现场承包商安全Contractor Safety Contractor Performance Monitoring:
The pre-job review can also be used to spot check the contractor's ability to comply with applicable requirements.
Location Representative will discuss with the contractor contact person the scope and time table of the job they are to perform and the hazards thy may encounter such a electrical lines, pneumatic/hydraulic lines, hazardous material, etc. Outside contractors sending employees to work at the facility location will be responsible for training their employees on anticipated hazards before starting work.
At this time the \Contractor Safety Communication Form\should be completed.
It is important to monitor contractor compliance with S&H requirements on an on-going basis. The level of monitoring depends on the level of risk associated
with the work that the contractor is performing. Contractors whose work on-site may expose the contractor, contractor employees, location employees or the community to reasonably foreseeable S&H hazards should be monitored in more detail.
Typical monitoring systems which may be used are as follows:
? Job Site Reviews
A daily \- S&H review should be performed by a location representative(s). This is an informal review that does not have to be documented. Observations and deficiencies identified on these reviews are reported to contractor management. Serious conditions or non-compliance is corrected immediately.
? Periodic S&H Inspections
Periodic inspections should be conducted by a location representative to monitor contractor S&H performance and
address deficiencies. These inspections may be conducted in conjunction with location inspection practices. It is recommended that these inspections be documented.
? Periodic S&H Performance Reviews
Meetings should be held periodically by location representatives to review, discuss and evaluate contractor S&H performance. Contractors should be represented by a senior contractor representative on site. The following topics should typically be addressed:
? Performance
? Accident and Incident Summary
现场承包商安全Contractor Safety
? Location and Contractor Inspection Summaries
? Audits - Status Reports
? S&H Issues
? Periodic Internal Audits
Contractor S&H activities should be included in location audits, or periodic audits of contractor activities should be conducted by location management.
? Contractor Evaluation
Appropriate location representatives should evaluate the S&H performance of those contractors whose work may expose the contractor, contract employees, location employees or the community to reasonably foreseeable S&H hazards. It is recommended that the attached Contractor S&H Performance Evaluation form be used.
The evaluation may be done at the completion of the job, the expiration of a contract or periodically for long term contractors.
The evaluation report should be issued to the appropriate department for use as a measuring tool when considering the contractor for future work.
现场承包商安全Contractor Safety
目的 本章程旨在为执行现场承包商(设施)安全与健康条例提供具体操作方式. 可椐本章程制定场地管理机构, 以确保现场承包商在现场工作时遵循相应的政府及场地的健康, 安全和环保规章. 章程 责任 本章程为执行现场承包商(设施)安全与健康条例提供具体措施. 场地管理部门应告知具体负责人员在现场工作时必须遵循现场承包商安全与健康条例. 建立具体责任部门负责场地合约的维护管理, 购买及接洽业主. 场地责任分工须明确到位. 确定章具体安全与健康要求应视现场承包商具体工作而定. 可据本章中 “现场承包商要程要求 求”一节来确定具体要求. 具体安全与健康执行标准如经验调整比例及损伤频率记录等,应根据(设备)劳动部门每年所定的目标决定. 现场承应据其能力是否符合相应的政府和场地安全与健康要求及(设备)安全执行标准来选包商斟择现场承包商. 选及批 准 提供或执行加工设备维护的现场承包商在进行特定的非维护操作或从事建筑工作现场承包商安全Contractor Safety 时,必须确定其是否合格. 其他现场承包商的资格认定由场地管理部门根据工作的风险度来决定.建议使用 “现场承包商安全资格表”以验证现场承包商资格. 该资格表应包括相应的安全与健康要求及执行标准.
相应的安全与健康规定及执行的标准应在招标书中详细说明, 且须应投标商的要求或在招标大会前重申. 现场承包商应提供相关文件,以证明其公司有能力遵守安全与健康规定和执行标准. 其可信度将由场地部门根据以往的合作及现场承包商将进行的项目来判定. 通常, 证明文件应包括主要的要求列表. 现场承包商须签署一份书面协议(通常也即合约), 以保证其: ? 遵守相应的政府和场地安全与健康规定; ? 遵守当地的如经验调整比例及损伤频率记录等安全与健康执行标准; ? 雇佣且只雇佣称职的合格人员进行项目. ? 采用安全且符合政府要求的设备; ? 提供(租借或借给)设备予符合政府及场地安全与健康要求的工地; ? 允许工地代表检查其工作区域. 对于无需从事可预见危险性工作的现场承包商,其雇员及场地人员, 无须与其签订合约. 场地部门应制定具体的应对紧急情况措施, 措现场承包商安全Contractor Safety 施须与本规章的意图相符,以应付意外情况.
施工前汇报 现场承包商参加施工前汇报,以了解场地的方位及现场承包商安全与健康条例. 也可以施工前汇报的形式对现场承包商的能力进行抽样调查, 从而确定其是否具有相关的能力. 场地部门代表可与现场承包商方的代表讨论工程范围和日程安排, 以及可能遇到的问题如电线, 气压/水压, 危险物品等. 外部现场承包商将负责培训现场工作人员, 使其在开始工作之前了解可能的危险. 此时, 应完成 “外部现场承包商安全情况沟通表”. 监督现场承包商 追踪监督现场承包商是否遵守安全与健康条例至关重要. 监督度视从事工作的风险度而定. 在现场承包商方的现场工作人员,包括现场承包商, 合同工及场地人员或团体可能遇见安全与健康问题时, 应进行具体监督. 可采用的典型监督系统如下: 现场汇报 场地部门代表应每日进行安全与健康检查. 此项为例行检查无需记录在案. 检查结果及不足需告知现场承包商管理部门. 情况严重或违反规定的须立即纠正. 定期检查 场地部门须定期对现场承包商安全与健康执行情况进行检查, 发现不足. 这些检查可与场地检查联合进行. 建议将检查结果记录在案. 定期安全与健康执行情况汇报 场地部门代表定期召开会议, 汇报, 讨论评估现场承包商安全与健康的执行情况. 现场承包商方须派出一名高级现场代表. 以下议题必须讨论: 执行情况 事故及事件总结 场地及现场承包商检查总结 审计情况报告 安全与健康事项
Contractor Safety现场承包商安全