1. Staff training………………………………………………………3 1.1 The introduction of training……………………………………3 1.2 The benefits of staff training…………………………………..6 2. Training deeds analysis…………………………………………..7 2.1 How to identify training needs …………………………… …7 2.2 The significance of training demand analysis ………………..7 2.3 How to effectively develop enterprise training demand analysis.9 2.4 Training needs of the feasibility of the screening…………….11 2.5 The perceived value of training………………………………12 2.6 Training needs analysis………………………………………15 3. Training approaches……………………………………………21 3.1 Orientation for New Staff ………………………………….22 3.2 Job Skills Training …………………………………………22 3.3 Foreign Language Training ………………………………..23 4. Evaluating the training deeds………………………………….24 5. Implementation of staff training procedures…………………28 5.1 Training and development of the analysis phase ……………28 5.2 Delivering the training………………………………………32 6. Assessing the effectiveness of training ………………………..33 6.1 General tips on training……………………………………..34 6.2 The availability of training to staff………………………….35
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6.3 Enterprise employee training problems analysis…………… 40 7. The solution of staff training the company …………………42 8. Strategic training ……………………………………………..48 8.1 The definition of strategic training…………………………48 8.2 The difference between training and strategic training…….49 8.3 Strategic training should possess the characteristics……….50 8.4 The process of strategic training……………………………51 9. Career and Career planning …………………………………52 9.1 The concept of career ………………………………………52 9.2 Career planning process ……………………………………59
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Staff training and career planning
1. Staff training
1.1 The introduction of training
The 'enterprise' economy in Europe has thrust the small business into the limelight where its performance, both as an employer and as a creator of wealth, is under close scrutiny. National agencies advise industry as a whole that, if it is to remain competitive, it must train and retrain its staff, and they can see no logical argument why the advice should not apply
equally to the small business sector.
however, by virtue of its size, a small business incurs particular difficulties in providing appropriate training for its staff which, I shall suggest, stem largely from a mismatch between the mutual expectations of each of the three major actors — the employer, the trainer and the employee. In the various studies which support this paper, different definitions of 'small', as applied to businesses, have been adopted. An arbitrary limit of 'up to 200 employees' has been used in a number of them sponsored by the European Community, but it is becoming clear that the size and structure of the management team is more significant in the way a firm views and manages its training than is the total number of its employees. So, for present purposes, a small business is one in which no member of the management team has as a major responsibility the management and delivery of training.
This immediately points to the first problem area; that of the responsibility for the identification and clarification of training needs. Once a training need has been recognized, gaining access to training — getting the trainer and trainee economically into a mutually profitable
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relationship — poses particular problems to the small business. Lastly, making judgments about the worth (in accountancy and personnel terms) of a particular piece of training is often more difficult in a small concern than in a large one. This paper will expand on these problem areas — training needs analysis, access and evaluation — as they affect small businesses, and explore the potential of a number of new schemes, resources and applications of technology for alleviating them.
So we need staff training no matter what kind of business. Training and development are processes that attempt to provide an employee with information, skills, and an understanding of the organization and its goals. In addition, training and development are designed to help a person continue to make positive contributions in the form of good performance. Orientation is designed to start the employee in a direction that is compatible with the firm’s mission, goals, and culture. Before training or development occurs an employee proceeds through an orientation to learn what the organization stands for the type of work he or she is expected to perform.
Orientation introduces new employees to the organization and to the employee’s new tasks, managers, and work groups. Walking into a new job is often a lonely and confusing event. The newcomer doesn’t usually know what to say or who to say it to, or even where he or she is supposed to be. Getting started is difficult for any new employee simply because being new means not knowing what to expect, having to copy with a major life change(the job), and feeling unsure about the future. These ingredients suggest that “newness anxiety” will naturally be significant. It takes time to learn the ropes, but a good orientation program can help make this time a positive experience. The first few days on the job are crucial in helping the employee get started in the right direction with a positive attitude and feeling.
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Different degrees of orientation are needed, depending on the experience, career path, and age of the new employee. A 50-year-old manager who is transferring to another department in the same company at the same job level may need only minimal orientation. However, a 20-year-old technician who is starting her first fulltime job after attending a trade school may need a full-blown orientation. Any orientation is designed to make the person more comfortable, knowledgeable, and ready to work within the firm’s culture, structure, and employ mix. Thus examining the background of the employee is important in designing the proper type of orientation program.
This chapter will address orientation, training, and development in sequence. Each is important to the success of the firm and each must be used to optimize desired and results. Exhibit 13-1 presents key factors in the environment, HRM processes, and end results that are relevant to orientation, training, and development.
Talent resource is the first resource. Enterprise to create world-class economic indicators, remain permanently advanced ranks incessantly, want to rely on to high and new, the sharp technology talented person for education training to safeguard. Training is the enterprise the development of human resources, and the foundation.
The development of human resources is talent reserve, promoting the development of productivity important ways. Training success depends heavily on training needs analysis, training demand analysis is the training management activities, the first link to training effectiveness plays a vital role. Some enterprise training result is bad; the efficiency is not high, important reason lies in the lack of effective training demand analysis. As training activities first link training needs analysis more and
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