Lesson 1
Unit 3. Shopping
1. This unit is about… Topics:
? Kinds of retail outlets
? How supermarkets make shoppers buy ? The first supermarket
? Chinese clothing size converter
? Traditional shopping vs. online shopping ? eBay
Skills:Talking about shopping and shopping habits
? Speaking: Role-play: Shopping scenes
Giving a personal opinion about Internet use
? Writing: Comparing mail-order shopping and Internet shopping
A guided summary
Project: A shopping guide for your neighborhood Grammar:
? Adjectives: Comparison of adjectives Shopping Habits
? How often do your family shop? ? Where do you usually go shopping? Useful Expressions ? weekly; daily
? occasionally during the week
? department stores; online retailers
2. Focus
Work with a partner.
2.1 Label the photos with an expression from the box.
1. supermarket 2. market 3. corner shop
4.street vendor 5. specialist store 6. online
retailer (chemist’s)
7. department store 8. chain store 9. shopping mall
? chain store corner shop department store ? market online retailer shopping mall ? specialist store (chemist’s) street vendor supermarket
2.2 Where do you do your shopping?
often sometimes never department store [ ] [ ] [ ] online retailer [ ] [ ] [ ] market [ ] [ ] [ ] shopping mall [ ] [ ] [ ] specialist store [ ] [ ] [ ] street vendor [ ] [ ] [ ] supermarket [ ] [ ] [ ] 2.3Talk about your shopping habits. Useful Expressions
? I often/sometimes/never do my shopping/shop at a/an department store/ …
? My partner/He/She/(sb.’ name) does his/her shopping/ … at a/an … 3. Text Study (Passage A) 3.1 Background Information online shopping
? online retailing, the act of purchasing products or services over the Internet Key words:
physical stores online stores convenient bargain
holiday season wait in long lines consumerism
? a belief that encourages the purchase of goods and
services in ever-greater amounts ? Key words: ? consumerist ? movement
? a set of policies ? regulate ? standard
? manufacturers
? in the interests of impulse purchase
? impulse buying, an unplanned decision to buy a product
or service, made just before a purchase ? Key words: ? impulse purchaser ? impulse buyer
? financial difficulty ? family disapproval ? feeling of guilt ? disappointment ?
3.2 Words and Expressions expert n. 专家
trolley n. 手推车 purchase n. 购置物 shopping list 购物单 pepper n. 辣椒
sorted adj. properly arranged or planned 分选的
pre-packed adj. already packed 预先包装的 special offer bargain 特价商品 packet n. 小包,小袋 bakery n. 面包烘房
roll n. 小圆面包 display n. 展列 canned adj. 罐装的 bottled adj. 瓶装的 frozen adj. 冷冻的 goods n. 货品 delicatessen n. 熟食店 freshness n. 新鲜食品 electrical adj. 电气的 product n. 商品 essential n. 必需品 butter n. 黄油
impulse item
profit n. 利润 brand name 品牌
processed food 加工食品 pre-cooked meal 半成品食品 profitable adj. money-making 盈利的 at eye level 齐眼的高度 checkout n. 收银台 leaflet n. 传单 loan n. 贷款 insurance n. 保险 mobile phone 移动
credit card 信用卡 3.3 Text 译文
. “进入超市,首先会经过的是美丽的鲜花和植物。再往前走,水果与蔬菜新鲜与自然的颜色映入眼帘。购物单上虽然没有蔬菜,