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2. 难点:运用本课所学 “How can I get there. Turn left. Turn right”等句子进行正确流利的回答。 教具准备 一 度 备 课 Step 1 Warm-up 1.T: First of all, Let’s say a chant . “Where is the…?” Lead-in: 1.Game: 由chant引出go straight ,然后在游戏活动中引出下列词组:turn left,turn right,go straight. 教师请学生起立,边听边跟教师做动作,学生在过程中理解以上三个词组,反复循环几次帮学生理解后,可以加快语速和节奏进行操练。 T:Boys and girls ,let’s play a game. Stand up, please .Follow me .Do the action. Walk! Stop! Turn left! Turn right! Go straight! 2. Pair Work Wu Yifan is a new student in the town. He wants to go to the cinema, but he doesn’t know the way, so he is asking Robin now. (出示主情景图Page 2 ) Step2 Presentation and practice 1. Let’s try 教学 T : And now Wu is calling to Mike to ask him out. Listen and tick or cross. (让一学生读题) ( PPT: Wu and Mike are calling.) Then check the answer .可以让学生试着口头订正错误的题目。 Key:1.Cross 2 Tick T : So we know Wu Yifan and Mike want to go to the cinema. 2. 呈现视频片段:Wall-E Wu Yifan and Mike are talking about the film: Mike : What an interesting film! (操练) 可以让学生自主来发表一下看法。 Wu Yifan: Yes! 3. PPT呈现:电影院散场The End T: Wu Yifan and Mike saw an interesting film. What happened next ? Let’s watch the cartoon and answer the 二 度 备 课 question: Q1: Where do they want to go after the film? And why? They want to the restaurant. Because they’re hungry. 4. Practice : restaurant TTP呈现: Chinese restaurant, Italian restaurant, Korean restaurant 的图片,让学生看图片认识不同的餐馆,学会Italian restaurant的朗读。 T : Which restaurant does Wu like? / do you like best? S: I like pizza. I like Korean restaurant… 5. T : Let’s watch again,and answer Q2:Where is the restaurant ? It’s next to the park on Dongfang Street. (drill) 6. PPT放大Mike手上在记录的卡片,教师出示一幅对话内容绘制的街区简图,引导学生看图谈图,Q3: Where are Wu and Mike ? 要求学生根据自己所知先在图上标出吴一凡和Mike现在所处的位置和所要到的目的地,再听录音验证,画出路线图。 T : Let’s watch and answer Q4:How can Wu Yifan and Mike get to the restaurant? Turn left at the bookstore, turn right at the hospital 7. Text 1. 学生跟读对话,教师指导朗读技巧,主要是升降调。 2. Practice in pairs 3. Role play Step 3 Consolidation 1. T : Mike and Wu likes Italian Restaurant ,What about you? T : Which restaurant do you like? Chinese or Korean restaurant? T : Which cinema do you like ? Wanda Cinema or Happy Cinema? S1 : … S2 : … S3 : … … 2. 师生示范一个对话: A : I like pizza. I know a great Italian Restaurant. B : Really? How can I get to the … ? A : Turn left at … / right at .. 3. 学生准备,展示2-3组 4. Sum up Homework: 1. 熟读课文P6,注意模仿磁带中的语音、语调。 2. 画一张学校附近的简要地图,并和你的新来的同学或新老师编一个指(问)路的对话。 板书设计: 教学反思: 第 一 课(单元)How can I get there? 课时计划(第 4时)

教学目标 1. 在上节课学习的基础上,继续进行问路和指路的交流。 2. 能够正确听、说、读、写turn right, turn left, go straight, crossing和“How can I get there? Where is …?”等句式,并进行交流。能听、说、认读Palace Museum且理解其含义。 3. 帮助学生形成用英语交流的习惯,培养学生的英语素养。 重点:能够运用“Where is the …?”和“How can I get to …?”询问某地在哪里,并能用“Turn left at…Go straight.”等短语和句型给别人指路。 难点:运用本课所学的“How can I get there? Turn left. Turn right. Go straight.”等词句正确流利的问答。 多媒体课件,录音机,磁带。 重点难点 教具准备 一 度 备 课 Step 1 Warming up 1. Enjoy a song “Where is the hospital?” 2. Free talk 出示主情景图P.2 T: Where is the post office? S1: It’s … 教师示范之后,生生之间利用主情景图P.2中的平面图自由问答。 T: Where is the park? S: It’s near the bookstore. T: Now we are in front of the cinema. (课件标示此时人物的所在地点) How can we get to the park? Step2 Presentation and practice 1. Learn “crossing” 出示主情景图P2, 教师指出十字路口,在课件中出示crossing. 利用不同的十字路口图片加以操练 2. Learn “turn right” ”turn left” “go straight” (1)T: How can we get to the park? First… 教师出示支架:First, ___________at the crossing. 让学生自由回答,教师让其他同学来判断回答是否正确。 eg: S1: First, turn right at the crossing. 二 度 备 课 T: Turn right here? Ss: Yes. (2)课件出示路线图,并出现词组”turn right.” 同时出示左转图标,进行比较,学习”turn left” T: Then…? 继续邀请学生回答 S: Go straight. (3)课件出示路线图,并出现词组”go straight” ? listen and do 听指令做动作, 操练所学的词组。 3. 综合操练单词Group work T: Now we are at the bookstore. How can we get to the park? 出示地图,已走的路线图可标出,剩下的路线让学生四人小组合作,完成路线。 Step3 Consolidation and extension 1. 引入课文文本,听对话和单词,跟读,同伴相互读。(听之前可引导学生先观察并描述一下图片中的人物,情景及出现的标志) 2. 活动:Be a tour guide (1)引入P7北京地图及景点图片,先让学生熟悉一下地图,并熟悉Palace Museum, Beihai Park, Tian’anmen 三个单词。 (2)Listen and draw. 听教师所描述的路线指令,学生在地图上标出路线图,进一步操练所学的词组。 (3) T: Oliver is new here, Chen Jie is trying to be a tour guide for Oliver in Beijing. Can you help her? 课件出示Chen Jie头像 Chen Jie: Now we are in front of Tian’anmen. Go straight and you can see the Palace Museum. (课件标出路线图帮助学生理解) 课件出示Oliver头像 Oliver: How can we get to Beihai Park? 课件出示路线图,让学生来做一做Chen Jie,说一说。 3. Pair work. 学生两人一组,选择自己想去的地点,对着地图扮演一下Chen Jie和Oliver,来做一下导游。 Step4 Homework 1. Listen to the tape of P. 7 and repeat it. 2. Copy the phrases of Let’s learn and try to



