The Marine Dynamics and Changing Trend off the
Modern Yellow River Mouth
WANG Nan;LI Guangxue;XU Jishang;QIAO Lulu;DADA Olusegun A.;ZHOU Chunyan
【期刊名称】《中国海洋大学学报(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2015(014)003
【摘要】Topography around the Yellow River mouth has changed greatly in recent years, but studies on the current state of ma- rine dynamics off the Yellow River mouth are relatively scarce. This paper uses a two-dimension numerical model (MIKE 21) to reveal the tidal and wave dynamics in 2012, and conducts comparative analysis of the changes from 1996 to 2012. The results show that M2 amphidromic point moved southeastward by 11km. It further reveals that the tides around the Yellow River mouth are rela-tively stable due to the small variations in the tidal constituents. Over the study period, there is no noticeable change in the distribu-tion of tidal types and tidal range, and the mean tidal range off the river mouth during the period studied is 0.5–1.1m. However, the tidal currents changed greatly due to large change in topography. It is observed that the area with strong tidal currents shifted from the old river mouth (1976–1996) to the modern river mouth (1996–present). While the tidal current speeds decreased continually off the old river mouth, they increased off the modern river mouth. The Maximum Tidal Current Speed (MTCS) reached 1.4ms-1,
The Marine Dynamics and Changing Trend off the Modern Yellow River Mouth