I knew a man who was asked to be the new dean (院长) of the college of business of a large university. When he first arrived, he studied the situation the college faced and felt that what it needed most was money. He recognized that he had a unique capacity to raise money, and he developed a real sense of vision about fund-raising as his primary function.
This created a problem in the college because past deans had focused mainly on meeting day-to-day faculty needs. this new dean was never there . He was running around the country trying to raise money for research .But he was not attending to the day-to-day things as the previous dean had. The faculty, who were used to working with the person at the top , had to work through his administrative assistant.
The faculty became so upset with his absence that they sent a delegation to the president of the univerisity to demand a new dean or a fundamental change in his leadership style . the president , who knew what the dean was doing, said. “relax, he has a good administrative assistant. Give him some more time”
Within a short time. The money started pouring in and the faculty began to recognize the vision . it wasn’t long until every time they saw the dean, they would say “get out of here!we don’t want to see you. Go out and bring in more funds. Your administative assistant runs this office better than anyone else”
This man admitted to me later that the mistake he made was not doing enough team building.enough explaining , enough educating about what he was trying to accomplish. From him , I learn a powerful lesson. We need to constantly be asking ourselves, “what is neede out there, and what is my unique strength?”
16、the new dean thought that the most important thing for him to do was to ___ A gain a sense of vision B set up a primary goal C win the trust of the faculty D raise money
17、the new dean was different from the past deans in that___ A、he was less responsible B he didn’t attend to daily things C he had an administrative assistant D he didn’t like to talk with others
18、we can learn from the passage that the faculty____ A、was not well paid for their work
B didn’t understand the new dean’s ideas at first C had a conflict with the president of the university D didn’t want to work with the administrative assistant
19、the faculty would ask the new dean to get out because they_____ A、were upset by his deadership style B wanted to get rid of him
C were unhappy with his explanation D wanted him to bring back more money
20、what was the mistake the new dean realized he had made? A he was absent all the year around B he was insensitive to the faculty’s need C he didn’t communicate well with the faculty D he didn’t work hard to accomplish his goal
Is new technology damaging our ability to communicate ? fingers flying,we can blog (写博克文章), email, and enter chat rooms. But, as we type our millions of words, something is being lost . As our virtual skills increase, I wonder if our ability to communicate using speech is on the decline.
Young people send me dozens of emails from schools and universities .They often attach long lists questions,to which they want detail reponses. Time is short. So my reply is usually that they can phone me and I will do my best to answer.
They very rarely do , at least partly because their oral and telephone skills are less developed than their ability to type ,text and email. Yet to adapt an old business saying a meeting is worth five phone calls and a phone call is worth five emails.
Direct communication can quickly lead to bonding and trust .people are more likely to reveal what they are thinking when they actually speak to another person. Most are wary of committing themselves in writing. The great tragedy , of coures, is that the phone was invented before the computer.if it had been the other way around, internet forums would now be filled with the news.”have
you heard(type, type, type)? There is this amazing new device (type , type).Now you can talk directly with people (type, type, type).without all this typing “ Marketing would do the rest and collgees would be rushing to develop new courses in telephone skills .
But , as it is , we are stuck with the supremacy of the typed word and it is getting in the way of our ability to look people in the eye and talk . we should reconsider the technology in which the speed of our fingers is more important than the quality of our voices.
21、According to the author , young people today don’t A、like to communicate using speech B、like to communicate with people C、know how to communicate with people D、know how to ask questions in communication
22、According to paragraph 3, compared with meetings , email are A、more efficient B more interesting C less efficient Dless interesting 23 in paragraph 4, “wary of “ can be replaced by
A good at B happy about C used to D cautious about
24、the author believes that if the phone had been invented after the computer, people would
A be eager to learn how to use the phone B be glad to have both means of communication C still prefer typing words on the computer D show little interest in the phone
25 which of the following can be best reflect the author’s attitude towards the communication using type words today ?
A concerned B curious C indifferent D impatient
Most Americans are very conscious of their health and try to maintain a nutririous diet and daily routines to maintain good health.Yet, for many years the tobacco amd liquor industries have tried to project the image of style and fashion for those who use their products.
Most have leamed , however, that the dangers caused to health by tobacco and alcohol can no longer be denied or ignored. The campaigns to alert the public to the evils of these two social drugs have been untense and effective. However, most people dislike being wamed that they shouldn’t do something. It is a kind of psycholgical resistance.
Yet, all tobacco and liquor priducts must now contain a waming on the package.The waming is simple, but the message is clear, smoking are hazardous to health.The wording may vary, but it is phrased in such a way as to draw the attention of the domsumet to the danger. On TV all tobacco advertising is legally banned, and every ad in a magazine must display the wamning. There, are many public notices on trains and buses giving out the warning that smoking is linked to lung cancer and other lung and heart diseases .
The warning against alcohol consumption is of a different kind .it goes out especially to women who are pregnant and anyone,operating a car or electrical machinery. A pregnant woman can cause damage to her baby by drinking alcohol .Also anyone operating a machine runs the risk of an accident which could be fatal. Such warning appear on all wine bottles and even an apparently harmless can of beer.
26 Tobacco and liquor ads try to make people believe that smoking and drinking will A make them look fashionable B help them keep a nutritious diet C make them conscious of their health D show their healthy images to others
27 in the case of smoking and drinking , most people A ignore the campaigns against them B are aware of the dangers they cause C do not really believe their dangers D participate in campaigns against them
28 it can be inferred from the passage that the campaign against smoking is A short-lived B long-standing C widespread D well organized 29 Tobacco advertising is
A popularized B restricted C banned D disliked 30 warnings against drinking are usally directed at
A civilians B car drivers C young people D some groups of people
Today, there is no such ting as a “typical” college student.people of all ages are enrolled in colleges .
Though the concept of college may be the same for all students , the stress and
future goals are different. The college student most people think of usually range in age from 18-21,and are most often away from home for the first time. As a result , they now have choices and no parent to tell them what to do . They are responsiblefor their own lives, needing to learn to manage their time and find a job, while attending school. They enter this new world with the anticipation of freedom, fun and a good job after graduation.
The new faces in the college are usually 30 years old or older ,and are returning to school after several years away. They are starting their college education, after raising a family and are now ready to do something for themselvees. Their lives are considerably different from their younger classmates. They have been on their own for a while , and are concerned about family, responsibilities, work, and the adjustment of being back in school after some years . Most importan to them are the hopes of a new career or a job promotion after they graduate.
Though they may come to college for different reasons, the resulet is the same. It is their chance to make a better life for themselves or their families . As the younger generation is looking for freedom in their lives, those who are returning to school also see freedom. The same opportunities were not available 20 years ago.
So in our colleges and universities, there is a new sense of hope and dreams ,where once stood only the youth of our future, they are now joined by people of all ages who share the dreams of a better life.
31 the passage is mainly concern about with the change of A college administration B college student C college courses D college life 32 in the past college students usually
A lived with their parents B found good jobs easily
C had much time to spare D had no burden of raising a family 33 college students of the new type
A enjoy freedom once again B are worried about their parents C aim at a new job or promotion D study harder than other students 34 one thing that the younger and older college students share is A their hope for a better life B equal job opportunities C their future plans D chances to get promotion 35 The author seems to approve of A college students raising a family
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