施心远主编 《听力教程》4 (第2版)答案
Sectio n One
Part 1 Spot Dictation Houses in the Future
Well, I thi nk houses in the future will p robably be (1) quite small but I . should think they'll be (2) well-i nsulated so that you don't n eed so much (3) heat ing and (4) cooli ng as you do now, so p erha ps very econo mical (5) to run.
P erha ps they will use (6) solar heat ing, although I don't know, in this country.
p erha ps we (7) won't be able to do that so much. Yes, I think they'll be full of (8) electro nic gadgets: things like very adva need televisio ns, videos, p erha ps videos which take up …the scree n (9) takes up the whole wall. I should think. Yes, you'll have things like (10) garage doors which open automatically whe n you (11) drive up, p erha ps electr onic (12) sen sors which will (13) recog nize you whe n you, whe n you come to the front door eve n. P erha ps (14) architects and desig ners will be a bit more (15) imag in ative about how houses are desig ned and p erha ps wilh the (16) shortage of sp ace people will thi nk of pu tt ing garde ns (17) on the roof and, and maybe rooms can be (18) expan ded and, and (19) con tracted* depending on what you use them for, so p erha ps there'll be a bit more (20) flexibility about that. Part 2 Liste ning for Gist I Want to See Dr Milt on :Dialogue
Woma n: Surgery. Can I help you?
Stone: Good after noon. My n ame's Frank Ston e. I want to make an appoin tme nt to see Dr Milt on, p lease.
Woma n: Yes, of course, Mr Stone. May I have your address, pl ease? Sto ne: 118 Hill Road, Lo ndon S.E. 18.
Woma n: Yes, we have you on the records. Can you man age this after noon at 5:30?
Stone: rm afraid no t. I can man age tomorrow.
Woma n: rm afraid Dr Milto n's not on duty tomorrow. He'll be here the day after tomorrow. That's Thursday, March 27th. Stone: Fine.
Woma n: Will 5:30 be all right?
Sto ne: Well, yes. But rd p refer a later time so I can come along after work. Woma n: The n what about 6:15?
Sto ne: Well, that's fine. Tha nk you. Goodbye. Woma n: Goodbye.
Exercise. Direct ions: Liste n to the dialogue and write dow n the gist and the key words that help you decide.
1. This dialogue is about making an appointmen _______ Woma n: Liste n! I'm terribly sorry rm late. Man:
Man: Oh, that's all right. It does n't really matter, does it? I have n't got anything
better to do, have I?
Woma n: Just let me explain, will you?
Man: rve only bee n wait ing for over an hour. That's all. Woma n: Yes. I know, and I would have ...
Man: After all, my time isn't really that imp orta nt, is it? Woma n: PI ease don't be like that. Just let me explain. (Sile nee. Man says no thi ng.)
Woma n: I ... I tried to get here in time but just after I left home, the car broke dow n.
Man: The car broke dow n?
Woma n: Yes, and ... well ... luckily ... there was a garage n ear me. And ... and it took them a while to rep air it. Man: Why did n't you at least pho ne?
Woma n: I would have! But I did n't know the nu mber of the restaura nt. Man: You could have looked it up in the tele phone book!
Woma n: Yes, but ... you'll n ever believe this ... I could n't remember the n ame of the restaura nt. I knew where it was, but forgot the n ame.
Man: I see. Well, at least it was lucky you found a garage to rep air your car. Woma n: Yes. It was somethi ng I could n't do myself. It did n't take too long, but that's why rm late, you see.
Man: Uh-huh. Which garage, by the way? Woma n: Pardon?
Which garage did you take it to? Man:
2. The key words are Tuesday. Thursday. two fiftee n. three fiftee n. Mon day morning. nine o'clock..
Sectio n Two Liste ning comp rehe nsion Part 1 Dialogue
rm terribly sorry rm late.
Woma n: Liste n! I'm terribly sorry rm late. Man:
Man: Oh, that's all right. It does n't really matter, does it? I have n't got anything better to do, have I?
Woman: Just let me explain, will you?
Man: I've only been waiting for over an hour. That's all. Woman: Yes. I know, and I would have ...
Man: After all, my time isn't really that important, is it? Woman: Please don't be like that. Just let me explain.
(Silence. Man says nothing.)
Woman: I ... I tried to get here in time but just after I left home, the car broke down.
Man: The car broke down?
Woman: Yes, and ... well ... luckily ... there was a garage near me. And ... and it took them a while to repair it.
Man: Why didn't you at least phone?
Woman: I would have! But I didn't know the number of the restaurant. Man: You could have looked it up in the telephone book!
Woman: Yes, but ... you'll never believe this ... I couldn't remember the name of the restaurant. I knew where it was, but forgot the name.
Man: I see. Well, at least it was lucky you found a garage to repair your car. Woman: Yes. It was something I couldn't do myself. It didn't take too long, but that's why I'm late, you see.
Man: Uh -huh. Which garage, by the way? Woman: Pardon?
Man: Which garage did you take it to?
Woman: Uh ... the one near my flat. You know. Lewis Brothers. Man: Yes, I know that garage. It's the only one near your flat.
Woman: Hmm, well now, let's have something to eat. Uh, what about some ... Man: I know the garage very well!
Woman: Yes. Let's see now. Yes, I think I'll have some ... Man: A pity it's Sunday. Woman: Pardon?
Man: A pity it's Sunday. That garage is closed on Sunday!
Exercise Directions: Listen to the dialogue and answer the following questions. 1. They are possibly boyfriend and girlfriend. 2.In a restaurant.
3.It doesn't really matter, does it? I haven't got anything better to do, have I? I've only been waiting for over an hour. That's all After all, my time isn't really that important, is it? Well, at least it was lucky you found a garage to repair your car.
4. Because she wants to stop the conversation like this. 5. Because he knows the girl is lying.
Part 2 P assage The Oscar Statuette
1 In dustry in siders and members of the p ress called the award he Academy statuette, he golde n trophy or he statue of merit, but the term n ever stuck. 2. No hard evide nee exists to support that tale, but in any case, by the sixth Awards P rese ntati on in 1934, a Hollywood eolum nist used the n ame in his eolum n.