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2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。 第一部分单项选择(每小题1分,满分15分)

1. A balanced diet with proper amount of physical exercise______________ a healthy life. A. make contributions to B. lead to C. contributes to D. account for

2. The medical team, ____________ ten doctors and several nurses, was sent immediately to the earth-stricken area.

A. consisting of B. consisted of C. made up D. making up

3. It is ___________ to read again the novel that the professor ______________ in his lecture.

A. worth, referred to B. worthwhile, referred to C. worthy, mention D. worth, mentioned to

4. The president and his team of administration promised to try every means possible to ___________ jobs and ____________ the goal of recovering its economy as soon as possible. A. create, accomplish B. invent, achieve C. discover, win D. attract, finish

5. It will be many years ________the doctors and medical scientists can find _____________ for cancer.

A. since, cures B. when, treatments C. before, cures D. until, treatments

6. Suddenly, a tall man driving a golden carriage __________the girl and took her away, ____________ into the woods.

A. seizing, disappeared B. seized, disappeared C. seizing, disappearing D. seized, disappearing

7. A quarrel ___________ last Sunday, and he ___________ his family. A. broke down; broke away B. broke out; broke into

C. broke up; broke away from D. broke out; broke away from

8.Mrs White found her husband ________by letters and papers and________ very worried. A. surrounded , looking B. surrounded , looked C. surrounding, looked D. surrounding, looking

9. The teachers are discussing the plan _______they would like to see ______ next year. A. what, carry out B. that, to carry out C. what, carrying out D. that, carried out

10. The little boy came back to life ________ he took the medicine________ by Doctor Snow. A. in an instant,given B. immediately,given C.rightaway,giving D.shortly,giving

11. A special team was sent to Shandong Province to look into the cause of the train accident, and

theinvestigation suggested that high speed ________.

A. be to blame B. was to blame C. should be blamed D. should be to blame

12. Laws that punish parents for their little children’s actions against the laws get parents__________.

A. worried B. to worry C. worrying D. worry

13. From his ________ face, we could tell how___________ the movie was.

A. terrifying, thrilling B. terrifying, thrilled C. terrified, thrilling D. terrified, thrilled

14. With lots of new words __________, he decides to read them every morning. His teacher said, “only if______ doing it ______ make it .”

A. to recite; you keep on ; can you B. to recite; do you keep on; can you C. recited; do you keep on; you can D. recited; you keep on; you can 15. ________________ from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants and animals not _____________ in any other country in the world.

A. Having divided, to be found B. Having been separated, found C. Have been separated, found D. Divided, finding


第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和 D )中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


Shakespeare once wrote that all the world is a stage, but these days it's more like a movie set.Get to know some films to find fantastic film locations(地点)you should check out on yourtravels.

The Sound of Music

Austria's hills are certainly alive with the sound of music and tourists. Mozart may havebeen born in Salzburg, but The Sound of Music really put it on the map and now about 70 percent of people visit it because of the movie. Cross Residenzplatz Square and visit the Palace of Leopoldskron where the children in the film fell into the lake.


Although the Palace of Troy was filmed on sets built at Shepperton Studios in the UK, most of the 2004 movie was shot in Malta and Baja California, Mexico. Malta with historic sites and beautiful blue waters was a good choice to replace Greece. Troy was shot at a host of locations, including Golden Bay, Hal Far as well as Fort Ricasoli(where the city of Troy was constructed). The Trojan horse from the film is now lying on the waterfront in Canakkale, Turkey.

Bridget Joneses Diary

Bridget Jones is brought to life as we watch the work and romance in London. Her special corner flat is above the Globe Tavern by Borough Market, one of the city's oldest and biggest food markets. According to The Telegraph, it would be highly unlikely that she could afford to buy a place like that today since it has risen in value by more than 240 percent.

Harry Potter J. K. Rowling started writing the Harry Potter books while she was living in Edinburgh, Scotland, so it's no surprise that she set most of the story there. The Hogwarts Express travels through the Scottish Highlands and along the 31 meters high Glenfinnan Viaduct. The second highest waterfall in the UK, Steall Falls can be seen during Quidditch matches. 16. Which of the following films makes Salzburg famous?

A. The Sound of Music. B. Troy. C. Bridget Jones's Diary. D. Harry Potter. 17. Where was the city of Troy built?

A. In Hal Far. B. In Fort Ricasoli. C. In Canakkale. D. In Golden Bay. 18. What is the similarity of the last two films?

A. Their theme ismainlyabout romance. B. Their authors lived in the same house. C. Most of their stories wereset in theUK.D. They cause the prices of houses torise.


Jerome Karie and Isabella Lugoski met in their first physical chemistry class at the University of Michigan in 1940. Jerome Karie was in his first year of doctoral work, Isabella Lugoski was in her last year as an undergraduate(大学本科生), and they were laboratory partners. However, they didn't get along well at first.

Isabella Lugoski looked back on the past, “I walked into the physical chemistry laboratory and there's a young man in the desk next to mine with his equipment all set up running his experiment. I don't think I was very polite about my question. I asked him how he got there early and had everything all set up. He didn't like that. So we didn't talk to each other for a while.

Their relationship got going as they competed for the top grade in that course and they started to build connection because both of them were interested in chemistry. They married in 1942. By 1946, both of the Karies had earned doctorates in physical chemistry, and, after a period of time at the University of Chicago working on the Manhattan Project, moved to Washington DC to join the US Naval Research Laboratory.

Each specialized in a different aspect of X-ray crystallography(晶体学): Jerome focused on developing equations(方程式) that could determine how atoms(原子) were arranged inside complex molecules, while Isabella ran practical experiments to test how well the equations worked. Working together, they created what is now called the direct method for determining molecular structures(分子结构), which has allowed scientists to effectively study and copycomplex organic molecules to continue further study.

Jerome Karie was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1985. Although he was disappointed that the Nobel committee had ignored Isabella's contribution to that work, she was unfazed. At that point, she had already won more awards and prize money for her



