燃气轮机词汇表(A-I) 英文索引 A Acceptance test 验收实验
Actual enthalpy drop (enthalpy rise) 实际焓降(焓增) Actuating oil system 压力油系统
Aero-derivative gas turbine, aircraft-derivative gas turbine 航空衍生(派生)型燃气机轮
Air charging system 空气冲气系统 Air film cooling 气膜冷却 Air intake duck 进气道
Alarm and protection system 报警保护系统 Annular combustor 环行燃烧室 Annulus drag loss 环壁阻力损失 Area heat release rate 面积热强度 Aspect ratio 展弦比 Atomization 雾化
Atomized particle size 雾化细度
Automatic starting time of gas turbine 燃气机轮的自动起动时间 Auxiliary loads 辅助负荷 Availability 可用性
Average continuous running time of gas turbine 燃气机轮平均连续运行时间 Axial displacement limiting device 轴向位移保护装置 Axial flow compressor 轴流式压气机 Axial flow turbine 轴流式透平 Axial thrust 轴向推力
Base load rated output 基本负荷额定输出功率 Black start 黑起动 Blade 叶片 Blade 叶片
Blade height 叶(片)高(度) Blade inlet angle (叶片)进口角 Blade outlet angle (叶片)出口角 Blade profile 叶型
Blade profile thickness 叶型厚度
Blade root 叶根
Bleed air/extraction air 抽气 Blow-off 放气 Blow-off value 放气阀
Burner outlet temperature 透平进口温度 By-pass control 旁路控制 By-pass control 旁路控制
C Camber angle 叶型转折角 Camber line 中弧线
Can annular combustor 环管型燃烧室 Can-type combustor 分管型燃烧室 Carbon deposit 积碳 Casing 气缸 Cascade 叶栅
Catalytic combustion 催化燃烧 Center support system 定中系统 Centrifugal compressor 径流式压气机 Centripetal turbine 向心式(透平) Choking 堵塞
Choking limit 阻塞极限 Chord 弦长
Closed-cycle 闭式循环 Cogeneration 热电联供 Cold starting 冷态起动 Combined cycle 联合循环
Combined cycle with multi-pressure level Rankine cycle 多压朗肯循环的联合循环 Combined cycle with single pressure level Rankine cycle 单压朗肯循环的联合循环 Combined supercharged boiler and gas turbine cycle 增压锅炉型联合循环 Combustion chamber 燃烧室 Combustion intensity 燃烧强度
Combustion liner/combustor can/combustor basket/flame tube 火焰筒 Combustion stability 燃烧稳定性 Combustion zone 燃烧区
Combustion efficiency 燃烧室效率
Combustion inspection 燃烧室检查 Combustion outer casing 燃烧室外壳 Combustion outlet temperature 透平进口温度 Combustion specific pressure loss 燃烧室比压力损失 Compactness factor 紧凑系数 Compressor 压气机
Compressor characteristic curves 压气机特性线 Compressor disc 压气机轮盘
Compressor input power 压气机输入功率
Compressor intake anti-icing system 压气机进气防冰系统 Compressor rotor 压气机转子 Compressor turbine 压气机透平
Compressor washing system 压气机清洗系统 Compressor wheel 压气机叶轮 Constant power operation 恒功率运行 Constant temperature operation 恒温运行 Control system 控制系统 Convection cooling 对流冷却 Cooled blade 冷却叶片 Cooling down 冷却盘车 Corrected flow 折算流量 Corrected output 折算输出功率 Corrected speed 折算转速
Corrected thermal efficiency 折算热效率 Counter flow combustor 逆流式燃烧室 Critical speed 临界转速
Critical speed of rotor 转子临界速度
Cross flame tube/inter-connector/cross fire tube/cross light tube 联烟管 confidence interval 置信区间
D Dead band 迟缓率 Dead center 死点 Deep stall 渐进失速 Degree of reaction 反动度 Design condition 设计工况 Deviation angle 落后角