现场承包商安全Contractor Safety 定期内部审查 场地审查必须包括现场承包商安全与健康活动, 或场地管理部门必须定期审核现场承包商活动. 现场承包商评估 对于需从事有可预见危险性工作的现场承包商,合同工,场地工作人员或团体在内的现场承包商, 场地部门须派合适人员进行评估. 建议使用所附的现场承包商安全与健康执行评估表. 评估可于工作结束时或合同到期时进行, 长期合作伙伴则可以定期进行评估. 应将评估结果上交到相关部门, 以供将来参考. CONTRACTORS SAFETY AND HEALTH POLICY
Policy Purpose To review contractor qualifications relative to Occupational Safety and Health Loss Prevention and Worker's Compensation coverage prior to formalizing a contract; to review the contractor's Loss Prevention efforts once they are on site; and to prevent contractor employee, (Facility) employee and property injury. Policy Statement
This procedure is applicable to all (Facility) facilities. Applicable Documents
? Contractor Safety Qualifications ? Contractor Safety Requirements Policy Procedure 4.1
Contractor Safety Qualifications Form The attached Contractor Safety Qualifications Form must be completed by all prospective contractors as part of the bid process. The form is to be completed and
reviewed by (Facility) prior to a contract being formalized with a contracting facility. The Qualifications Form outlines the contractor's experience in regard to Safety and Health, provides information in regard to their Loss Prevention Programs, and provides
information to assure that they are covered by Workers' Compensation Insurance. A form is to be completed for all prime and sub-contractors that will be on site in regard to a contract.
Pre-construction Conference
A representative from the (Facility) facility is to attend the pre-construction
conference(s) and review the prime and sub-contractor's Loss Prevention Programs relative to the work that the contractors will be performing on site in addition to reviewing the attached “Outside Contractor Safety Communication Form.”.
现场承包商安全Contractor Safety 4.3
Occupational Safety and Health Regulations The contractor is to follow all State Occupational Safety and Health regulations for work performed (See attached \are to follow all (Facility) Safety and Health Procedures, and personal protective
equipment requirements as outlined in training and as posted throughout the facilities. Training
All contractor employers and employees are to attend an on-site Safety & Health
orientation prior to working on site. Training and/or review may be warranted to conform to OSHA's Hazard Communication, Lockout/Tagout, Permit-Required Confined Spaces, and hot work Permit protocol. The responsible project manager or engineer is to walk the contractor employer and employees through the facility and provide an explanation of the evacuation plan and alarm systems. The project manager or engineer are also to walk the contractor employer and employees through the specific areas in which they will be working and review any safety or health hazards and protective measures associated with that area. The designated Safety and Health Representative is to be included in this walk-through.
Weekly Safety Meetings
If in-plant contract work extends beyond five days, weekly safety meetings are to be held by all contractors on site to discuss safety issues. The designated facility Safety and Health Representative is to attend these meetings and to provide input as to noted safety concerns.
General Safety Requirements 4.6.1 4.6.2 4.6.3 4.6.4
All contractor employers and employees are to check in daily at (Facility) prior to beginning work on site.
No one under the influence of drugs or alcohol are permitted on (Facility) property. Drugs or alcoholic beverages shall not be brought onto the property. Horseplay and recklessness is not permitted and will not be tolerated as it endangers contractor and (Facility) employees and property.
Hot work permits - a permit is to be obtained from (Facility) prior to any hot work being performed. Hot work would include any welding, burning, open flames, or torch cutting operations. A fire watch with a proper extinguisher is to be placed on hot work tasks until the operation is complete.
Chemical handling - chemicals are not be brought on site without prior review from. Chemicals will be reviewed for their hazard potential and disposal requirements. All chemicals must be properly contained in DOT specified containers. Grounding and bonding procedures must be followed for all flammable materials. Transport of chemicals through any portion of the facilities is prohibited without prior consent from the Safety and Health Representative.
4.6.6 4.6.7
The contractors are to provide their employees with all personal protective equipment, and other safety equipment as needed to safely perform their job. Under no circumstances will contractors utilize (Facility) equipment and/or tools to perform contracted work.
Contractor Safety现场承包商安全