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林分断面积调查仪;林分面积调查仪 (relascope) relascope;relascop 测高法;形数测高法 Pressler's method of height determination 林分株数调查 enumeration;tally 样本 sample 圆形样区法 sampling using a range of fixed radius plots 固定面积样区法;样本地法 fixed area sampling

变动面积样 区法;变动样区法;可变半径样区法 sampling using variable radius plots 取样;抽样 sampling 取样单元;抽样单位;取样单位 sampling unit 取样误差;样本误差 sampling error 取样法;取样调查法 sampling methods 取样数 sample number; sample size;size of a sample 样本分布 sampling unit distribution 分层;层次 stratification 层;层聚 stratum / strata 系统取样;系统抽样法 systematic sampling 系统误差 systematic error 林分特性估测 stand estimation;estimation of stand characteristics 估测法 appraisal method

连续森林调查的临时样本;连续的森林调查;变换样本的暂时样本 continuous forest inventory with changing samples (trans.)

材积计算 volume calculation;volume measurement 先驱调查;预备调查 pilot survey;pilot inventory 蓄积调查 inventory of growing stock 永久样区森林调查;连续森林调查 continuous forest inventory 生长量研究(试验);生长量调查 increment study 经营记帐单位;经营计划单位;记帐单位 management planning unit 伐采量;伐采收获 felling volume;felling yield 生产材明细表;生产材目录;堆积材明细表 product summary (trans.) 年伐量 annual cut;annual yield 执行稽核;实行照查(稽核) control of prescriptions 森林绩效检定;稽核簿;经营簿(监控) control of forest development(trans.) 经营簿;作业稽核;稽核簿 control of operation;work tracking 木材生产稽核;照查;稽核 control of forest production(trans.) 经营计划检订;施业计划检订 management plan revision;working plan revision 检尺 timber scaling;scaling of felled timber 经营计划的执行 plan of operations 森林稽查;森林踏查 forest inspectorate 经营计划期中检订;施业计划期中检定 management plan revision 经营计划;森林经理计划 operational (forest) planning 经营目标;施业目的;经营目的 management objective 经营目标类型;施业(经营)目的 type of management objective

经营计划手册;经营规定(指令);计划手册 management prescriptions;management instructions;management requlations

土地纯益论;土地纯收益说 theory of soil rent 林分经营计划;森林经营细部计划;林分经营计划 stand management planning

总收获量 total yield 坑木 minig timber;pit wood 主分类、木材主要等级 main assortment;main category 副产物 accessory product;by-product;minor product;minor produce 操作性的 operational 抚育目标;保育目的 tending objective 森林经营中期计划 forest management planning 生产目标(目的) production target 原木;圆木 round timber;round wood 制材原木(圆木);用材 sawlog 大径木;制材用材 sawlog stage 作业类转换;林相改良;作业种转换(变更) conversion 林相变更;作业转换(变更) transformation 更新目标(目的) regeneration target 生长加速;生长(率)增加 growth acceleration;increase in growth 育林目标 silvicultural objective;silvicultural goal 森林纯利论;森林纯利理论(说) theory of forest rent(al) 林经营,森林管理 management 森林经营目标(目的) forest management objective;management objective 目标直径(理想直径) target diameter 目标函数 objective function 生长加速;生长量增加 increase in growth rate 林型 stand type;crop type 土壤改良 soil improvement 生产计划 production planning;planning of production 造林;植林 afforestation;forestation 补植 filling in;beating up;reinforcement planting;filling of blanks 树种更替;树种变换(更) change of species;transformation

林分建造;造林、育林 establishment (of a stand);stand establishment;crop establishment 裸露地;未立木地;无立地木;空林地 clearing;unstocked area 土壤翻松;搅土;翻松;松土 scarification 补植林(在过去未植林地);补充造林;替代造林 compensatory planting 造林失败地;无立木地 blank;failure 森林植物;森林苗木 forest plants;planting stock 群状栽植;群状造林;块植 group planting;block planting 产地证明(书);产地认证 certificate of origin 人工更新 artificial regeneration 造林计划;栽植计划planting plan;afforestation plan;establishment plan 果实 mast 补植 replacement planting

种苗认证;种子认证;植物认证;种子保证单 certification of plants;certification of seed;certification of planting

