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Lesson 61---Lesson 62

一、填入适当单词,或用所给单词正确形式填空。 1.He _________(look) ill. He _________ (have) measles. 2.You must _________ the doctor. (call) 3.He ___________(not like) school.

4.Can you remember the __________(teacher) telephone number? 5.This is good news for__________(she). 6. You must stay _________bed for a week. 7.What's the matter __________him?

8.I have a ____________(head). Let's see a doctor. 9.I have ___________ earache.

10.I think I should take some _____________.(medicine) 11.I have a toothache. __________I must see a dentist. 二、用Susan作主语改写句子。

1. I have a stomache ache. _________________________________ 2. I must stay at home. _________________________________ 3. I feel well now. _________________________________ 4. I am watching TV._________________________________ 5. I don't like swimming._________________________________ 6. What do you do after school?_______________________________ 7. What are you doing now?________________________________ 三、按要求完成句子。

1. I have mumps. (划线部分提问) ________________________________ 2. She has a headache. (划线部分提问)


3. I have flu. I must call the doctor. (用so连接下列句子) ______________________________________________ 4. She takes some medicine. (否定句)

______________________________________________ 5. What's the matter with you?(同义句)


Lesson 63---Lesson 64



( )1. ---How is Jimmy? --- He is _______, but he still can't get up. A.well B.ill C.better

( ) 2. Don't lean ______ the window. A.out B.out of C.of ( ) 3._______in the library. A.Don't talk B.Talk C.Not talk ( ) 4.--- Can I get up now? ---No, you mustn't get up _________. A.either B.too C.yet

( ) 5.Don't drive so _________. A.quick B.quickly C.quicker ( ) 6.Tom ______better today. A.sees B.watches ( ) 7.You must remain in bed for_______two days. A.others B.another C.other


1. Mrs. Williams _________the house very clean. (keep) 2. I can play the ___________. (fire/football/piano) 3. Don't play with ____________. (match) 4. _________ make a noise! (not)

5. Can you see _________? Yes, I can. (he) 6. Sam mustn't________ to school. (go) 7. Come _____________.(downstair) 三、按要求写句子

1. Jimmy is better today. (划线部分提问)

__________________________________________ 2. He must stay in bed. (一般疑问句,并作否定回答) __________________________________________ 3. Mr. Williams is in bed. (划线部分提问)

__________________________________________ 4. He feels ill. (一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) __________________________________________ 5. You mustn't come in. (改为祈使句)


Lesson 65---Lesson66

一、用past, to表示下列时间


C.looks 1. 4:10____________________ 2. 5:15____________________ 3. 5:32____________________ 4. 7:30____________________ 5. 8:45____________________ 6. 10:55____________________ 二、填入适当单词。

1. I always enjoy ______________. 2.She is enjoying _______________. 3.Let us enjoy_______________. 4.They are enjoying _______________. 5.I hope you can all enjoy __________. 6. He is enjoying ____________. 三、填入适当单词或用所给单词正确形式填空。 1. You must take some medicine ________seven o'clock. 2. Can I have the key _________ the door? 3. Give________some flowers. (she)

4. You must __________home before twenty past five.(be) 5. What are you going ___________this evening? (do) 6. I __________________a bike tomorrow. (ride) 7. There are seven ____________in the park. (baby) 8. He enjoys ____________basketball. (play)

9. _____________ can finish the housework by_____________. (I) 四、按要求完成句子。

1.I am going to meet my friend. (划线部分提问)

_______________________________________________ 2.She is going to make the tea. (划线部分提问)

_______________________________________________ 3.Sam is twenty years old. (划线部分提问)

_______________________________________________ 4.My birthday is on June 2nd. (划线部分提问)

_______________________________________________ 5. He must see the dentist at 8:00.(划线部分提问)

_______________________________________________ 6. He always enjoy himself. (同义句)

_______________________________________________ Lesson67---Lesson 68

一、用was / were填空

1. I _________ a baby nine years ago.


2. We ___________ at school last Sunday. 3. ________it rainy last week? Yes, it _________. 4. The rabbits ____________ in the cage 10 minutes ago.

5. Where _________ the pictures yesterday? They ___________ on the table. 6. When _______he at the baker's? He _______ there 2 hours ago. 二、改写句子。

1. I am a student. (last year)_____________________________________________ 2. There is a park near the river. (two years ago )

___________________________________________________ 3. Where are the birds? They are in the cage.(last night) _____________________________________________

4. The books are on the table.(yesterday)______________________________________ 5. Is it sunny? Yes, it is. (yesterday)__________________________________________ 三、写句子。

1. Today is Tuesday. It __________________ yesterday. 2. I am 13 years old. I ______________________last year.

3. Where were you yesterday? ___________________________________ 4. How was the weather yesterday? ___________________________________ 5. Were you happy on Children’s Day? _________________________________ 四、按要求完成句子

1.I was absent from school last week. (一般疑问句,并作否定回答) ____________________________________________________ 2.She was at the greengrocer yesterday. (划线部分提问) ____________________________________________________ 3.They were at school on Sunday. (划线部分提问)

____________________________________________________ 4.I was at home yesterday. (你能提出几个问题)

_________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________________ ________________________________ Lesson 68/Lesson 70 一、写词组

1.在8:10___________________________ 2. 在9:45__________________________ 3.在周六__________________________ 4.在周三__________________________


5.在8月3日_________________________ 6.在6月17日________________________ 7.在9月__________________________ 8.在11月__________________________ 9.在理发店__________________________ 10.在教堂__________________________ 11.在澳大利亚_______________________ 12.在俄罗斯_________________________ 二、填入适当疑问词

1. ---_________ are you today? ---I'm fine, thank you.

2.--- _________ were you in England? ---I was in England on January 15. 3.---__________ was your mother? ---She was at home. 4.---_________is wrong with you? ---I have a temperature. 5.--- _________ do you get up every day? --- I get up at twenty past six. 6.---__________season do you like best? --- I like summer best. 三、按要求完成句子。

1. He was at the dairy on Monday. (一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

_________________________________________________________________ 2. They were at school 5 hours ago. (否定句)

________________________________________________________________ 3. The teacher was at the grocer's on Tuesday. (划线部分提问)

________________________________________________________________ 4. Sam and Jill were in the park on Thursday.(划线部分提问)

________________________________________________________________ 5. 你周六在哪儿呢?我在家里。

________________________________________________________________ 6. 他们3天前在哪儿? 他们在学校。

________________________________________________________________ 7. Nicola什么时候在面包房?她在8月7日在那儿。

________________________________________________________________ 8. 你们什么时候在办公室?我们周一在那儿。

_______________________________________________________________ Lesson69---Lesson70


1. There is a sports meeting in my school every _______. (year) 2. Every boy _________in the classroom now. (be)

3. There are ___________ of students in my school. (hundred)




