China Association of Chinese Medicine
【期刊名称】《世界中西医结合杂志(英文)》 【年(卷),期】2018(000)002
【摘要】Paper notice for seminar on clinical application of new technologyof integrated Chinese and western medicine in treating sequelae of cerebrovascular diseasesHosted by China Association of Chinese Medicine,and organized by World Journal of Integrated traditional and western Medicine,seminar on clinical application of new technology of integrated Chinese and 【总页数】2页(P.39-40) 【关键词】 【作者】;
【作者单位】Academic Department of China Association of Chinese Medicine; 【正文语种】英文 【中图分类】R-2 【相关文献】
1.China Association of Chinese Medicine Paper notice for seminar on clinical application of new technology of integrated Chinese and western medicine in treating sequelae of cerebrovascular diseases [J], 2.China Association of Chinese Medicine Paper notice for seminar on
clinical application of new technologyof integrated Chinese and western medicine in treating sequelae of cerebrovascular diseases [J], Academic Department of China Association of Chinese Medicine[1]
3.China Association of Chinese Medicine Paper notice for seminar on clinical application of new technologyof integrated Chinese and western medicine in treating sequelae of cerebrovascular diseases [J],
4.Breakthrough cancer medicine and its impact on novel drug development in China:report of the US Chinese Anti-Cancer Association (USCACA) and Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology (CSCO) Joint Session at the 17th CSCO Annual Meeting [J], Feng Roger Luo; Ge Zhang; Li Xu; Pascal Qian; Li Yan; Jian Ding; Helen X. Chen; Hao Liu; Man-Cheong Fung; Maria Koehler; Jean Pierre Armand; Lei Jiang; Xiao Xu
5.Analyzing Couplet Medicines of Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine Zhao Zi-qiang Treating Chronic Gastritis based on Association Rules [J], Wenxue ZHANG[1]; Caifang DUAN[2]; Haihong ZHANG[3]; Xisen LIANG[4]; Zhengzhi LI[1]
China Association of Chinese Medicine