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Unit 1 Engineering Drawing

一、New Words:

Coordinate system :The basic of all input AutoCAD is the Cartesian coordinate system, and the various method of input(absolute or relative) rely on this system. Coordinate value : 坐标值

Cartesian coordinate axes :笛卡尔坐标轴 Perpendicularly:垂直地 Projection:投影

Orthographic projection:正投影 1.1 coordinate system

CAD = computer-aided design

Fixed: firmly in position ; stationary Locate: vt. To determine the position of Positive and negative : Illustrate : to explain Drafting : n. 制图 1.2 Types of Views

Auxiliary: 辅助视图 Detail: n. 详图;局部 Derived :取得;由来 Scaling :enlarge scale

Clarification :to make clear Planar: tow-D drawing Cross-section: 横截面 Datum plane: 基准面 Fig. 1-3:

Brush with spring:F带弹簧的电刷 Handle:手柄

Needle bearing:滚针轴承 Retaining ring:挡圈 Chuck spacer: 夹头衬片 Key:销

Symmetrical:对称的 Configuration::结构 1.3 Multiview drawing

engineering drawing is an abstract universal language used to represent a designer’s idea to other Home work:

Page 9: Exercise:

1. fill the blanks with a proper word according to the text.

二、Technical Reading

The following diagram shows what happens in a displacer type Stirling engine during one working cycle.

A . The power piston is in its lowest and the displacer in its highest position. All the working gas is

in the cold space.

B . The displacer is still in its highest position. But the power piston has gone up and compressed

the gas in the cold space.

C . The power piston is now in its upper position and the displacer has pushed the gas through the

cooler, the regenerator, and the heating pipes into the hot space.



D . The hot gas is being expanded, and hest energy is being transformed into mechanical energy as

the displacer and the power piston are pushed down into their lowest positions. The piston will stay there while the displacer rises and pushes the gas through the heating pipes, regenerator and cooler into the cold space__and we are back where we started.


Diagram: 图表 Position:位置

Stirling: 斯特林(音译) Displacer: 置换器 Piston: 活塞 Regenerator:蓄热器 Cooler:冷却器 Expand:膨胀 As:随之

hest energy:热能

mechanical energy:机械能


置换器型斯特林发动机工作循环如下所示: A. 置换器在最高位,动力活塞在最低位。所有的工作气体在冷空间; B. 置换器不动,动力活塞上升并挤压冷空间的气体;

C. 动力活塞到达最高位,置换器下移,推动气体经过冷却器、蓄热器、和加热管进入热空间; D. 热气膨胀,热能转变成机械能,随之动力活塞和置换器到达最低位。



概 论








(1)When a=0,Eq(14-1) shows that the pressure is Zero. 由式14-1可知,a=0时压力为零。(用when that 连接子句)

Eq—eq=equatier 方程式、等式

(2)It frequently happens, in the case of plane stress, that the two principal stresses ?1 and ?2

have the same sign.

平面应力的两个主压力?1和?2的符号往往相同。(用介词in, of和连词and连接词(组),用that 引主语从句)


英汉两种语言在词的意义搭配和词序等词汇现象上也存在着差别。 (1)词的意义




First, 英汉词义对等: 如:gear teeth 齿轮轮齿

stress- strain diagram 压力—应变图

bolted connection 螺栓联接

maximum bending moment 最大弯矩

②second 英汉词义部分对应,即两者在词义所概括的范围上不同,如 gear 既可专指“齿轮”,又可泛指任何类型的“传动装置”。而 pinion 则专指“小齿轮”。

③在不同场合下,同一汉语采用不同英语词汇。 “特性”一词举例。

(1) In fact, many motors do have a nearly constant torque-speed characteristic during starting.

Characteristic: 特性,特征

Behavior : 机器的运转状态,性能 Constant : 固定的,不变的,常量。

事实上,许多电动机在启动时的扭矩—转运特性几乎不变。 (2)Tolerances cover dimensional variation and sunface-roughness range and also the variation in mechanical properties resulting from heat treatment and other processing operations.


(3) These cams perform such important function in many cases that the behavior of the entire

machine is dependent upon the design of the cam motion. 这些凸轮起着相当重要的作用,在许多情况下,整台机器的特性都取决于凸轮运动的设计。

④The thind

一个英语词所表达的意义与几个具有不同的词义的汉语词分别对应: Shaft 轴、箭、长柄、树干;

Power 电源、功率、动力、乘方、国家; Cutter 刀具、锐刀、刀盘、切断机; Shaping 刨削、成形; Joint 接头、轴节、联接;


Aerospace “航空宇宙”----“航空公司”----“宇宙空间”------“航天” Hydraulic motor : “液压电机”-----“液压马达”

(2) 词的搭配

由于思维方式和语言形成过程的不同,英汉在同一搭配上存在着较大的差别,这种差别主要表现在a.和 n / v和n的搭配上

如 build 原义“建造” “建设” “构造” “造型”

而当build 与不同的n.搭配时,应有不同的译法。

Build a house 盖房 Build a car 制造汽车

Build a ship 造船 Build a railway 修筑铁路 Build a bridge 架桥 Build a dam 筑坝 Build a fire 生火

Heavy 沉重的 ,重型的 ,重的,大量的。




