被迫退出(比赛) sideline (Recently signed Los Angeles Lakers guard Sun Yue will be sidelined indefinitely as a result of testing positive for mononucleosis. 孙悦刚刚签约洛杉矶湖人队,就因单核细胞增多症测试呈阳性,恐将无缘近期的比赛。)
备用轮胎 spare tire (A cat survived a 2.5-hour trip on a spare tire under her owner's truck. 一只猫趴在主人卡车的备用轮胎上,车子开了2个半小时后竟安然无恙。) 被摘牌的公司 delisted company
被指控接受贿赂 be accused of accepting bribes 本垒打 circuit clout, four-master, round trip
本命年 one's year of birth considered in relation to the 12 Terrestrial Branches 笨鸟先飞 A slow sparrow should make an early start. 本票 cashier's cheque
奔三 push toward 30s (\30s. She has a busy job and a limited number of acquaintances. I really hope she can get married before 28 and have a baby before 30.” 一位母亲说:“我真着急。女儿都奔三了,她工作很忙,交往圈子又小。我特别希望她能在28岁前结婚,30岁之前生孩子。”)
本土电影 homegrown film (Chinese authorities have ordered the 2D version of \pulled from screens across the country, reportedly, part of the reason is to reduce competition for China's homegrown films. 中国已经下令在全国停映2D版《阿凡达》,据说部分原因是为了帮助本土电影减少竞争压力。) 本土化 localilzation
本土疫苗 homegrown vaccine (China on Thursday granted approval to its first home-grown H1N1 flu vaccine, which producer Sinovac says is effective after only one dose, as the country braces for a feared winter outbreak. 为了应对可能出现的冬季甲型流感大爆发,周四时中国批准了第一批本土H1N1流感疫苗,该疫苗的生产者北京科兴生物制品公司说这种疫苗只需注射一次就能起到防护作用。)
奔小康 strive for a relatively comfortable life 本本主义 bookishness; book worship
《本草纲目》 Compendium of Materia Medica 蹦迪 disco dancing
蹦极 bungee, bungee jumping 必胜 be bound to win
闭关政策 closed-door policy
比基尼 bikini闭卷 closed-book exam 闭路电视 close-circuit television 闭门羹 given a cold shoulder 比上不足,比下有余 \be better than the worst\
逼上梁山 be driven to do something
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避税 tax avoidance
避嫌 avoid doing anything that may arouse suspicion 毕业设计 graduation design
毕业生分配制度 assignment system for graduates 便当 brown bag 边防证 frontier pass
边际效益 marginal benefit
边境检查 border inspection (International delegations arriving in Shanghai for the upcoming World Expo would be entitled to special passage for swift border inspection as the metropolis gears up for the final run-up to the international event. 在世博会的最后准备阶段,上海将为陆续抵达的外国参展团提供专用通道实行快速边境检查。)
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