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40._____ wheel is thought to be _____ invention of _____ first importance in human history. A.A; the; the B.The; an; the C.A; an; the D.A; an; / 41.I felt someone patted me on ________ shoulder. A.a B.the C.my D./ 42.—So you are running ________ restaurant?

—Yes,but I don‘t want to make it ________ restaurant only for rich people. A.the; / B.the; the C.a; the D.a; a 43.Xi‘an was ________ starting point of ________ world famous―Silk Road‖. A./;/ B.a; a C.the; / D.the; the 44.It is ten o‘clock in the morning but he is still ________.

A.in the bed B.at the bed C.in bed D.on bed

45.More than half of ________ water used for drinking,washing and irrigating crops comes from under ________ ground. A.the; / B./; the C./; / D.the; the

46.At noon we reached ________ small village ________ east of ________ Summer Palace. A.the; the; the B.a; /; the C.a; the; the D.a; /; /

47.The child had only ________ slight temperature,but the doctor regarded ________ illness as serious enough for ________ hospital treatment.

A./; /; the B.a; /; / C.a; the; / D./; the; the 48.I had ________ lunch at a friend‘s house yesterday.________ food was good. A.the; / B./; / C.the; the D./; The 49.—What is Jack going to do with all his money?

—He says he has always dreamed of taking ________ trip around ________ world. A.a; the B.the; the C.a; / D.a; a 50.Qingdao is ________ most beautiful summer. A.the B./ C.a D.one



51.Just now you said you always got to work on _______ 8 o‘clock train. But would _______ later train get you to work on time? A.a; a B.a; the C.the; the D.the; a

52.The building was completed in ______ September of 1956 not in ______ October,1955. A./; the B.the; the C./;/ D.the; / 53.I would like to have _______ room,_______ window of which opens to _______ south. A.a; the; a B.a; the; the C.a; /; / D.a; the; /

54.There is _______ house in the picture.There is _______ old woman near _______ house. A.an; a; the B.a; an; the C.the; a; an D.a; the; an 55.________ Europe and ________ America are separated by ________ Atlantic Ocean. A./; /; the B.the; the; the C./; /; / D.the; the; / 56.There is ________―h‖ in word―honest‖. A.a B.the C./ D.an 57.________ terrible life people in the small island lived at that time!

A.What B.How C.What a D.How a

58.Father often says to me,―Be _____ honest boy today and _____ useful man tomorrow.‖ A.a; a B.an; an C.a; an D.an; a


59.Things of ______ kind come together; people of _____ kind fall into _____ same group. A.the; the; the B.a; a; the C.the; the; a D.a; the; the

60.________ Suez Canal brought ________ east and ________ west closer.

A.The; the; the B./; the; the C.The; /; / D./; /; /

参考答案 一、

1. C 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. C 6.C 7. B 8.D 9.D 10. D 11. D 12. B 13. B 14. C 15. C 16. B 17. A 18.B 19. C 20.D 21. A 22.B 23. B 24.D 25. C 26.A 27.A 28.B 29. C 30.B 二、

1~5 CAABA 6~10 DBBAA 11~15 CDDCB 16~20 BCCAC 21~25 CCDBA 26~30 CBCCD 31~35 AACDA 36~40 CDDDB

41~45 BDDCD 46~50 BCDAC 51~55 DDBBA 56~60 DCDBA

第十章 介词


1. Henry, ___ Mary and Tom, is coming to China for a visit? Which is WRONG? A. together with B. like C. besides D. but in addition to 2. His father will be back from London____a few days. A. since B. in C. on D. after

3. He usually goes to work on time ______.

A. except for raining days B. besides it rains C. but that it rains D. except on rainy days 4. Did you have trouble _______ the post office? A. to have found B. with finding C. to find D. in finding 5. If you keep on, you‘ll succeed ________.

A. in time B. at one time C. at the same time D. on time

6. The train leaves___6:00 pm, so I have to be at the station___5:40 pm at the latest?

A. at; until B. for; after C. at; by D. before; around

7. ___the gate and you‘ll find the entrance___the park___the other side. A. Through; to; on B. Along; of; on C. Down; to; at D. Up; of; by 8. One___ five will have the chance to join in thegame.

