Home Listening
Where have all the Gentlemen
What factors have contributed to the demise of chivalry?
Men tend to blame the decline on women’s tolerance of men’s trifling behavior. Females, on the other hand, blame the death of chivalry on the egocentric nature and 1)laziness of men. Our society has become increasingly 2) self-centered so people no longer abide by old school home training of manners and politeness.
Both genders are correct, but whose actions started the 3) snowball effect? It is the classic chicken or the egg argument.
Perhaps with the Women’s Rights Movement, women opened the door for men to become lazy with their courteousness. Maybe women started acting more independent so men figured, “Why bother?”
Or, perhaps society in general is in a state of moral 4) bankruptcy. Marriages are dissolving at an all time high, people are no longer valuing monogamy. As trust in men 5) diminishes, women’s attitudes toward men shift and the way we 6) interact with them has changed—and not for the positive.
Or, perhaps men are not settling down as often or as quickly, so there is a sense of desperation among the female race. Desperation leads
to feeling the need to settle or 7) compete for men. Likewise, women have become more tolerant and/or numb to the waywardness of men.
So, which is it? The chicken or the egg? Did men’s behaviors and attitudes shift first or did women’s? We may never 8) figure the answer out.
However, I think that 9) chivalry is about RESPECT. Chivalry and respect go hand in hand. Respect and character go hand in hand. And, 10) character and morality go hand in hand. If we can work on our morals we will work on our level of respect for each other. It just starts with everyone as individuals. Unit2
Home Listening
Stereotypes: Being Content with
By Kamaal Majeed
Why don’t you act black?
Since my middle school years, I’ve
been asked this question more than
any other. It seems to me that too
many people have what society 1)
programs into their brains, what
should be expected of me, a black
person, before ever interacting
with me. But I believe in being
who I am, not who others want me
to be.
On my first day of high school,
going into math class, two of my
classmates pointed and laughed at
me. I initially thought my fly was
open, or that something was 2)
stuck in my teeth. But as I took my
seat, I heard one of the students
whisper, why is a black person
taking honors? So my fly wasn’t
open. An 3) honors-level class had
simply been joined by a student
whose skin was an unsettling