造林;栽植 plantation

栽植距离;栽植间隔;植树间隔 planting sapce;planting distance;spacing of plants;espacement 择伐更新 regeneration in the selection system 纯林;单一栽培 monoculture

伐区;作业现场 cutting area;felling area;logging area;logging site 整地;生育地整治 site preparation;clearing of the felling area;site clearing 休闲期 reforestation interval 林下栽植;树下栽植;下木栽植 understor(e)y management 更新 regeneration 全面整地;全部耕耘 complete cultivation;full cultivation 上层保护更新;老林分造林;早期更新林分 advance planting 更新前期作业;前更新作业 advance regeneration;advance reproduction 森林更新 forest renewal 混农林业 agroforestry;agro-forestry 修枝;打枝;人工修枝 pruning;artificial pruning 抚育间伐;上层间伐 selective thinning 林分疏开 opening-up of a stand 林分抚育;抚育;保育;育林 stand tending 间伐;疏伐 thinning

间伐类型;间伐方式;疏伐型;疏伐法 thinning type;type of thinning;thinning method 间伐收获;(疏伐收获) thining yield 间伐强度;疏伐强度;间伐率;疏伐率 thinning intensity 间伐频度;疏伐频率 thinning frequency 间伐间隔;间伐周期;疏伐间隔;疏伐周期 thinning cycle;thinning interval 上层间伐;上层疏伐 thinning from above;high thinning 幼龄林抚育 tending during the prethicket and thicket stages (trans.) 冠层疏伐;上层疏伐 crown thinning 造林抚育 tending during the establishment stage (trans.) 除伐 cleaning 受光伐;受光疏伐;保育间伐 increment thinning;accretion thinning 树种混合率调节 control of mixture 自然淘汰 natural selection 下层间伐;下层疏伐 thinning from below;low thinning 抚育伐;整理伐;除伐 improvement felling;improvement cutting 抚育作业周期 cycle of tending operations

暴长木伐采;上木伐;自由伐;独立伐felling of wolf trees;liberation felling;liberation cut 清理伐;除伐 cleaning 间伐;前利用;中间利用 intermediate felling;intermediate 前利用量;中间利用量;间伐收获 intermediate yield 商业间伐;经济间伐;利用间伐 commercial thinning 主伐收获;伐期收获 final yield;yield of final crop 主伐面积;伐采面积 felling area 伐采木标示;林木记号 tree marking;timber marking 非正常伐采利用;临时伐采 extraordinary felling;extraordinary harvest 采木标示;伐采木(林木)标印;标记 tree marking;timber making 伐采 to fell 伐采量;收获量 harvest volume 终伐;主伐 preparatory felling;preparatory cutting;advance felling 收获费用;伐采费;伐出费 harvesting costs 倒向;伐倒方向 felling direction;direction of fall

伐采季节 felling season;cutting season 划伐;渐行伞伐;更新伐 progressive shelterwood felling 面积式伐采;伐区式皆伐 area-wise felling 疏开伐;离伐;自由伐 severance felling

群状(孔状)伞伐;孔状(群状)天然下种(更新)法 group shelterwood;group shelterwood system 成熟伐采;成熟的;可伐采的 exploitable;mature 伐采 harvest felling 伐期龄;砍伐适龄;轮伐期 felling age;exploitation age;rotation age 伐采界面;伐采前面;伐采剖面 felling face;felling front 木材收获;木材采运;伐运;伐木集运材 timber harvest;timber harvesting 皆伐;后伐 clearfell 皆伐迹地;皆伐面积 clearcut area;clearfell area 楔形伞伐(作业) shelterwood wedge system;wedge system 受光伐 overhead release felling 利用;林产物利用 utilisation;utilization

