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( )1.Mary wants healthy. A.keeping B.keep C.to keep

( )2.Yao Ming is a player. He can play basketabll .

A.good; well B.well;good C.good; good ( )3. do you get to the zoo? I often take the bus.

A.When B.Where C.How ( )4.What’s with you? A.wrong B.matter C.the wrong ( )5.How you feel? A.do B.are C.does ( )6.It is the candy shop.

A.near to B.next C.next to ( )7. are good for you.

A.Candy B.Fruit C.Vegetables ( )8.Trun left the corner. It’s your left

A.at; turn B.to; at C.at; on

( )9.In winter the children are easy to have a . A.hurt B.toothache C.cold ( )10.I have jelly, I fell bad. A.not enough B.too much C.enough ( )11.What’s wrong with Lisa? She bad.

A.feel B.feels C.feeling ( )12.What are you ? A.have B.eat C.drinking 二、根据句意和首字母提示,写出正确的单词 1.My temperature is 39℃. I have a f .

2.Have a rest and drink more water. Soon you are getting b . 3.She has a toothache. She should see the d . 4.My f food is ice cream. I eat ice cream every dya. 5.Too much junk food is bad for our h . 6.Walk a the street. The book shop is near the bank. 三、用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空 1.How are you (feel) now, Tony? 2.You brother should (go) to bed now. 3.What’s the matter with (they)? They (have) a fever.

4.Li tao (have) enough vegetables every day. He is very (health). 5.Please (take) some medicine and (stay) in bed. 6.Let’s (turn) left at the corner. 7.Can you play the piano (good)? 8.You should eat so many (candy)?

9.We should eat plenty of (health) food beacuse they are good for our (health). We shouldn’t eat alot of (health) food. 四、根据中文提示,完成句子 1.人们经常做大量运动

People often . 2.当你横过马路时,请看交通信号灯。

Please the traffic light when you the road. 3.在太阳下读书对你眼睛不好。

in the sun your eyes. 4.你妹妹怎么了? 她牙疼。

What’s with your sister? She a . 5.她口渴,所以她想喝一杯水。

She is , so she wants a of water. 6.在繁忙的街道上有很多汽车。

many cars in the street. 7.早起床对我们身体好。

It is for us up early. 五、阅读理解

Tony: Excuse me. How can we get to the People’s Park, please?

Jenny: You can go there by No. 5 bus, or you can go on foot. Tony: How do we go on foot?

Jenny: Turn left at the trafic lights. The park is next to a supermarket. Peter: Thanks very much. Hurry up(快点), Tony! Tony: No! The light is red. Stop! Peter: That’s right. We have to wait. Tony: Now it’s green. Let’s go. 判断对错,对的写T,错的写F

( )1.Tony and Peter can’t go to the park by the NO.5 bus. ( )2.Tony and Peter want to go to the park on foot. ( )3.The People’s Park is next to the traffic lights. ( )4.Peter wants to go at a red light.

( )5.Tony follows(遵守) the traffic rules(规则). 根据对话内容填空,每条横线不限一词

1.The boy can the No.5 bus to the People’s Park 2.They should turn at the traffic lights. 3.The supermarket is the park. 4.They must when the light is red. 5.When the light is green, they can . 六、作文

请你按照提示内容,以“My Healthy Habits”为题,写一篇关于自己健康的饮食和行为习惯作文。要求:(1)字数50字左右;(2)发挥想象,条理清晰,意思连贯,语句通常,书写工整。 提示词:get up, go to bed, breakfast, on time, basketball, sometimes, every day.



