现场承包商安全Contractor Safety Standard Contractors must develop location management systems that provide reasonable assurance that on-site contractors(sub-contractors) perform their work in compliance with applicable governmental and location environmental,safety and health requirements.
All contractors performing work on factory property should operate in such a manner as to not endanger factory employees, physical property, the public, the environment or themselves. Minimum Requirements
1. Contractors must establish specific responsibilities as applicable for the users of sub-contractor services, such as maintenance, administration, and purchasing. Responsibilities should be appropriate for the organization at the location.
2. Specific ES&H requirements should be determined for each sub-contractor/contract job based on the work that the sub-contractor is to perform.
3. Sub-contractors should be selected based on their ability to meet applicable governmental and location ES&H requirements and Nike's ES&H performance criteria.
4. Sub-contractors who provide or perform process equipment maintenance, provide specific non-
maintenance services to operations or perform construction work should be pre-qualified. Pre-qualification of other contractors should be determined by location management based on the level of risk associated with the work that the contractors are to perform.
5. The sub-contractor should provide documentation to verify that the company can comply with applicable ES&H requirements and performance criteria. The level of verification should be established by location based on experience with the contractor and on the work to be performed by the contractor.
6. Pre-job reviews should be held with the sub-contractor to provide a location orientation and to assure that sub-contractor ES&H requirements are understood.
7. Contractors must monitor sub-contractor compliance with ES&H requirements on an ongoing basis. The level of monitoring depends on the level of risk associated with the work that the contractor is performing 8. All sub-contractor employers and employees are to attend an on-site Environmental, Safety & Health
orientation before working on site. Training and/or review may be warranted to conform to Nike’s Chemical Hazard Communication, Control of Hazardous Energy, Confined Space Protection, and Maintenance Safety CLSs. The responsible project manager or engineer is to walk sub-contractor employers and employees through the factory and provide an explanation of the evacuation plan and alarm systems. The project manager or engineer is also to walk the
现场承包商安全Contractor Safety sub-contractor employers and employees through the specific areas in which they will be working and review any environmental, safety, or health hazards and protective measures associated with that area. The designated ES&H Representative is to be included in this walk-through.
9. No one under the influence of drugs or alcohol is permitted on factory property. Drugs or alcoholic beverages shall not be brought onto the property.
10. Horseplay and recklessness is not permitted and will not be tolerated as it endangers sub-contractor and factory employees and property.
11. A hot work permit is to be obtained from the maintenance department before any hot work is performed. Hot work includes any welding, burning, open flames, or torch cutting operations. A fire watch with a proper extinguisher is to be placed on hot work tasks until the operation is complete.
12. Chemicals are not to be brought on site without prior review from the contractor. Chemicals will be
reviewed for their hazard potential and disposal requirements. All chemicals must be properly contained in specified containers.
13. Transport of chemicals through any part of the facility without prior consent from the ES&H Representative is prohibited.
14. Grounding and bonding procedures must be followed for all flammable materials.
15. The sub-contractors are to provide their employees with all personal protective equipment and other safety equipment as needed to safely perform their job.
现场承包商安全Contractor Safety
合约商应建立现场管理系统, 合理确保现场承包商(分包商)遵守相关的政府和现场环境安全与健康要求, 所有合约商在工厂施工时, 不得危害工厂员工, 财产, 公众,环境或自身的安全. 基本要求:
1. 合约商应设立具体的责任体制, 以负责分包商工作, 如维护,管理和购买. 现场组织要分工明确.
3. 根据分包商是否符合相应的政府和现场环保健康和安全要求和耐克的环保健康和安全执行标准来选择分包商.
4. 提供或执行加工设备维护, 为操作提供具体的非维护工作或建筑工作的分包商必须合格. 其它合约商的资格认定由现场管理部门根据合约商要进行工作的风险度决定
5. 分包商须提供资料证明该公司符合相关的ES&H要求和执行标准. 证明文件包括与合约商合作的经历及合约商即将进行的工作.
6. 须与分包商一起进行施工前检查, 以了解现场位置,同时确保分包商明白ES&H要求. 7. 合约商应在施工进程中监督分包商遵守ES&H要求. 监控严格程度视合约商进行工作的风险度而定.
