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郑州中学潜能测试 英语卷(总分40分)

特别提醒:本次考试数学120分 语文80分 英语40分 其它20分 考试时间:150分钟



1) It’s s now. Everything begins to grow.

2) Tom is a top student in our class. He does w in all of the subjects. 3) Prepare for the worst and hope for the b . 4) Thursday is the f day of the week.

5) It’s r heavily. We’d better stay at home. B、用所给词的正确形式填空。

1) He brushes his (tooth) every day.

2) These are your books. Please take (they) to your room. 3) Let’s (are) good friends.

4) My brother (not like) salad for breakfast.

5) It’s too hot today .What about ( swim ) in the river? 二、补全对话,每空一词:(每空1分,共5分) A:What’s the today, Jim?


B:It’s the 16 of March.


A:The 16 of March.? Oh, my birthday is soon. B:Is it? is your birthday?


A:It’s March the 18 . Would you like to come to my birthday party? B:Sure, where you have your birthday party? A:In my home, I think.



A Good Idea

Mr Green makes many hats and one day he goes to the town to sell them. It is very hot and he wants to sit down under a tree. He finds a big tree and goes to sit there. He puts a hat on his head. Then he sleeps under the tree. After some hours, he wakes up. But he can’t find his hats. He looks for them everywhere. And he finds some monkeys in the tree, and every monkey has a hat on its head. “Give me back my hats!” Mr Green says to the monkeys. But they don’t understand what that means. “ What can I do?” He thinks. Then he has a good idea. He takes off his hat and puts it on the ground. At once, the monkeys do the same, the man smiles. He quickly picks up all the hats and goes to the town.

1. I _________________my toy bear everywhere yesterday but I didn’t find it. 2. Every morning he ________________ at six and does morning exercises, so he is very healthy. 3. When the teacher comes into the classroom, all the students stop talking ____________ and keep quiet.

4. The monitor put his hands on the desk and asked the other students to _______________ as him.

5. She thought about what to buy for her mother on her birthday, at last she _______________ 四、学一学、试一试(每句1分,共5分)

同学们,今天我们学习被动语态。请先看下列例句,一定要认真观察哦! 例句:Our classroom is cleaned every day. The flowers were watered yesterday. Your homework must be finished on time.


由此可见,被动语态表示“主语被……”,它的谓语动词结构是:be + done(过去分词)。特别要注意,“be”要有人称、数和时态的变化。

你学会了吗?下面试一试吧。请根据句意,用所给动词的正确形式完成句子。 1. Basketball is very popular. It ______________(play) all over the world. 2. Hundreds of trees _________________(plant) every year.

3.There are so many students in our school. A new teaching building must ________________ (build).

4. My computer ________________(buy) by my father two years ago. 5. A new English song will _________________(learn) by us next week. 五、书面表达(10分):

请根据下图,以“My room ”为题描述一 下自己的房间。不少于五句话。




