Feasibility study of minimally trained medical students using the Rural Obstetrical Ultras
Feasibility study of minimally trained medical students using the Rural Obstetrical Ultrasound
Triage Exam (ROUTE) in rural Panama
Lahham;John Gonzales;Marlene
Livingston;Savannah Torres;Ali Duffens;Carina
Romo;Genevieve Mazza;Briana Livingston
【期刊名称】《世界急诊医学杂志(英文)》 【年(卷),期】2018(009)003
【摘要】BACKGROUND:Maternal and infant mortality rates reported in rural Panama are greater than those in urban regions. Bocas del Toro is a region of Panama inhabited by indigenous people at greater risk for pregnancy-related complications and deaths due to geographic isolation and limited access to health care. Portable ultrasound training programs have recently been implemented in low-resource settings to increase access to diagnostic imaging. The goal of this study is to determine the feasibility of teaching first-year medical students the Rural Obstetrical Ultrasound Triage Exam (ROUTE) to help identify pathology in pregnant women of the Bocas del Toro region of Panama. METHODS:Eight first-year medical students completed ROUTE training sessions. After training, the students were compared to professional sonographers to evaluate their accuracy in performing the ROUTE. Students then performed the ROUTE in mobile clinics within Bocas del
Feasibility study of minimally trained medical students using the Rural Obstetrical Ultras