A. within B. among C. in D. from

9. —— Do you go there ___bus?—— No, we go there ___a train. A. in; on B. on; on C. by; in D. by; with

10. I made the coat ___my own hands. It was made___hand, not with a machine. A. in; in B. in; with C. with; by D. with; with

11. The trees ___front of the house are ___the charge of Mr. Li. A. in; in B. at; in C. in; by D. from; in

12. The old man died______ cold _______ a cold night.

A. from; at B. of; in C. of; on D. for; during

13. My uncle lives____116 Changhe Street. His room is ____the sixth floor. A. at; on B. to; at C. on; in D. of; to

14. I don‘t think you can work out the maths problem____her help.

A. since B. unless C. with D. without

15. He is running__the wind towards the station__Tom running __the right.

A. down; and; on B. against; with; on C. for; with; in D. with; while; to 16. In Hangzhou Mr. Black was so struck__the beauty of nature that he stayed__another night. A. at; on B. with; at C. for; in D. by; for

17. —— How long has the bookshop been in business? —— ______1987. A. After B. In C. From D. Since

18. We offered him our congratulations_____his passing the college entrance exams. A. at B. on C. for D. of

19. Guangdong lies___the south of China and Fujian is___the east of it. Hainan is__the coast of the mainland.

A. in; in; on B. in; on; off C. on; to; on D. in; to; away

20. The student, _whom all the teachers are pleased,is very strict _himself _ everything.

A. to; with; in B. with; with; in C. with; at; with D. at; with; at 21. Some doctors were sent t?the front where medical workers were ___. A. in great need B. in great need of C. needed great D. needed in 22. _____hearing the good news, they jumped with joy.

A. For B. To C. On D. At

23. She is well-known____her poems and she is also famous ___an actress. A. for; for B. as; for C. for; as D. by; for

24. He climbed silently______seizing the thief______.

A. in the purpose; by surprise B. with purpose of; surprisingly C. with purpose of; surprisedly D. with the purpose of; by surprise 25. The touch they had both kept in ___many years broke.

A. for B. on C. into D. with

26. The pianist began to play and the girl in red began to sing ____the music. A. with B. along C. through D. to

27. He divided the sweets___the children who were divided ___three groups. A. in; in B. into; into C. between; in D. among; into

28. Early ___the morning of May 1, we started off___the mountain village. A. in; for B. in; t? C. on; / D. on; for

29. Ted has been absent_____class for quite some time.

A. for B. with C. of D. from

30. The railway was opened______traffic_______ April 4, 1985. A. to; on B. to; in C. by; on D. for; on 答案及简析

1.D。―名词+介词短语‖作主语时,谓语动词要与前面的名词保持一致。D项表达错误。 2.B。表示―从现在起多长时间之后‖用in。

3.D。except后接动词不定式可与but连用,但except后还可接that, when, where等从句

或介词短语,在表示对细节加以纠正之意时用except for。

4.D。have trouble/difficulty in doing sth./with sth.是一个习惯用法,表示―做某事吃力、费劲‖。

5.A。in time除平时熟悉的―及时‖之意外,还有―迟早‖的意思,相当于sooner or later。6.C。具体时间即点时间前常用介词at, 表示―到……为止‖用by。

7.A。through指―从某事物的内部空间穿过‖;entrance后习惯接to;表示―在……边‖用on。 8.C。―one in five‖指―五人中有一个‖,即―one out of five‖。


10.C。―由手工制作‖用固定词组with one‘s hands或by hand。

11.A。in front of表示―在……前面‖;in the charge of表示―在……掌管/控制下‖。 12.C。die of用于疾病、情感、饥饿、寒冷等原因造成的死亡,die from指除了疾病、情感、饥饿、寒冷以外的原因造成的死亡,on a cold night为特定时间。

