Tuberculous specialized hospital is related to people's physical and mental health and social stability and unity; Medical personnel, as professional talents with high quality and high educational background, have a strong demand for self-development. These factors determine the complexity, long-term and systematicness of TB hospital human resource management. How to establish a specialized, standardized and refined human resource management system according to the hospital's strategic goals and development reality, and realize the optimal allocation and management of human resources has become an important issue in the reform and development of tuberculosis specialized hospitals.
In combination with the actual situation of human resource management in tuberculosis specialized hospitals, this paper USES STOT analysis method to analyze the existing problems of internal and external environment, advantages and disadvantages of hospital human resource management, and advances post setup management from the perspective of formulating strategic planning. It puts forward six specific human resource management strategies, including strengthening training and education, implementing salary incentive, carrying out performance appraisal, and doing a good job in cultural construction. In order to explore the theories and methods of modern human resource management and meet the needs of current reform and future development of tuberculosis specialized hospitals, some references are provided.
With the deepening of medical and health system reform in China, the competition of tuberculosis specialized hospitals in the medical technology market is becoming increasingly fierce. According to the requirements of hospital development strategy, training and introduction of talents at all levels, as well as rational development and management of existing talents, are the key to the success of hospitals. Only by giving full play to the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of employees, establishing a human resource management mechanism suitable for the market economy, and realizing the optimal allocation of hospital human resources, can the comprehensive management efficiency of the hospital be truly improved and the core competitiveness of the hospital be enhanced.
Key words: Tuberculosis hospital; Human resources management; Optimal allocation
第一章 绪论
1.1 课题研究的目的
研究医疗机构人力资源管理优化问题,首先,理论上要达到对医疗机构人力资源管理优化的全面了解,深入研究医疗机构人力资源管理优化的重要方面与具体内容,揭示其当代价值。其次,在实践分析研究上,通过研究哈尔滨市胸科医院人力资源管理优化的理论内容以及它与结核性专科医院向具体结合,为我国的医疗机构人力资源管理作出力所能及的贡献。最后,在自己的学业方面,我希望在毕业前能够顺利完成这篇论文的同时,还可以再多发表一些关于人力资源管理方面的论文,或者能够在老师的帮助下完成一本关于人力资源管理方面的书籍,尽自己最大的努力去深入研究人力资源管理。 1.2 课题研究的意义
研究与评价医疗机构人力资源管理优化问题,具有一定的现实意义。 在医院人力资源管理过程中,人力资源管理属于其中的一项重点内容,需要管理人员在对目前的人力资源结构基础上进行不断的优化,从而才能将人力资源的作用充分的发挥出来。结合目前结核性专科医院人力资源管理的实际情况可以了解到,现在还不具备完善的人力资源管理体系,这将对医院的稳定发展造成非常严重的影响。因此,在知识经济时代背景下,医院人力资源管理应该实现严格的岗位设置,通过科学的岗位管理制度,对于医院人力资源管理水平的提升有着非常重要的意义。在岗位设置基础上,可以针对一些不透光岗位的特点、专业条件以及发展前景等几个方面进行明确,这样应聘人员就可以结合自身的特点来选择合适的工作岗位,同时也能帮助工作人员对未来的职业发展做出合理的规划,这对于工作人员个人发展目标的实现有着非常重要的意义。另外,因为医院属于对知识要求比较高的组织单位,所以在实际的经营过程中对于人才队伍的建设有着非常高的要求。在岗位设置基础上,可以帮助医院构建出一高素质的人才队伍,实现对医院人力资源管理的不断优化。岗位设置可以使医院掌握每个工作岗位对人员素质以及技术方面的要求,通过这种方式可以为人力资源管理工作的开展提供非常重要的参考依据,并且在人员聘用以及培训等过程中可以充分发挥出导向作用,最终实现对医院人员队伍的有效构建。 1.3 国内外研究现状 1.3.1 国内研究现状 闻德亮、范春明通过对国内医疗机构人力资源管理的研究发现,在国内医疗机构中,特别是国有医疗机构的人力资源管理在目前仍残留浓重的计划经济气味,其管理方式仍是以往传统的人事管理方法。与此同时,两人针对人事管理向人力资源管理转变这一问题中给出了一些解决方案,比如,树立人才是第一生产力的科学理念,健全绩效考核制度,对目前的薪酬体系进行改革等等。