errors are avoided at any costs. f. Grammar learning is __ _ (51). The first step is presentation and study of rules; the second step is translation practice. Grammar points are organized systematically throughout the units of the textbooks.
g. Classroom _ __ (52) is conducted in the native tongue, which is used to present and explain the target language and compare the similarities and differences between the native language and the target language.
II. Explain the following terms。 一、
1. Individual differences 2. The Audiolingual Method 3. Spelling-pronunciation rule 4. Listening comprehension 5. Reading skills 二、
1. Teacher as an enabler 2. Learning styles and strategies 3. Total physical response 4. Zone of proximal development 5. Activity workshop 6. Formative assessment
III. Open questions.
1. What function does interaction play in speaking development?
2. How much time do you think should be devoted to lockstep, pair work, group work and individual study for six classes that cover one unit.
3. Recall your experience in being tested and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each test. 4. What makes a good language teacher?
5. Recall how your English teachers taught you at middle school. Discuss what approaches and methods they were using then.
6. Make a lesson plan for one class using the material you are teaching or going to teach and bearing in mind the need for variety and cohesiveness.