13.A。在相对小的地点或门牌前用at;房间―在第几层‖用―on... floor‖。


15.B。―逆/顶风而跑‖用against;―with +宾+宾补‖表示伴随;表示―在左/右边‖用on。16.D。―be struck by‖意为―被……迷住/打动‖,stay for the night表示―留下来过夜‖。 17.D。since常与现在完成时连用。

18.B。offer sb. congratulations on sth. or doing sth.=congratulate sb. on sth. or doing sth. 19.B。in the south表示在―一个范围之内的南部‖,on the east表示―在东边接壤‖,off the coast表示―离开海岸‖。

20.B。表示―对……感到满意‖,用be pleased with。此句为定语从句; 主句中用了be strict with sb. in sth.句型。


22.C。on (one‘s) doing意为―当……时‖,相当于when引导的时间状语从句。如:On (my) asking for information, I heard a loud noise outside. 23.C。be well-known/famous for 意为―因……而著名‖,be well-known/famous as意为―作为……而著名‖。

24.D。with the purpose of是一个固定词组,意为―怀着……意图‖;by surprise相当于suddenly。

25.A。keep in touch为固定短语,for...表示一段时间。 26.D。sing to the music意为―伴随着音乐而唱‖。


28.D。表示在―某一天的早晨‖常说―on the morning of...‖;后面用for表示去的目的地。29.D。be absent from是一个固定短语,意思是―缺席‖。

30.A。be opened to traffic的意思是―通车‖;在具体的某一天之前通常用on。


1. The speech by the mayor of Shanghai before the final voting for Expo 2010 is strongly impressed _______ my memory. A. to B. over C. by D. on

2. The trees in that thick forest are so dose together that there is hardly any room to move ______ them. A. between B. in C. among D. across

3. So far, several ships have been reported missing _____ the coast of Bermuda Island. A. off B. along C. on D. around

4. It was easier to move about ______ the fringe of the crowd.

A. at B. in C. on D. to

5. For miles around me there is nothing but a desert, without a single plant of tree _____. A. in sight B. on the earth C. at a distance D. in a place

6. I wanted two seats ______ Madame Gurie for Friday night, so I rang the cinema to seeif I could book two tickets. A. of B. about C. to D. for

7. ---Has the train arrived? ---No, it all will be late ______ half an hour. A. at B. for C. in D. by

8. I like traveling by sea ______ it is not rough. A. unless B. in case C. as long as D. although 9. ---Poor Tom! He will have to work all the next month. ---Luckily, _______ the basketball games are held.

A. except B. except that C. except when D. except for 10. ______ sick or well, my grandfather is always cheerful. A. Either B. No matter C. Even if D. whether

11. The oil must be used up, _______ the light went out. A. for B. because C. since D. as

12. The two countries were ______ between 1989 and 1992. A. peace B. at no war C. at peace D. at peaceful 13. The bridge is 1000 meters _______ length. A. with B. in C. at D. on

14. Look out _______ the traffic when crossing the road. A. at B. of C. for D. with

15. We often call Martin Luther King M.L.King _______ . A. in short B. for short C. at short D. to short

16. ______ the end of last term, every student in the school, I think, has taken at least five maths tests. A. By B. Since C. From D. In

17. ---How can I get to the island you mentioned?---You can‘t get there _____ by swimming.

A. other than B. more than C. rather than D. less than

18. ---I find reading comprehension the hardest in learning a foreign language. ---Well, ______ you‘d better practise reading short passage every day. A. so that B. now that C. for that D. with that

19. ---Do you like coffee or milk?---Both. But I prefer coffee ______ milk. A. to B. for C. with D. from

20. Spider was up and standing at the door, with every hair of her body _____ . A. stood up B. on its end C. on end D. on the end

答案:1---5 DBACA 6---10 DDCCD 11---15 ACBCB 16---20 BACCC

第十一章 连词 选择填空

1.—The place s a bit too crowded.?t too bad, is it?—______ it?isn A.No, but B.Yes, though C.No, because D.Yes, yet 2.Five minutes earlier,_____ we could have caught the last train.



