.Study on Euphemisms in English and Chinese
3.1 Comparison of Euphemisms in English and Chinese
Euphemism is a common linguistic phenomenon in different cultures. Many scholars at home and abroad have made studies of euphemisms from different perspectives.From the moment it is coined, it plays an important role in people's daily communication. It is not only a language phenomenon but also a culture one. To some extent, the euphemism generates from such circumstances of avoiding shame, of avoiding privacy and other psychological problems during interpersonal communication. Different cultures derive from different cultural backgrounds. Therefore, cultural differences would lead to the different uses of language.
Taboo is the psychological basis of a euphemism. Some taboos in English and Chinese euphemism are same. For example: “death” is universally regarded as one of the taboos Death as the final outcome, whether ancient or modern, both the East and West, there are few differences. As a human being, regardless of whom he is and how he will be busy with his life, he must experience birth and death, young and old, finally, unveil them serious appearance to knock on the death door.
In China, People do not like the number”4”because they fear about the “die ”. Another group number is about“73 , 84”. Among old people , they think there are two key ages , if you are 73 or 84 years old , they believe that you will die before God of the hell invites you. So many old people are not willing to talk about their exact ages, if so they will shorten or prolong one year to overpass this two key ages.
In western countries, people regard”13”as taboo. They never live No.13 Room in the hotel, or not have the No 13 because of the religious belief. In most big hotels, there are not 13th story or No 13 Room. The Chinese said the death of euphemism: Deceased died! The death! Of old age!, Death! Sacrificed! The world long Speech! The heart stops beating! And see Marx! Furthermore, in ancient China, the uses of euphemisms of death are strictly classified according to different social ranks. Death of emperors is called“崩 ”, death of dukes”薨”, death of senior officials“卒 ”, death of Buddhist abbot “圆寂 ”, and death of the common “死 ”. English in the expression of death ,The euphemism of death! Depart from the world for ever, decease, breathe one last, pay one debt to nature, be with God, go the way of all flesh, etc. Recently, English euphemism of death more anmore exaggerated, dead (The dead) became the deceased or the dear departed, dead! Is passed away, fallen asleep and gone to Jesus. This reflects that the people on death,in English, many euphemisms are used to fulfill this function. Some frequently used ones are “pass away” ,“depart” ,“pay one’s debt to nature” ,“go to better world”, “be with God”, etc. The same is true of Chinese euphemisms, which has“逝世”,“故去 ”,“寿终 ”,“作古 ”,“谢世 ”,“与世长辞 ”,“大 限”,“去见马克思”and so on. Interestingly, English and Chinese culture also share a similar euphemism to express “death”. This one in English is “to go west”, in Chinese “西去 ”or“去西方了 ”( just means “go west”).
The expression instead of the inconvenience straight. For example:
(1) He is mentally ill (he had neuropathy.) Crazy! Do not insane or mad, if it is normal but can use: Are you mad (crazy)? (Are you crazy?)
(2) Shi Tao: I secretly as people prepared. That thing (referring to Coffin) shall not be a good wood, and slowly do yet!
I have had them secretly prepared. But I can not get any good wood for you know what, so I have let that go for the time being.!
Good manners are produce euphemism the important psychological foundation. Taboo.is the unhappy things to avoid, polite, it is not the things of the withdrawal. The toilet of and the urine of euphemism and so on. For example, the toilet, in polite social, Chinese commonly used on the bathroom! Or a convenient, and euphemism says, English is commonly used in go to the men’ s (ladies’) room/rest Room/washroom/the John, or wash one s hands, relieve oneself, etc. Women pregnant! In Chinese euphemism has said the law's in trouble! Going to be a mom! And to upgrade! Etc; In English the wan committee view have big, with child, the begin Family way, expecting, etc. For example, the same word. ”wife ” has different calling toward different social classes. “天子之妻”called“后”,“诸侯之妻”called“夫人”, “大夫之妻”called“儒人”,“士之妻”called“妇人”, and“平民百姓”called really“妻”.
In Chinese culture the word “old” is not an avoided one since there is a convention to respect and admire the old people. It has the connotation of “ enjoying high prestige and universal respect“. Therefore, in Chinese “老” is often used for addressing by adding. It at the end of the surname for expressing respect to the old people, such as “王老“,“李老” , etc.
In western society, the issue of “old age ”is too sensitive to be mentioned directly. People try all means to avoid using the word “old” in daily life, instead they adopt many other pleasant words to replace this sensitive word. For example, they use “home for adult” for “old people’s home”, “an adult community” for “a community for old people”, and “senior citizen” for “old man”. He is not old but “longer living”, and he is not “a candle in the wind” but “in golden years”. He is also promoted to “elderly”, “mature” ,“an adult”, “a distinguished gentleman ”, “feeling one ’s age ”or “third age”. Reward the ability of some help. The psychological basis of its different tables , Now in the form, we from found in English language differences, and further analysis of the English literature, literary Kam Foundation. Differences in two different languages, English lead to English. The euphemism different performance form, which is reflected in the words and sentences type operation and with peers surface. Contrast to the Han English euphemism language. Wanyou Li, sound to not Ear-piercing. Theword Language-generation. For order people do not fast, Lu no Ceremony crude. It sounds harsh words. Avoid tabooand ritual appearance is produced Health euphemism language of the heart reason. In summary, the basic characteristics of the euphemism is delightfully.
3.2 Cultural Reasons for the Differences in Expressions
Different natural environments undoubtedly have a great impact on bringing forth different living habits of people and further bringing forth different cultures and characters. These differences help shape diversified expressions. Death euphemism is one of the representatives.
Many scholars agree that eastern culture is a shame culture expecting the
approval of others and the western culture is a guilt culture attaching great importance to self-identity.
The thinking of people may be recorded in written materials or expressed in verbal language. What they say and what they write reveal how they think. Death euphemisms also reveal these differences. Their different thinking modes are reflected in their attitudes towards nature and social life. Their attitudes are also reflected in the language they use. Thus, varied death euphemisms come into being. Different aesthetic mental sets reflect people’s different understandings of the world. Different communicative values in English and Chinese cultures lead to different psychological inclinations;
In order to show the similarities and differences of cultural connotations, the present comparative study of English and Chinese euphemisms focuses on the analysis of the cultural roots with the examples mainly restricted to the lexical or phrasal level. Due to the limitation of resources, it just focuses on typical expressions to illustrate the cultural connotations. And points out the similarities and differences between Chinese and western Euphemisms from the perspective of cultural. Although the present study attempts to cover a wide range of the cultural points in the statement of comparison; it is still limited in terms of depth of research. All these limitations above may serve as the motivations for further study. Therefore in learning and using language, people should focus our attention on the acquisition of cultural knowledge for the sake of better communication. Learning how to use euphemisms on different occasions and understand the western and the Chinese culture also has a profound and realistic effect on effective cross-cultural communication.
Study on Euphemisms in English and Chinese