龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
作者:陈智会 张明
摘; 要:主体性是人本质的重要体现,离开学生主体性的发展,教育则将失去依托和生命力。当前大学生对创新创业思想认同差异大、创业实践行动力不足而对创新创业教育需求呈多样性等现实性问题倒逼高校创新创业教育必须改革发展。彰显主体性教育理念、把脉学生和社会发展之需、探究创新教育方法将有助于提高学生主体性,推进高校创新创业教育的质性发展。
关键词:主体性; 创新创业教育; 育人为本; 大学生
中图分类号:G64 ; ; ; ; ; 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-3791(2024)08(a)-0229-03 Research on Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education of Colleges and Universities Students from the Perspective; ; ; ; ; ; ;of Subjectivity Chen; Zhihui1; Zhang; Ming2
(1.WuhanPolytechnic, Wuhan, Hubei Province, 430074 China; 2.Wuhan City Vocational College, Wuhan, Hubei Province, 430000 China)
Abstract: Subjectivity is an important embodiment of human nature. Without the development of student subjectivity, education loses its support and vitality.; At present, college students have to reform and develop the innovation and entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities due to such practical problems as the great difference in the identification of innovation and
entrepreneurship thought, the lack of entrepreneurial practice motivation and the diversified demands for innovation and entrepreneurship education. To highlight the concept of subjectivity education, to feel the needs of students and social development, and to explore innovative education methods will help to improve students' subjectivity and promote the qualitative development of innovation and entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities. Key Words: Subjectivity; Innovation and entrepreneurship education; People-centered education; College students