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摘 要






Analysis Urbanization and Development of Real



Along with social development, urbanization has become the world even a trend in China's future development. Cities, as places of human life, it is the historical stage of human development to a certain product of the inevitable. Although the city may has a bad result, along with the pace of human progress, the city's size, structure and function have been continuous development. In the process of urbanization, China's faced with unprecedented difficulties and opportunities, how to quickly and efficiently develop urbanization has become an aspect of great concern to government of China and people.

In this thesis, the process of urbanization in the development of China's real estate industry is an entry point to Seeing, from an industry development and the linkages between urbanization process to observe the outcome of the development of urbanization in China. Summary observe the process of urbanization in China thousands of years the pace and strategy, and the construction of modern China's understanding of the city. Drawing on observation of the United States, South Korea, Japan, Singapore and other countries for urban development and urban governance control the real estate.

Paper studies the process of urbanization development in China and in the process of population movement and changes in population structure analysis to understand the housing needs change and the relationship between real estate. To analysis the change from the national housing policy and development of the internal contact the real estate industry. The Government cited the real estate industry and

analysis of economic policy. List the household registration system to China's urbanization process and the impact of real estate development. In the paper referred to the process of urbanization, infrastructure construction and development direction of city center. The course of study in Xiamen, Xiamen tourism real estate industry that is relying on the surrounding natural and cultural tourist attractions built. Urbanization process in China provides a new social life. at the same time, in reference to foreign success stories, then focuses on the process of urbanization in the domestic real estate development, respectively, in the property market downturn of the national government policy and market regulation during the overheated property market, the state that issued the relevant control policies. Analysis the cyclical situation of Chinese real estate development and have a future thought to real estate industry for its own forecast relatively comprehensive and objective.

And in 2011 a new national housing policy is analyzed, after 2011, the urbanization process in China and the outlook for China's urban real estate development, reached the future development of the real estate will become more rational and stable development of the conclusions.

Key words: urbanization, real estate, population, policy, resources.

目 录

第1章 绪论 ...................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 1.1课题研究背景 ................................................................................... 1 1.2课题研究意义 ................................................................................... 2 1.3课题涉及的相关知识 ........................................................................ 3 第2章 我国城市化发展的现状与国外借鉴 .................................................... 5 2.1我国城市化发展历程与现状 .............................................................. 5 2.1.1我国城市化发展历程 .............................................................. 5 2.1.2我国城市化发展现状 .............................................................. 9 2.2国外城市化发展借鉴 ...................................................................... 11 2.2.1西方发达资本主义国家:美国 .............................................. 11 2.2.2亚洲“四小龙”之一:韩国 ................................................. 12 2.3城市化进程的困境与未来......................................... 错误!未定义书签。 2.3.1制约中国城市化进程步伐的因素 .......................................... 13 2.3.2城市化进程的未来方向 ........................................................ 14 2.3.3我国房地产发展的影响因素 ................................................. 15 第3章 城市化进程对我国城市房地产影响分析 ........................................... 17 3.1城市化进程中人口对城市房地产的影响 ........................................... 17 3.1.1人口流动对城市房地产的影响 .............................................. 17 3.2.2人口结构对城市房地产的影响 .............................................. 18 3.2城市化进程中政策对城市房地产的影响 ........................................... 21



