姓 名缪亚丽 指导教师王 老 师
采用花生壳、改性花生壳、花生壳活性炭对含铬废水进行了吸附研究,考察了花生壳投加量、吸附时间、pH值、吸附温度等对吸附效果的影响。花生壳改性是采用甲醛/硫酸改性,花生壳活性炭制备是采用氯化锌活化制得花生壳活性炭。采用的测定方法是二苯碳酰分光光度法。实验结果表明:(1)采用未改性花生壳,在最佳吸附条件下,花生壳对Cr 6+去除率达到91.90%。(2)采用甲醛/硫酸改性花生壳,在最佳吸附条件下,改性花生壳对Cr 6+的去除率达到95.02%。(3)采用氯化锌作为活化剂,在最佳活化条件下制得的花生壳活性炭,在最佳吸附条件下,花生壳活性炭对Cr 6+的去除率达到99.90%。综上所述,改性花生壳、花生壳活性炭可作为处理含铬废水的高效吸附材料。
关键词:花生壳;改性;花生壳活性炭;吸附;Cr 6+
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Used the peanut shell, the modified peanut shell, the peanut shell activated charcoal has conducted the adsorption research to the chromic waste water, inspected the peanut shell to throw the increment, the adsorption time, the pH value, the adsorption temperature and so on to adsorbs the effect the influence.The peanut shell modification is uses the formaldehyde/sulfuric acid modified peanut shell, when the peanut shell activated charcoal preparation uses the zinc chloride activation system to result in the peanut shell activated charcoal.Uses the determination method is the benzoic carbonyl spectrophotometric method.The experimental result indicated that,(1) does not use the modified peanut shell, under the best adsorption condition, the peanut shell achieves 91.90% to the Cr6+ elimination rate.(2) uses the formaldehyde/sulfuric acid to the peanut shell modified condition under, the modified peanut shell achieves 95.02% under the best adsorption condition to the Cr6+ elimination rate.(3) uses the zinc chloride to take the activator, the system results in the peanut shell under the best activation condition, when best adsorption condition, the peanut shell activated charcoal achieves 99.90% to the Cr6+ elimination rate.In summary,the shell, the modified peanut shell, the peanut shell activated charcoal may take the processing chromic waste water the highly effective adsorption material.
Keywords: Peanut shell; Modification; Peanut shell activated charcoal; Adsorption; Cr6+
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目 录
1.1 研究的背景及意义1 1.2研究现状与分析2 1.3 研究目的和内容3
1.3.1 研究目的3 1.3.2 研究内容3 1.4 研究的技术路线4
2.1.1 实验试剂5 2.1.2实验仪器5 2.1.3实验试剂的配制5 2.2 实验方法6
2.2.1花生壳预处理6 2.2.2花生壳改性方法6 2.2.3花生壳活化方法7 2.3 六价铬的测定方法7 2.4 标准曲线的绘制7
3.1 概述9
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