第「1」串:live program 实况转播节目
We are lucky enough to watch the live programs of Olympic Games at home. 发射前的倒数刚一结束,广播员就念道:“宇宙飞船起飞了。 第「2」串:take off 起飞
The plane was delayed and took off at three o\\'clock in the end.
第「3」串:deafening 震耳欲聋的
The noise from the buiding site is deafening that I could hardly bear it. 当他抬头一看,那巨人般的火箭仍然一动不动地留在发射台上。 第「4」串:launch pad 发射台
The giant rocket was ready to take off on the launch pad. 他灵机一动说:“突然,奇迹出现了,有四条长长的金属手臂伸出去抓住了火箭,把它拉回到了发射台上!”
第「5」串:have a quick wit 反应灵敏
I am sure that she can accomplish it successfully, for she has a quick wit. 【