伐采方法;利用种类;伐采种类;伐采法;开发方式 exploitation method;harvest method 利用率;收获率 harvest percent 择伐 selection cutting;selection felling 群状划伐;孔状(群状)画伐 group advancement felling 终伐;清理伐;主伐 final cutting;final felling 开垦 deforestation;forest clearing 下种伐 seed cutting;seed felling;seeding cutting;seeding felling 带状伐采 strip felling;strip cutting 带状伞伐 shelterwood-strip felling 带状伐区;带状伐采迹地;带状伐采地(区) strip felled area 伞伐 shelterwood felling;shelterwood cutting 选伐;等级伐采;选优伐采 selective cutting;selective felling 更新伐 regeneration cutting;regeneration felling 预备伐 preparatory cutting 临时伐采;偶然伐采;强迫伐采 unregulated felling 龄级法 yield regultaion by age classes(trans.) 补偿期;平衡期;改良期 regulation period 更新面积 regeneration area 主伐收获;主伐收获量 final yield 标准伐采面积;标准保续伐采面积 yield regulation by area 全体(整体)计划;整体计划 intergrated planning 总收获 total yield 标准伐采量;保续伐采量或计划伐采量 prescribd yield 伐采基准计算法;标准伐采计算法 yield determination methods 收获查定 yield estimation;yield determination;assessment of yield 预备林 forest reserves;timber reserves 永续收获;永续生产 sustained yield 法正蓄积法 volume and increment control method 利用率法 yield determination using harvest percent .收获规正(整) Yield regulation 分期;经营(周)期 e period

分期面积 periodic block 预备林设定(置) creation of volume reserve (trans.) 直径级归整收获规正;径级法yield regulation by diameter classes(trans.) 固定预备林 Fixing reserve; standing reserve 移动预备林 Flowing reserve; mobile reserve 间伐收获;中间(间伐)收获 intermediate felling yield 林道 forest road;haul road 林区;事业分区;作业区 block 直接运出 direct haulage 集水区;流域 catchment area 土砂路;土路 earth road; unpaved road;dirt road 林道网;林道系统forest road network; forest road system;road network 森林土地利用计划 forest land use planning 贮木;贮材 timber storage 运材 timber transport;wood transport 装材场;土场;贮木场 loading area;log yard 集材场;装卸场;土场 landing 集材距离;搬出距离 extraction distance 集材路;搬运(出)路;集材线 extraction rack(road);skid road 集材;搬出 extraction 架线集材;钢索集材 cable logging;cable extraction 索道;架空线;架线法 skyline system 架空线式;集材机集材;架空线集材 cable system;yarder cable way 运材距离 transport distance;hauling distance 伐倒木 timber felled, but not extracted(trans.) 林道计划 forest road contruction plan;roading plan 林木期望价;林分期望价 stand expectation value 立木价;林木价;林分价值 stand value;value of a stand 林木评价;林分评价 stand valuation 土地评价;土壤调查 land appraisal 土地期望价;林地价 soil expectation value 地价 land value 地租;土地年金 soil rent; soil rental ; annual equivalent 立木价 standing timber value;value standing 主伐收入financial returns from final cutting;financial returns from clear felling 间伐收入;疏伐(间伐)收入;经济间伐收获 financial returns from thinnings 森林资本;森林资产 forest capital 金钱收获;货币收获 monetary value; financial value 立木价格 stumpage;standing timber price 森林课税;森林税制 forest taxation 森林收益性 forest profitability;profitability of forestry 森林租金;森林纯收益 forest rent (al);forest returns 森林资产;森林价 Waldwert forest assets 森林评价法(学) forest valuation;forest appraisal 重置价值 replacement value 后价 future value

龄级分配(表) age class distribution

森林簿;林分(记录)簿;森林调查簿 stand description; crop description; stand assessment 森林簿 stand record 林班沿革簿;林分沿革表 history of stand 森林经营调查报告;森林经营计划 forest mnagement plan 收获规整(正);收获控制或管制 cutting control; felling control 财务计划;资金计划 financial plan 林地(分)登录 stand register 伐木(采)计划 cutting plan; felling plan; harvest plan 索引;标记;标号;指标值 indicators 造林计划 施业簿;稽核簿 林相图;基本图 土壤图 林区总览图 森林图集;林相图;森林图伐采计划图 土地台帐图 航空照相图 正射投影图;正视投影图 立地图;生育地图 森林功(机)能(利用)图 森林地籍簿 施业图;事业图 plan of silvicultral operations management records;control book stand map soil map large-scale forest map (trans.) forest map harvest plan map; map of harvest operations cadastral map; property map; cadastre photo map; photographic map orthophoto map site map; site type map forest functions map; forest land use maping forest cadastre management map