8. 所有分包商,不论是雇主还是雇工, 都要在现场工作前参观现场环境,安全与健康定位. 必须进行培训和/或检查, 确保符合耐克的化学品危险交流程序, 危险能源控制程序, 密闭空间保护程序和维护安全等程序标准要求. 项目负责经理或工程师须陪同分包商及其工人查看工厂, 对疏散计划和警示系统作解释, 并陪同他们到工作区, 查看该区的环境安全或健康危险和保护措施. 此外, 指定的环保健康和安全代表要全程陪同查看.
9. 禁止在酒后或吸食麻醉剂后施工. 严禁携带麻醉剂或酒类进入施工现场. 10. 严禁在现场吵闹喧哗, 影响合约商和员工及设备运作.
11. 从事动火工作应预先到设施部门审领动火作业许可证, 动火工作包括烧焊, 燃烧作业, 明火作业, 气割作业等. 火灾报警设备和灭火器应放置在作业现场直到工作完成.
12. 如果没有预先经过合约商的检查, 化学品不允许被带到工作现场. 使用前应明确化学品的危险特性和处理要求. 所有的化学品应盛装在合乎其特性的容器中. 13. 没有经过ES&H代表的同意, 不允许搬运化学品穿过厂房的任何地方.
现场承包商安全Contractor Safety 14. 进行与易燃物料有关的工作应遵从接地程序.
15. 分包商应提供给雇员合适的个人防护用具和其他有助于安全工作的设备设施.
Contractor Safety and Health
Implementation Guidelines
To provide guidelines for the implementation of the (FACILITY) Contractor Safety and Health (S&H) Policy. These guidelines may be used to develop location management systems that provide reasonable assurance that on-site contractors perform their work in compliance with applicable governmental and location health, safety and environmental requirements.
Guidelines: These guidelines are structured to provide direction for implementing the specific
elements of the (FACILITY) Contractor S&H Policy.
Accountability: Location management systems should address the specific accountabilities for
managing on-site contractor S&H compliance.
Specific responsibilities should be established, as applicable, for Location Contract Maintenance Administration, Purchasing, and the users of contractor services. Responsibilities should be appropriate for the organization at the location.
Determining Contractor Specific S&H requirements should be determined for each contractor/contract job S&H Requirements: based on the work that the contractor is to perform. The \Safety
Specific S&H performance criteria such as Experience Modification Rate (EMR) and Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (RIFR) should be determined based on annual goals coordinated bye (FACILITY)'s Labor Practices Department.
Contractor Selection and Contractors should be selected based on their ability to meet applicable Approval: governmental and location S&H requirements and (FACILITY)'s S&H
performance criteria.
Contractors who provide or perform process equipment maintenance, provide specific non-maintenance services to operations or perform construction work should be pre-qualified. Pre-qualification of other contractors should be
Pre-Job Reviews:现场承包商安全Contractor Safety determined by location management based on the level of risk associated with the work that the contractors is to perform. It is recommended that the attached \Form\ The applicable S&H requirements and performance criteria should be included with the Qualification Form.
Applicable S&H requirements and performance criteria should be included as specification in the invitation to bid and reviewed with the bidder on request or in pre-bid meetings.
The contractor should provide documentation to verify that the company can comply with applicable S&H requirements and performance criteria. The level of verification should be established by locations based on experience with the contractor and on the work to be performed by the contractor. Normally, the verification should include a check of key requirements.
The contractor should sign a written agreement (normally a contract) which commits the contractor to:
? Abide by applicable governmental and location S&H requirements.
? Meet location S&H performance criteria such as EMR and RIFR.
? Employ or cause to be employed only persons who are fit and skilled
in the work to be performed.
? Use equipment that is safe to operate and meets governmental
? Provide (lease, rent or \
governmental and location S&H requirements.
? Provide authorized location representatives access to their work
A written agreement is not required for a contractor whose work on site will not expose the contractor, contractor employees, location employees, or the community to reasonably foreseeable S&H hazards.
Location should establish specific procedures for \with the intent of this policy where it may not be practical to follow these guidelines.
Pre-job reviews should be held with the contractor to provide a location orientation and to assure that contractor S&H requirements are understood.