【期刊名称】《医学信息》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)005
【摘要】目的:我国居民生活水平不断提高,人们的卫生保健需求也不短完善,使得护理模式逐渐改变以满足人们的需求。方法对我院50名护士进行跟踪调查,采用资料搜集方法,追踪调查方法,分析采取措施前后的对比。结果服务理念转变,责任制护理模式之后,医患矛盾得到缓和,人们医疗质量得到很大提高。结论针对护士在优质化服务过程中面临着一些问题,本文主要对此进行探讨,并且提出一些对策,实施之后的到明显改观。%Objective with the development of livingstrandard, ptople requires more to hygiene, which results in the changing of nursing model to meet the demand. Method The authors research 50 nurses in the hospital, col ect data and take fol ow up surveys to analyze the dif erences. Result And the author found contradictions of providers and customers relax and medical quality improves after changing service concept and primary nursing. Conclusion This paper research the problems in nursing service, and then proposes the countermeasure. 【总页数】1页(130-130)
【关键词】优质化服务;护士;问题;对策与措施 【作者】吴淑萍
【作者单位】天津市滨海新区塘沽响螺湾医院,天津 300000