Impact of Some Agronomic Practices on Paddy Field Soil Health Under Varied Ecological Cond
Impact of Some Agronomic Practices on Paddy
Field Soil Health Under Varied Ecological Conditions:I.Influence of Soil Moisture
【期刊名称】《土壤圈:英文版》 【年(卷),期】2001(011)001
【摘要】The effects of individual and combined additions of urea(100μg N g-1soil) and insecticide (triazophos at field rate,FR) under different moisture
capacity(WHC),100%,WHC and flooded soil(FS) on some selected soil properties in a paddy field soil were examined in a laboratory incubation study.The results indicated that after 21-day incubation at 25℃ ,the different moisture levels led to significant changes in the parameters studied,Flooding of soil with distilled waer significantly increased the electron transport system(ETS)/dehydrogenase activity and phenol content of the soil compared to the other moisture levels,while protein and phospholipis behaved differently at varied moisture levels with or without the addition of urea and /or triazophos.Increased ETS activity was observed with N addition at higher moisture levels thile insecticide incorporation decreased it at all moisture levels as compared to the control(moisture only).The phenol contents slightly decreasd and increased with N and insecticide
applications ,respectively,The soil protein contents were found to be unaffected among all the soil treatents at all moisture levels.The soil protein contents were found to be unaffected among all the soil treatments at all moisture levels.However,among different moisture levels,reduced quantities of proteins were estimated at 50% WHC ,suggesting more N-mineralization.Lower quantities of soil biomass phospholipids,among all treatments,were recored at higher moisture levels(100% WHC and FS) than at the loer levels,An overall slight enhancement in phospholipid contents with N and small reduction with insecticide addition,respectively,was noticed against the untreated soil.The toxictiy of fertilizer and insecticide decreased as the soil moisture contents increased,suggesting rapid degradation of agrochemicals.
【关键词】稻田;生态学;肥料;壤湿度;苯酚;蛋白质;磷脂 【作者】A.SUBHANI;LIAOMIN;等 【
(China);NaturalResourcesScienceDepartment,CollegeofEnvironmentalandResourcesSciences,Zheji 【正文语种】英文
【中图分类】S512.71 【文献来源】 【相关文献】
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Impact of Some Agronomic Practices on Paddy Field Soil Health Under Varied Ecological Cond